MySQL Tutorial

MySQL Tutorial MySQL Features MySQL Database Introduction MySQL Environmental Setup MySQL Data Types MySQL variable MySQL Advance table Query MySQL database queries MySQL Entity-Relationship Model MySQL Table Query MySQL Operators MySQL logical conditions MySQL Queries MySQL Clauses Clustered vs Non-Clustered Index MySQL Full text index MySQL Descending Index MySQL Invisible Index MySQL Composite Index MySQL Prefix index MySQL Index MySQL Create index MySQL Drop Index MySQL Show index MySQL Unique index MySQL Table MySQL Variable MySQL View MySQL Constraints MySQL Command Line Client Basic Queries MySQL Stored Procedure MySQL IF Statement MySQL Subquery MySQL Triggers

MySQL Join


MySQL Function

MySQL Function MySQL AVG() Function MySQL SUM() Function MySQL String() Function MySQL Advance() Function MySQL Aggregate() Function MySQL COALESCE() Function MySQL Control Flow Function MySQL COUNT() Function MySQL Date And Time Function MySQL GREATEST() Function MySQL ISNULL() Function MySQL LEAST() Function MySQL Math() Function MySQL MAX() Function MySQL MIN() Function MySQL find_in_set() function MySQL ASIN() Function MySQL CEIL() function MySQL CEILING() function MySQL TAN() Function MySQL Truncate() Function MySQL FLOOR() function MySQL LN() function MySQL LOG2() function MySQL LOG10() function MySQL MOD() function MySQL PI() function MySQL POW() function MySQL RADIANS() function MySQL RAND() function MySQL ROUND() function MySQL Character Length Function MySQL Current Date Function MySQL Date Add Function MySQL Date Format Function MySQL Datediff Function MySQL Day Function MySQL Elt Function MySQL Export Set Function MySQL Field Function MySQL Format Function MySQL From Base64 Function MySQL Hex Function MySQL Insert Function MySQL Instr Function MySQL Length Function MySQL CONCAT() function MySQL FIND_IN_SET() function MySQL LIKE() function MySQL LOAD_FILE() function MySQL LOCATE() function MySQL LOG() function MySQL MONTHNAME() function MySQL NOW() function MySQL PERIOD_ADD() function MySQL PERIOD_DIFF() function MySQL POWER() function MySQL QUARTER() function MySQL REVERSE() function MySQL RIGHT() Function MySQL RPAD() function MySQL RTRIM() function MySQL SEC_TO_TIME() function MySQL SOUNDEX() function


Which Clause is Similar to Having Clause in MySQL


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Joins Available in MySQL

Understanding Database Joins in Relational Databases:

Relational databases normally store data in several tables, each containing a particular type of information. Nevertheless, in many cases, they have to be joined in order to get relevant information. Database joins are basic operations used in combining data from different tables into one large table using common attributes or keys. This basic idea can’t be avoided if we want to obtain maximum benefits from the use of relational databases.

However, database joins work as a connecting means that relate rows of the same sets through similar valuations for specific columns, referred to as join conditions. Upon completion of execution, joins produce a result set containing columns drawn out of every table while bringing together the necessary data systematically. With this pooled information, a number of tasks ranging from reporting, analyzing, and decision-making could be achieved.

Types of Joins in MySQL:

Several kinds of joins exist that are found in MySQL, a common relational database management system for dealing with various ways of integrating different data. These joins include:

  • Inner join: A join returns only matching rows of the two tables and excludes others. This form of join is the most widespread one as well.
  • LEFT JOIN: LEFT JOIN selects all rows in the left set and all matching entries of the right one. The result includes only unmatched rows from the left table, which have NULL values.
  • RIGHT JOIN: A RIGHT JOIN, on the other hand, is referred to as a left join, which is the opposite of it. All rows from the right table are fetched with only those that match on the left side.
  • FULL JOIN: A full join retrieves everything in both tables, including missing records that are denoted as NULL.
  • SELF JOIN: SELF JOIN is when you join one table with another table, which in most cases happens in comparing data within one table.
  • CROSS JOIN: The Cartesian product of two tables is known as a CROSS JOIN that yields every combination of its rows.

