MySQL Tutorial

MySQL Tutorial MySQL Features MySQL Database Introduction MySQL Environmental Setup MySQL Data Types MySQL variable MySQL Advance table Query MySQL database queries MySQL Entity-Relationship Model MySQL Table Query MySQL Operators MySQL logical conditions MySQL Queries MySQL Clauses Clustered vs Non-Clustered Index MySQL Full text index MySQL Descending Index MySQL Invisible Index MySQL Composite Index MySQL Prefix index MySQL Index MySQL Create index MySQL Drop Index MySQL Show index MySQL Unique index MySQL Table MySQL Variable MySQL View MySQL Constraints MySQL Command Line Client Basic Queries MySQL Stored Procedure MySQL IF Statement MySQL Subquery MySQL Triggers

MySQL Join


MySQL Function

MySQL Function MySQL AVG() Function MySQL SUM() Function MySQL String() Function MySQL Advance() Function MySQL Aggregate() Function MySQL COALESCE() Function MySQL Control Flow Function MySQL COUNT() Function MySQL Date And Time Function MySQL GREATEST() Function MySQL ISNULL() Function MySQL LEAST() Function MySQL Math() Function MySQL MAX() Function MySQL MIN() Function MySQL find_in_set() function MySQL ASIN() Function MySQL CEIL() function MySQL CEILING() function MySQL TAN() Function MySQL Truncate() Function MySQL FLOOR() function MySQL LN() function MySQL LOG2() function MySQL LOG10() function MySQL MOD() function MySQL PI() function MySQL POW() function MySQL RADIANS() function MySQL RAND() function MySQL ROUND() function MySQL Character Length Function MySQL Current Date Function MySQL Date Add Function MySQL Date Format Function MySQL Datediff Function MySQL Day Function MySQL Elt Function MySQL Export Set Function MySQL Field Function MySQL Format Function MySQL From Base64 Function MySQL Hex Function MySQL Insert Function MySQL Instr Function MySQL Length Function MySQL CONCAT() function MySQL FIND_IN_SET() function MySQL LIKE() function MySQL LOAD_FILE() function MySQL LOCATE() function MySQL LOG() function MySQL MONTHNAME() function MySQL NOW() function MySQL PERIOD_ADD() function MySQL PERIOD_DIFF() function MySQL POWER() function MySQL QUARTER() function MySQL REVERSE() function MySQL RIGHT() Function MySQL RPAD() function MySQL RTRIM() function MySQL SEC_TO_TIME() function MySQL SOUNDEX() function


Which Clause is Similar to Having Clause in MySQL


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MySQL Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will get information about the MySQL management system. This tutorial will cover the basic and advanced level MySQL concepts with examples that will help you become proficient. It is designed for students, beginners, and advanced developers.

In basic, you will learn how to insert, retrieve, modify, and remove data from server-side applications. You will learn how to update, change, and connect one data to another data at the advanced level. You will learn how to control information and how to transform and operate a large amount of data.


The data is a group of information with several formats. It collects the number, character, string, images, files, and other data. Ne

The database is a store that organizes various data formats. It stores multiple data tables in a matrix form. The database collects multiple types of information such as a student detail, an employee’s update, finance, etc.

The database protects the data for any specific application. It organizes the required data using rows and columns.


MySQL is an open-source management system, which is used to handle relational databases. It is a free, high-performance system that supports SQL queries. MySQL is developed by a Swedish company, which is supported by Oracle Company makes use of C language and C++ language.

MySQL was created by Michael Widenius, David Axmark, and Allan Larsson in 1994 for personal usages. It is a mixture of the “My” and “SQL” words. The “My” word comes from Michael’s daughter’s name, and “SQL” comes from the scripted query language. Primarily, the MySQL system had the name MySQL AB, which was not an open-source database management system.

MySQL stores the data in tables. It is easy to handle and manage rows, columns, indexes of the information.

Why is MySQL popular?

  • MySQL supports a cross-platform system. It can work on any operating system such as Linux, MacOS, and Windows. MySQL provides scalability and flexibility about information.
  • MySQL supports several programming languages like PHP, JAVA, Perl C, C++, Python, etc.
  • MySQL uses a popular framework like an eclipse, visual studio, NetBeans, and others to access data.
  • It is a free, open-source, high-performance, and scalable management system based on a relational database.
  • You can use MySQL free to operate server-side data. Some interfaces need to pay for large memory size and speed performance.
  • You can use MySQL for large and small size web applications and handle large-size memory. It supports SSL to provide strong security in the application server.
  • MySQL provides ACID transaction support. ACID is an acronym of atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable features.
  • MySQL is based on client–server architecture and creates a relational database system. More than two table information can interact with each other.

Need of MySQL

It is necessary to operate and manage the information of any application. It handles data in the structure of rows and columns. It can be used with any language and may require a framework. The following queries are necessary to manage data.

  • MySQL Insert Query: This query helps to create and save the new data.
  • MySQL update query: This query renews and updates the available data.
  • MySQL show query: This query is used for displaying the required data.
  • MySQL delete query: This query removes the unwanted data.

MySQL uses the above query to handle web applications. They have many advanced functions and operators to manage critical databases.

Use of MySQL

  • MySQL is mainly used for websites and web applications that use online servers to store data.
  • Many programming languages create desktop applications. The MySQL support, store, and operate information of the desktop application.
  • MySQL manages a large amount of the data. The eCommerce websites, social media Applications also use MySQL.
  • MySQL does not need the internet to handle the data. It helps to create offline applications.


This tutorial is for new learners, students, beginners, and developers. It will help you to learn the concept of MySQL and its functions from basic to advance level. After learning and practicing MySQL, you will reach an intermediate level of the MySQL tutorial.

To reach an advanced MySQL expert, you should practice several frameworks and interfaces.


Before learning MySQL, you should be aware of relational databases or basic database systems. You must have knowledge about any primary programming language with the working procedure. You must know about the data types and variables as well.

MySQL Tutorial

MySQL Join

MySQL Function
