Font tag in HTML

HTML stands for Hypertext Mark-up Language and is used to create web pages and other information that can be later displayed in a web browser. It also consists of a set of attributes and tags used to define the structures and content of a web page.

What are HTML tags?

HTML tags are used to define the structure and content of a web page. They consist of a tag name enclosed in angle brackets <>, and most tags have a corresponding closing tag with a forward slash /.

For example, the <p> tag is used to define a paragraph, and the text within the tags is the content of the paragraph:

<p>This is the example of a paragraph.</p>

Some tags in HTML do not require a closing tag, such as the <img> tag which is used to embed images in a web page:

<imgsrc="images.jpeg" alt="The image">

HTML tags could also have attributes, which can provide additional information about the tag. For example, the src attribute in the <img> tag points towards the source URL of the image.

Some of the most commonly used HTML tags

Headings: <h1> to <h6>
Paragraphs: <p>
Links: <a>
Images: <img>
Lists: <ul>, <ol>, <li>
Tables: <table>, <tr>, <td>
Forms: <form>, <input>, <textarea>, <button>
Semantic elements: <header>, <nav>, <main>, <aside>, <footer>

Font tag in HTML

The <font> tag in HTML was used to specify the font face, size, and color of text on a web page. This tag was commonly used in the early days of the web when styles were limited and had to be applied directly to individual elements on a page.

However, the <font> tag has been deprecated and is no longer supported in modern HTML (HTML5). It is recommended to use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) instead to style text and other elements on a web page. CSS provides more control and flexibility over the appearance of a page, and separates the presentation of a page from its content.

For example, instead of using the <font> tag, you can use CSS to set the font family, size, and color for all headings on a page:

h1 { font-family: Arial; font-size: 36px; color: blue; }

The font tag in HTML has several attributes, including:

  • Size: It specifies the size of the text. The size can be specified as an absolute size in points (e.g. size="12") or as a relative size (e.g. size="+2").
  • Color: It specifies the color of the text. The color can be specified as a named color (e.g. color="blue") or as a hexadecimal value (e.g. color="#0000FF").
  • Face: It specifies the typeface of the text. This can be a font family name (e.g. face="Arial").
  • Style: It specifies the font style, such as bold, italic, or normal.

Here is an example of an HTML code using the font tag and its attributes:


<font size="5" color="#0000FF" face="Arial">This is some text!</font>

In this example, the size, color, and face attributes are used to specify the font size, color, and typeface of the text.

Note: Note that the font tag is deprecated and it is recommended to use CSS for styling text in HTML documents. Here is an equivalent example using CSS:


p {
font-size: 20px;
color: blue;
font-family: Arial;
<p>This is some text!</p>

In this example, the CSS code is added in the head section of the HTML document, and the p tag is used to define the font size, color, and typeface. The font-size, color, and font-family properties are used to specify the font size, color, and typeface respectively.

Importance of font tag

  • The font tag was used to change the font size and color of text in HTML documents. However, the font tag is now considered deprecated and should not be used in modern HTML development.
  • Instead, CSS is used for styling text in HTML documents, as it provides more control and flexibility in terms of font size, color, and other text styles. CSS allows you to separate the presentation from the content, making it easier to maintain and update the design of a website.
  • So, while the font tag may have had some importance in the past, it is no longer considered a best practice and should not be used in modern HTML development.