INNER JOIN and Its Purpose:

The basic kind of join operation in MySQL, as well as in other Relational database management solutions, is an Inner Join. It joins data from any number of tables where there is a match between them, and as a result, only rows with identical values for all tables appear in the final result.

An INNER JOIN eliminates irrelevant records where there are common columns between the two tables. An INNER JOIN gives a new table with one of its columns representing data points from all the joined databases and hence showing related information among themselves.

Performing INNER JOINs in MySQL:

To perform an INNER JOIN in MySQL, you need to follow these key steps:

Identify the Tables to Join:

  • First, pick out the respective tables you’ll link. It would help if you comprehended well the facts that you are dealing with as well as the relationship between the tables.

Specify the Join Condition:

  • State join column(s) based on the common columns of these two separate tables. These columns are actually the points of contact or the columns upon which the join is dependent, and they should agree in the two tables.

Write the SQL Query:

Formulate your SQL query with the INNER JOIN clause, mentioning the joined tables and their condition using ON.



SELECT employees.employee_id, employees.employee_name, departments.department_name
FROM employees
INNER JOIN departments ON employees.department_id = departments.department_id;

Execute the Query:

It will have a merged column set consisting of those rows whose conditions match and appear in both tables.

Practical Examples and Use Cases:

  • Employee-Department Relationship: Therefore, for instance, through using an INNER JOIN that associates each employee with their specific department and provides a well-rounded employee profile.
  • Order-Product Matching: With respect to e-commerce databases, INNER JOINS are used to create order histories for the purpose of tracking revenues and controlling inventories, as well as for the reason of matching orders with product details.
  • Student-Course Enrollment: The INNER JOIN can be used by schools to link students’ details with course registration records in order to produce academic records and assess students’ performance.
  • Customer-Order Data: Also, businesses can integrate customer data with order data to study customers’ behaviors, tastes, and consumer history.
  • Employee and Manager Relationships: By combining an employee’s manager’s ID with the manager’s name, it is possible to build the employee-manager relationship required for organizational hierarchy analysis using INNER JOINs.

LEFT JOIN and Its Purpose:

An example of joint operations in MySQL is a LEFT JOIN, also known as an OUTER JOIN, that unifies data from either two or more tables based upon given conditions, including those that bring along all unmatched rows from the left side of the table and each match on the unbalanced The LEFT JOIN always includes these unpaired rows on their side of the join but fills in the corresponding columns from the right table with NULL values. This distinguishes it from an INNER JOIN clause that includes just rows having the same value in both tables.

Performing LEFT JOINs in MySQL:

To execute a LEFT JOIN in MySQL, follow these steps:

Identify the Tables to Join:

  • Identify the tables that need to be joined and their relations. The left-hand column of the table will have the main set of figures required for the end outcome.

Specify the Join Condition:

  • Then, you need to define the join condition, which includes listing all the shared columns of the two tables. These are the column fields that will provide similar features on both sides of the table to enable the matching of entries into pairs for analysis.

Write the SQL Query:

Construct a SQL query utilizing the LEFT JOIN clause, designating the left table followed by a right table, and join the condition using the ON keyword.

Example query:


SELECT customers.customer_id, customers.customer_name, orders.order_id
FROM customers
LEFT JOIN orders ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id;

Execute the Query:

Performing the left join by running the sql query. It returns all rows from the left table together with their matched counterparts from the right table, along with the NULL value in the remaining columns of the second data set.

Real-World Scenarios and Examples:

  • Customer-Order Tracking: By carrying out a LEFT JOIN in an e-commerce database, businesses are able to view the profile of potential customers who have yet to make any orders so far. This is useful for both customer engagement and marketing analytics.
  • Employee-Manager Hierarchy: A LEFT JOIN is useful for tracking employee relationships in an organization because it will include all the employees together with their corresponding supervisors, even those who do not have appointed managers.
  • Product-Review Data: Product information may be integrated with user comments by performing a join on the left between products and customer reviews. The results might contain unchecked goods.
  • Content and User Activity: In terms of content, LEFT JOIN helps link up user accounts with their activity so that activity doesn’t have to be conducted for user information to remain within the results.
  • Inventory Management: A LEFT JOIN of products with inventory records monitors all products involved, even where the inventory records are lacking, as is always the case here.

