HTML <strong> tag

The strong element in HTML is used to display the real significant information in bold so that the user or reader will understand it easily.




Here, we will demonstrate how to use the strong HTML element to define essential material of any document:

Example 1:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> html strong tag </title>
<h1>The strong element</h1>
<p> the text you see here is a normal text.</p>
<strong>here this text is important!than others</strong></p>


HTML Strong Tag

You can also use the <b> tag if you want to do the same thing with any specific bold text without any extra importance.

Example 2:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> html strong tag </title>
<h1>The strong element</h1>
<p> in this text you will see some more examples</p>
<p> Before proceeding ahead, 
<strong> you should make sure putting on your safety equipments </strong>. </p>


HTML Strong Tag

Default CSS Settings

We can also use the <strong> element in the document with the help of default CSS values:


strong {
  font-weight: bold;

Browser support:

List of browsers that support html <section> tag are mentioned below:

Chrome: yes – version 1 needed

Microsoft edge: yes – version 12 needed

Firefox: yes – version 1 needed

Safari: yes

Opera: yes