Blockchain Tutorial

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Introduction and Features of Cryptography DNA cryptography ECB Mode in Cryptography Elliptic curve in cryptography Format String Vulnerabilities in Cryptography and Network Security Kerberos in Cryptography and Network Security Blowfish Algorithm in Cryptography Data Encryption Standards Feistel Cipher in Cryptography HMAC Algorithm in Cryptography IP Security in Cryptography ElGamal Algorithm ElGamal Cryptosystem What is IDEA Advantages of Cryptography Role of Bitcoin Miners Blockchain Hash Function Blockchain Merkle Tree Blockchain Pow Coinbase Transactions Consensus Algorithms in Blockchain Blockchain Technology-Introduction Blockchain - Public Key Cryptography Double Spending On Blockchain Bitcoin - Brief History Blockchain - Incentives to Miners Blockchain - Network Mining Blockchain – Resolving Conflicts Full vs Simple Payment Verification in Blockchain Characteristics of Hash Functions DSA Algorithm in Cryptography Security Services in Cryptography and Network Security Enterprise Blockchain Solution Blockchain Payment Verification Blockchain Mitigating Attacks Four Key Concepts of Blockchain Blockchain Variants Blockchain Hashing Crypto Currency in India Blockchain Privacy Blockchain Bridge Blockchain And Ledger AWS and Blockchain Blockchain - Incentives to Miners Blockchain - Network Mining What is a Blockchain Wallet? Riot Blockchain Top 10 blockchain development companies What is Block Blockchain Council? What is Monero Blockchain? Top 10 Blockchain Stocks What is a hot blockchain? What is Blockchain Transaction? What is sui blockchain? What makes Casper a modular blockchain Blockchain as a Service How to Become a Blockchain Developer in 2024? What is Avalanche's Three Blockchains? What is Block blockchain poker? Alchemist Blockchain Blockchain for Healthcare Ai and Blockchain How the cryptocurrency created? What is crypto economics? Attacks on Cryptosystems Triple DES

Feistel Cipher in Cryptography

What is Feistel Cipher?

A Feistel Cipher is a structural model that is used to build various symmetric block Ciphers similar to DES. This structural model can be self in veritable. The Feistel Cipher algorithm follows the technique of standard encryption and decryption algorithm. The Feistel Cipher algorithm is based on the Shannon structure that was proposed in the year of 1945. The Feistel Cipher algorithm demonstrates the confusion and diffusion encryption process. It is possible with the help of a substitution algorithm. The diffusion encryption process makes a complex relationship between plain text and Ciphertext. This diffusion process follows a permutation algorithm. The Feistel Cipher follows the implementation process of substitution and permutation algorithm. Substitution replaces the plain text with the Ciphertext. 

Example of the Feistel Cipher

The Feistel Cipher algorithm involves various steps for processing plain text. Each round involves two processes, including the permutation step and substitution step. This encryption process involves the following steps. 

Steps 1:

In the first step of the encryption process, the plain text is divided into different blocks. And only one block process one time only. The encryption process consists of plain text and a key. 

Step 2:

The plain text is divided into two steps. The left part of the plain text is represented as LEO, and the right part of the plain text is known as REO. Both parts of the plain text (LEO and REO) undergo the process of conversion of plain text to Ciphertext block. 

For every encryption process, the encryption process is applied to the REO of the plain text, which has a key known as Ki. This encryption process results in the XORed of the LEO of the plain text. XOR is a logical operation used in cryptography for encryption and decryption. After that, this XOR function results in a new right half of the plain text. The last right half becomes the new right half of the plain text. Every round of this cryptography follows the same steps. In every step, the substitution function implements the round part of the right-hand side of the plain text. 

Features of Feistel Cipher

There are some features that are used in the Feistel Cipher. These are as follows.

1. Block size

When the size of the block is large, then the Cipher block is more secure. Because when the size of the block is large, then the execution speed of encryption and decryption increases. 

2. Easy analysis

With the help of the Feistel Cipher, it is straightforward to analyze the weakness of any cryptographic algorithm. 

3. Number of rounds

The number of process rounds can impact the security of the Cipher block. When the number of games increases, then the security level also increases. So the decryption process is going to be more complicated. 

4. Round function

With the help of the complex round function, we can boost the security level of the block Cipher.

Python code:

import binascii
def rand_key(p): 
import random
key1 = ""
p = int(p)
for i in range(p):                                                          
temp = random.randint(0,1)      
temp = str(temp)                                                             
key1 = key1 + temp                                                          
def exor(a,b):                                                               
temp = ""
for i in range(n):
if (a[i] == b[i]):
temp += "0"                                                                        
temp += "1"
return temp
def BinaryToDecimal(binary):
string = int(binary, 2)
return string
PT = "Hello"
print("Plain Text is:", PT)
            PT_Ascii = [ord(x) for x in PT]
PT_Bin = [format(y,'08b') for y in PT_Ascii]
PT_Bin = "".join(PT_Bin)
n = int(len(PT_Bin)//2)
L1 = PT_Bin[0:n]
R1 = PT_Bin[n::]
m = len(R1)
K1= rand_key(m)
K2= rand_key(m)
f1 = exor(R1,K1)
R2 = exor(f1,L1)
L2 = R1
f2 = exor(R2,K2)
R3 = exor(f2,L2)
L3 = R2
bin_data = L3 + R3
str_data =' '
for i in range(0, len(bin_data), 7):                                        
temp_data = bin_data[i:i + 7]                                                
decimal_data = BinaryToDecimal(temp_data)                                    
str_data = str_data + chr(decimal_data)                                                                  
print("Cipher Text:", str_data)
L4 = L3
R4 = R3
f3 = exor(L4,K2)
L5 = exor(R4,f3)
R5 = L4
f4 = exor(L5,K1)
L6 = exor(R5,f4)
R6 = L5
PT1 = L6+R6
PT1 = int(PT1, 2)
RPT = binascii.unhexlify( '%x'% PT1)
print("Retrieved Plain Text is: ", RPT)


Feistel Cipher in Cryptography


The Feistel Cipher is a well-known cryptography design model that organizations can use to help secure their sensitive data. Even if a hacker knows the Cipher algorithm, a strong encryption Cipher should prevent the criminal from deciphering the Cipher plain text without having the key or sets of keys. In addition to this Cipher model, businesses should adopt a layered cybersecurity strategy to help prevent threat actors from stealing or exposing their sensitive information.