RIGHT JOIN and Its Purpose:

The MySQL RIGHT JOIN performs a join operation based on a certain criterion and joins data from two or more tables. A RIGHT JOIN selects all the rows in the right (second) table and the related rows in the left (first) table. When this is not the case, RIGHT JOIN will include these unmatched rows in the result by setting their column values as null values. This is unlike an inner join that only considers rows with identical valves in the two tables.

Performing RIGHT JOINs in MySQL:

To conduct a RIGHT JOIN in MySQL, follow these steps:

Identify the Tables to Join:

Start with identifying the involved tables. The primary data that will form part of your results should be on the right side of the table.

Specify the Join Condition:

  • Specify the columns that the two tables share to define the join condition. The contents of these columns form the criteria based on which the corresponding rows are matched in the two tables.

Write the SQL Query:

  • Create an SQL statement that uses the RIGHT JOIN clause with two table names listed, where each table is joined by its corresponding ON keyword.

Examples query:

SELECT orders.order_id, customers.customer_name, orders.order_date
FROM orders
RIGHT JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id;

Execute the Query:

Execute the RIGHT JOIN operation through SQL query. This will comprise all the rows of the right table and those matching ones of the left table, but in case there are non-matching rows, then they will be null valued in the left table’s columns.

Practical Applications and Examples:

  • Order-Customer Data Retrieval: A right join in an e-commerce database retrieves all order details together with customer information so that even orders from customers not available in the customer table are included in the result.
  • Content-User Interaction: A right join will ensure that when users have not interacted with any content, their data remains within the result set on a content platform.
  • Product-Review Data: Products and customized reviews can also be made in RIGHT join to show product details with customers’ comments. The result still includes products that lack a review.
  • Employee-Manager Hierarchy: A RIGHT JOIN can be used to establish a hierarchy as it includes all managers and their subordinates, whether or not each manager has a subordinate.
  • Inventory Management: A RIGHT JOIN between inventory records and product details in a retail database includes all product details regardless of the associated inventory record.

FULL JOIN and Its Purpose:

The FULL JOIN, otherwise referred to as the OUTER JOIN, is one of the types of join operations in MySQL whose function is to merge data from two or more tables depending on a certain conditional and incorporating all rows from each table. A FULL JOIN aims at producing a complete result set that comprises each row from the left (or first) as well as the right table (or second).

FULL JOIN also includes unmatched rows of either table in its result, giving it NULL values for each column present. This is different from INNER JOIN, which only considers rows having the same value between them in the two tables.

Performing FULL JOINs in MySQL:

To execute a FULL JOIN in MySQL, follow these steps:

Identify the Tables to Join:

Begin by identifying the specific tables that you intend to join. In a FULL JOIN, the two tables are joind to form one single dataset.

Specify the Join Condition:

Specify the relationship of matching columns that are present in each table. They provide a basis for matching rows belonging to different side tables.

Write the SQL Query:

Write an SQL query that utilizes the FULL JOIN clause. Specify the left table, right table, and joining condition indicated through the ON keyword.

Example Query:

SELECT employees.employee_id, employees.employee_name, departments.department_name
FROM employees
FULL JOIN departments ON employees.department_id = departments.department_id;

Execute the Query:

EXCUTE SQL query to complete FULL JOIN task. This will produce all rows from the two sides with empty entries for that part of a column where they do not exist matches.

Comprehensive Examples Showcasing Utility:

  • Customer-Order Tracking: In an e-commerce database, a FULL JOIN between the customers and orders tables gives a complete picture of all the customers and their orders regardless of the existence of some other customers that never ordered any items or some specific orders without corresponding customers.
  • Employee-Manager Hierarchy: A FULL JOIN in an organizational database creates an order among the data on employees and their managers. These ensure that even employees without managers or managers without employees are on the list.
  • Product-Review Data: Review platforms are detailed representations of a FULL JOIN between products and customer reviews, even when each product is not reviewed.
  • Inventory Management: Full joins in a retail database include all products and inventory records, whether or not product inventory data matches.
  • Student-Course Enrollment: FULL JOINs have enabled educational institutions to merge student details with course enrollment data, thus helping them generate complete academic transcripts, regardless of whether a learner is taking a class or not.

