Half Subtractor in Digital Electronics

A half subtractor is a digital circuit that performs binary subtraction on two input bits. The inputs to the half subtractor are the minuend bit (A) and the subtrahend bit (B). The half subtractor produces two outputs: the difference (D) which is the result of the subtraction and a borrow (Borrow) bit.

Half Subtractor

Fig 1.1 Half subtractor

The difference (D) is calculated by subtracting the subtrahend (B) from the minuend (A). The borrow (Borrow) bit is used to indicate if there is a carry over from the subtraction. If a carry over occurs, the borrow bit is set to 1, otherwise it is set to 0. The half subtractor is a fundamental building block in digital electronics and computer systems. It is used in combination with other circuits to perform more complex arithmetic operations such as full subtractors and adders.

In simpler terms, a half subtractor can be thought of as a simple subtraction circuit that takes two binary digits as inputs and outputs the difference between them, along with a signal indicating if there is a carry over.

Truth table of half subtractor


In this truth table, A and B are the two inputs to the half subtractor circuit, and Difference and Borrow are the two outputs. The table shows the output values for each possible combination of input values.

Construction of Half Subtractor

The half subtractor is designed with the help of the following logic gates:

2-input Exclusive-OR gate or Ex-OR gate

The 2-input XOR gate is the core component of the half subtractor circuit. The XOR gate implements the exclusive OR operation, which means that the output is 1 if either input is 1, but 0 if both inputs are 1.

Half Subtractor

Fig 1.2 EX-OR gate

By using the XOR gate to perform the subtraction operation, the half subtractor circuit is able to perform binary subtraction with a single gate, making it a simple and efficient circuit for binary arithmetic operations.

There is truth table of EX-OR gate:


2-input AND gate

In the half subtractor circuit, the 2-input AND gate is used to calculate the borrow output, which indicates whether or not a borrow is required in the subtraction operation.

Half Subtractor

Fig 1.3 AND gate

By using the AND gate to perform the borrow calculation, the half subtractor circuit is able to perform binary subtraction with a simple and efficient circuit, where the AND gate is used to perform the carry-out calculation.

The truth table of AND gate is:


NOT gate or Inverter gate

The NOT gate is used to get the inverse output. We can combine the AND and NOT gates in order to get the combinational gate NAND. By inverting the input A using NOT gate and then use the output of the NOT gate as the input of the AND gate, we can get the Borrow bit.

Half Subtractor

Fig 1.4 NOT gate

Truth table is:


Application of Half Subtractor

Half subtractors have a wide range of applications in digital electronics and computer systems, including:

  1. Binary Subtraction: The half subtractor circuit is used as a building block in the design of full subtractor circuits, which perform binary subtraction of two multi-bit numbers.
  2. Arithmetic Logic Units (ALUs): Half subtractors are used in the design of ALUs, which perform arithmetic and logic operations in computer processors.
  3. Error Detection and Correction: Half subtractors can be used to detect and correct errors in digital data transmission by calculating the difference between the original data and the received data.
  4. Digital Filters: Half subtractors can be used to implement digital filters, which process signals in the digital domain for applications such as audio processing, image processing, and control systems.
  5. Code Converters: Half subtractors are used in the design of code converters, which convert binary data from one code to another.


In conclusion, the half subtractor is a simple but powerful digital logic circuit that performs binary subtraction of two input bits. It consists of two main components, the XOR gate, which performs the subtraction operation, and the NOT gate, which complements the input B. The half subtractor outputs the difference between the two inputs and the borrow signal, which indicates if a borrow was required during the subtraction operation.

Half subtractors have a wide range of applications in digital electronics and computer systems, including binary subtraction, arithmetic logic units, error detection and correction, digital filters, and code converters. The simplicity and versatility of the half subtractor make it a valuable building block in the design of a wide range of digital systems.