Cyber Security Tutorial

Cyber Security Overview Cyber Security Introduction Cyber Crime Cyber Space Cyber Criminals Cyber Law Cyber Attackers Types of Hackers Functions of Cyber Security Method to Improve Data Security Cyber security frameworks Importance of Cyber Security Types of Cyber Security Cyber Security Fundamentals Applications of cyber security Cyber security in education sector Cyber security in health care industry Cyber security tools Cyber security policies Types of security policies Characteristics of cyber security policies Digital signature Cyber Security Standards NIST- National Institute of Standard and technology Information Technology Act ISO - International Standard for Organization ISO certification PCI DSS Standard FINRA Difference between Information Security and Cyber Security Cyber Security Vulnerability Elements of vulnerability management Social Engineering Vulnerability Assessment Vulnerability management Types of cyber security vulnerabilities Identification of security vulnerability Types of social engineering attacks Penetration Testing Penetration Testing Tools Types of penetration testing Process of Penetration Testing What is Phishing Elements of cyber security Difference between Spoofing and Phishing Difference between Network Security and Cyber Security Difference between Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security Role of artificial engineering in cyber security Cyber Forensics Definition Cyber Security job qualifications Cyber Security Prerequisites Cyber Security Identity and Access Management What is Cyber Forensics Different Types of Cybercrime Different types of cybercrime Tunneling Techniques in Cyber Security

What is Cyber Forensics?

Cyber Forensics is the process of obtaining data as evidence for a crime (using electronic equipment) while adhering to correct investigative procedures to apprehend the offender by presenting the evidence to the court. Cyber Forensics is also called Computer forensics sometimes. Maintaining the chain of evidence and documentation to identify the digital criminal is the primary goal of Cyber Forensics.

Cyber Forensics can do the following things:

  • It can retrieve deleted data, chat histories, emails, and more.
  • Calls and SMS can also be erased.
  • Phone calls can be recorded and played back later.
  • It can track who utilised which system when and for how long.
  • It can determine which user has executed which program.

What makes Cyber Forensics crucial?

Cyber Forensics is extremely important in today's technologically advanced generation. Cyber Forensics and technology work together to speeds up investigations and produce reliable results.

The following examples illustrate the significance of Cyber Forensics:

  • Cyber Forensics aids in gathering crucial digital evidence to track down the offender.
  • Electronic devices store enormous volumes of data that are invisible to the naked eye. As an illustration, every time we talk in a smart home, activities taken by smart gadgets generate enormous amounts of data that are essential to Cyber Forensics.
  • The evidence gathered online can also be used by innocent persons to demonstrate their innocence.
  • It is utilised to solve physical crimes like theft cases, murder, etc., in addition to solving digital crimes.
  • Businesses can track system breaches and identify the attackers thanks to Cyber Forensics.

The Methodology Used in Cyber Forensics 

  • Acquiring a digital replica of the system must be examined.
  • Confirming and authenticating the copy.
  • Getting back erased files (Using Autopsy Tool).
  • To discover the information you need, use keywords.
  • The creation of a technical report.

How did Cyber Forensics professionals operate?

To gather data and draw conclusions after thorough research, the field of Cyber Forensics adheres to a set of rules.

The steps that cyber forensic specialists take are as follows:

  • Identification: Cyber Forensics professionals identify the types of evidence that are present, where they are stored, and in what format they are stored as their first step.
  • Preservation: After locating the data, the following step is to carefully preserve it. To prevent data tampering, no one else should use the device.
  • Analysis: After obtaining the data, the system or data must be examined. Here, the expert finds the evidence that the criminal attempted to erase by erasing hidden files, recovers the erased files, checks the recovered data, and recovers the data. The ultimate result may require numerous cycles of this method.
  • Documentation: A record is now made following data analysis. This file contains all the retrieved and readily accessible (not deleted) data that is useful for evaluating and reconstructing the crime scene.
  • Presentation: This is the last step, where the data that has been processed is shown to the judge to resolve cases.

Computer Forensics Types

Depending on the industry that requires digital inquiry, there are various forms of computer forensics. Here are the fields:

  • Network Forensics: Network forensics is keeping an eye on and examining network traffic going to and coming from the criminal's network. Network intrusion detection systems and other automated techniques are the tools in use here.
  • Email forensics: In this kind of forensics, specialists examine the criminal's email and retrieve deleted email threads to extract important case-relevant data.
  • Malware forensics: This area of forensics deals with crimes relating to hacking. To determine who is responsible for this hack, the forensics specialist looks at the malware and trojans in this case.
  • Memory forensics: This area of forensics is obtaining raw data from the memory (such as cache, RAM, etc.) to extract information.
  • Mobile phone forensics: This area of forensics focuses mostly on mobile phones and is known as mobile phone forensics. They look over and evaluate the cell phone's data.
  • Database forensics: This area of forensics looks at and evaluates data from databases and the metadata that goes with it.
  • Disk forensics: This area of forensics searches updated, active, or deleted files to extract data from storage medium.

Approaches used by Cyber Forensic Investigators

To investigate the data, cyber forensic investigators employ a variety of methods and technologies, some of them are as follows:

  • Reverse steganography: Important data can be concealed inside a digital file, image, etc. via steganography. Therefore, reverse steganography is used by cyber forensic specialists to analyse the data and discover a connection to the case.
  • Stochastic forensics: Without employing digital artefacts, stochastic forensics specialists examine and reconstruct digital activity. In this context, artefacts refer to unintentional data changes that result from digital operations.
  • Cross-drive analysis: This method uses correlation and cross-referencing to evaluate and preserve data from various computer drives that is pertinent to the investigation.
  • Live analysis: Using this method, the operating system of a criminal's computer is examined while it is actively functioning. To obtain certain important data, it targets the volatile RAM data.
  • Delete file recovery: Deleted file recovery entails looking through memory for remnants of a partially deleted file to retrieve it for use as evidence.

Advantages of Cyber Forensics

  • Cyber Forensics ensures the computer's integrity.
  • Many people, businesses, and other entities learn about these crimes thanks to Cyber Forensics, and they then take the necessary precautions to prevent them.
  • Cyber Forensics collects evidence from digital devices and offers it to the court so that the offender may be punished.
  • They locate the offender quickly and effectively anywhere in the world.
  • They support those who want to safeguard their resources, such as time and money.
  • The audience can be made aware of the pertinent data by making it trend.

Qualifications to become a cyber forensic expert

A cyber forensic specialist must possess the following abilities Following are the qualifications to become a cyber forensic expert:

  • Cyber Forensics is a technology based area. Therefore, it is necessary to understand numerous technologies, including computers, mobile phones, network hacks, security breaches, etc.
  • The expert should pay close attention as they go through a lot of information looking for proof or evidence.
  • The specialist needs to be knowledgeable about criminal legislation, a criminal investigation, etc.
  • As we all know, technology evolves with time, thus specialists need to stay current on new developments.
  • Experts in Cyber Forensics need to be able to analyse the evidence, draw inferences from it, and give accurate interpretations.
  • When presenting evidence before the court, the expert's communication skills must be effective for everyone to comprehend each element clearly.
  • The specialist needs to be well-versed in fundamental cyber security.