HTML Onclick

What is HTML Onclick Attribute?

The onclick attribute can be applied as an event attribute in HTML to determine the function of a JavaScript that should perform when it is clicked on by any user who interacts with their navigational element. Although it can be used on any HTML element, buttons are most commonly the objects of it.

How to Use HTML Onclick Attribute?

The onclick attribute can be used by adding it to the opening tag of an HTML element that you wish to be clickable and specifying the name of the JavaScript function that should be called when the element is clicked.

Syntax of HTML Onclick

<tagname onclick="script"></tagname>

Example using on click to display an alert message:

<button onclick="alert('Hello!')">Click me</button>

An alert box containing the words "Hello!" will appear when you press the button.

To invoke a JavaScript function using an HTML button:


function showMessage() &lbrace;         

alert('Hello from a function!');   



In this case, the showMessage() function is called when the button is clicked, and an alert box is subsequently displayed.

It is more than buttons that can utilize this attribute on nearly every HTML element.

For easier maintenance, keep your JavaScript and HTML code separate. To avoid placing the script inside the attribute, you would first assign your element an ID before adding an event listener in a different

<button id="myButton">Click me</button>    


document.getElementById('myButton').addEventListener('click', function() &lbrace; alert('Hello from an event listener!');



This feature is a powerful tool for making your web pages more interactive. By utilizing the HTML button feature, you can create web pages that react to user input and offer a more engaging user experience.

HTML Onclick Attribute Impacts Website SEO

The onclick property does not directly impact Website SEO (Search Engine Optimization) by itself. Along with many other characteristics, search engine algorithms are primarily concerned with content relevancy, user experience, mobile friendliness, site speed, backlinks, and domain authority.

However, there may be unexpected consequences for SEO depending on how you use JavaScript and the attributes on your website:

  • Content accessibility: Search engines may not see content that uses JavaScript to load links or important content when an element with an onclick attribute is clicked. Your material can only be indexed or ranked by search engines if they are able to access or comprehend it.
  • User Experience (UX): The onclick attribute can indirectly help SEO if you use it to improve user experience, and it does so well. Improved user experience can result in more engaged users, fewer bounce rates, and longer site visits—all of which can be good signals to search engines.
  • Site Speed: If your website is overly dependent on JavaScript and needs to be optimized, it may become slower. This is especially true if large scripts are running as a result of onclick events. It is imperative to maintain the speed of your website since it is a recognized SEO ranking criterion.
  • Mobile User Experience: Since Google employs mobile-first indexing, it might negatively impact the mobile user experience if your onclick events aren't optimized for mobile devices. This is very important for SEO.
  • Interactivity: Since Google launched Core Web Vitals, metrics pertaining to interactivity, such as First Input Delay, have been taken into account when determining ranking. This measure may be fine if your onclick handlers’ process clicks too slowly or cause the page to become unusable.

The features you use with the HTML button attribute might alter elements that search engines are concerned with, even though the attribute itself has no bearing on SEO. When utilizing JavaScript in the design of your website, make sure that the user experience is always the priority, that the content is accessible, and follow best practices.

Troubleshooting and Solving Onclick Attribute Errors

1. Not Working At All

  • When clicked, the onclick attribute does not cause any action to happen.
  • Make sure the inline or JavaScript function code is typed correctly and without any syntax issues inside the attribute. The Console tab of the browser developer tools can be used to look for JavaScript issues.

2. JavaScript Not Executing

  • When the onclick event-equipped link is clicked, JavaScript either doesn't run at all or gives unexpected results.
  • Use the browser developer tools (Console tab) to look for JavaScript issues. Ensure that your script's syntax is proper and that no variables are missing or in conflict.

3. Multiple Event Handlers

  • Unpredictable behavior may result from multiple event handlers interfering with one another.
  • Go over your code to ensure you are not inadvertently attaching more than one event listener to the same element. Eliminate unused event listeners or combine their features into one.

4. JavaScript Disabled

  • JavaScript is blocked in the user's browser, which prevents the onclick feature from functioning.
  • Although it is not possible to compel visitors to activate JavaScript, you can offer a smooth fallback or a notification encouraging them to do so for the optimal user experience.

5. Outdated JavaScript Libraries

  • An out-of-date or unloaded JavaScript library or framework is required for the onclick function to function.
  • Before loading any dependent scripts, make sure all your libraries are loaded correctly and are up to date. Verify the sequence in which your script tags are placed and utilize async or defer as necessary.

6. Mobile Devices Issues

  • Mobile devices are unable to utilize the capability, while desktop computers can.
  • If you tap quickly, mobile browsers can see it as a zoom gesture instead of a click. Think about utilizing frameworks or libraries that provide improved touch event handling or touch-friendly event listeners like Touchstart.

7. Event Bubbling or Propagation

  • Within nested items, event bubbling or propagation causes the on-click event to be overridden or halted.
  • Recognize what bubbling and capturing an event mean. To stop undesirable bubbling, use event.stopPropagation() in your JavaScript code.

8. Incorrect Element Targeting

  • The onclick event is not aimed at the correct element due to dynamic content loading or for other reasons.
  • Make sure the element you want the click event to target is the one you have chosen. You may need to attach the event after the new content loads or use event delegation if your content loads dynamically.
  • Developers may guarantee a more seamless user experience and prevent unforeseen behaviors by being aware of these typical onclick hazards and their fixes.

9. Href Overriding Onclick

  • The browser may navigate away before the JavaScript is executed if the link (<a>) has both an onclick event and a href attribute.
  • Using event.preventDefault() in the onclick function, you can stop the link from acting by default. In this manner, the JavaScript can run because the link won't navigate away.
<a href="somepagename.html" onclick="event.preventDefault(); doSomething();">Click me</a>

Check Links with a URL in Onclick Attribute with Internal Link Checker by Sitechecker

Web admins and developers looking to analyze the complexities of their website's connecting system will find a reliable solution in the internal links tool. The usage of URLs inside HTML element "onclick" attributes is one of the more complex problems in contemporary web development. When an element is clicked, they are frequently used to carry out particular activities or go to alternative URLs.

Users may examine the intricacies of their website's architecture with SiteChecker.Pro in order to determine the effectiveness and accuracy of these onclick URLs. The application examines every area of the website, making sure those connections hidden within dynamic actions or JavaScript routines are also noticed. Such a comprehensive analysis is essential, particularly because poorly constructed or malfunctioning onclick links might impair user experience or interfere with planned website capabilities.

In summary, web admins can also be assured that their onclick attributes are correctly set to redirect individuals to where they want them directed and function as intended by asking for help from SiteChecker.Pro’s services. This ensures a flawless browsing experience, hence user engagement and satisfaction.


Web developers may make their pages interact by associating a Javascript function to run when an HTML element, for instance, buttons, is clicked through the essence of the "onclick" property in any HTML code. It may not have a direct impact on its functionality.

Still, certain vital SEO parameters such as content accessibility, user experience, site speed, and responsiveness to mobile might be affected indirectly by the property of the page itself or even the JavaScript code that gets active while implementing it.

Web admins also must be very careful when dealing with this feature in order to avoid making fatal mistakes and creating unnecessary disagreements that may lead to people having problems while using tools like SiteChecker.Pro provides a lot of detailed ways on how you can test it, but they are actually working well, especially the ones where URLs are included.