SELF JOIN and Its Purpose:

Self Join is one among the various types of join operations that take place in MySQL, and a table is joined by itself. A SELF JOIN is primarily used for building bonds with other fields in the same table. It enables you to create multiple rows from a single table using aliases to indicate the same table instance. To build a hierarchy, compare the same datasets, or find the related record(s), SELF JOIN is employed.

Performing SELF JOINs in MySQL:

To conduct a SELF JOIN in MySQL, follow these steps:

  • Specify the Join Condition: State your join condition to indicate which of the columns should be applied in case of matching rows with the same table.
  • Write the SQL Query: Write the SQL query that makes use of the table alias and the INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, or any other join type as per the output required.

Example Query:

SELECT e.employee_name, m.employee_name AS manager_name
FROM employees e
LEFT JOIN employees m ON e.manager_id = m.employee_id;

Execute the Query: Execute a self-join SQL query that generates a result set comprising appropriate rows from the same data table.

Scenarios Where SELF JOINs Are Beneficial:

  • Employee Hierarchy: SELF JOINS could demonstrate an organizational tree wherein different employees would be linked to their supervisors. This is important in analyzing organizational structures and also in the preparation of reports.
  • Comments and Replies: In this way, SELF JOINs can serve as connections in a discussion forum database that facilitates multiple levels, which makes threaded discussions and comment hierarchies possible.
  • Product Variants: In product management, self-join provides a table that links up products and their sub-products or variations such that they appear under the same table as product options.
  • Graph Databases: Here, it is possible to use the SELF JOIN construct since it can be used to model node-to-node relations in graphs appropriate for applications like social networks and recommenders.
  • Genealogy and Family Trees: They used SELF JOINS as a means of creating family trees or genealogical records linking people to their respective parents, siblings, and kids.

CROSS JOIN and Its Purpose:

The peculiarity of a CROSS JOIN, the other name of the join operation in MySQL, is that. The main purpose of a CROSS JOIN operation is to cross a multitude of rows from a single table with a multitude of rows from another table, creating a Cartesian product. It is important to note that CROSS JOIN differs from other join types, which require certain join conditions. Instead, it produces all combinations involving every row in both tables. The net effect may be a big result set having the sum of the row counts across all joined tables as the number of rows.

Executing CROSS JOINs in MySQL:

To execute a CROSS JOIN in MySQL, follow these steps:

Identify the Tables to Join:

Choose the table for joining to form the cross-product. Such an index does not require a joint key or column for such tables.

Write the SQL Query:

Formulate the SQL query by employing the CROSS JOIN clause with the tables that are to be joined.

Example SQL Query:

SELECT customers.customer_name, products.product_name
FROM customers
CROSS JOIN products;

Execute the Query:

Execute the SQL query and do a CROSS JOIN. Every possible combination of rows of the two tables will constitute the result.

Examples Illustrating Outcomes and Limitations:

  • Outcome 1: Product Combinations

Imagine there is a “products” table, as well as a “colors” table. A CROSS JOIN among them will give an imaginary list of all possible product color combinations. It helps in investigating possible product options.

  • Outcome 2: Cartesian Product of Two Lists

Consider two tables: “fruits” and “desserts.” CROSS JOIN gives a list of all pairs for each fruit and dessert. For example, this applies to menu planning as well.

  • Limitation 1: Large Result Sets

However, it is important to be careful, especially if you are working with tables carrying huge numbers of rows, because this type of join can generate very big datasets. This affects query performance and should be handled with care.

  • Limitation 2: Memory and Processing

A CROSS JOIN may take a lot of memory and process since it often produces big datasets. The effect on system resources should also be evaluated.

  • Limitation 3: Data Integrity

CROSS JOIN has nothing to do with the existence of relationships and restrictions between tables. Therefore, they could end up coming up with combinations that cannot make sense or are valid in any environment. Therefore, CROSS join requires very careful management of integrity and accuracy of data.


In conclusion, it is crucial to learn how to join tables with MySQL to enhance the performance of queries for database management. Through comprehension of different join types, effective indexing, and adhering to guidelines, you will realize better execution and precision in your SQL questions.

The use of joins in a correct way can connect related data, establish hierarchies, and create overall result sets, for example. Another assurance is done through regular tests and optimization of database operations. Adopting these best practices allows you to leverage the entirety of MySQL joins. As a result, you get a structured database with a high-performance level.