MySQL Tutorial

MySQL Tutorial MySQL Features MySQL Database Introduction MySQL Environmental Setup MySQL Data Types MySQL variable MySQL Advance table Query MySQL database queries MySQL Entity-Relationship Model MySQL Table Query MySQL Operators MySQL logical conditions MySQL Queries MySQL Clauses Clustered vs Non-Clustered Index MySQL Full text index MySQL Descending Index MySQL Invisible Index MySQL Composite Index MySQL Prefix index MySQL Index MySQL Create index MySQL Drop Index MySQL Show index MySQL Unique index MySQL Table MySQL Variable MySQL View MySQL Constraints MySQL Command Line Client Basic Queries MySQL Stored Procedure MySQL IF Statement MySQL Subquery MySQL Triggers

MySQL Join


MySQL Function

MySQL Function MySQL AVG() Function MySQL SUM() Function MySQL String() Function MySQL Advance() Function MySQL Aggregate() Function MySQL COALESCE() Function MySQL Control Flow Function MySQL COUNT() Function MySQL Date And Time Function MySQL GREATEST() Function MySQL ISNULL() Function MySQL LEAST() Function MySQL Math() Function MySQL MAX() Function MySQL MIN() Function MySQL find_in_set() function MySQL ASIN() Function MySQL CEIL() function MySQL CEILING() function MySQL TAN() Function MySQL Truncate() Function MySQL FLOOR() function MySQL LN() function MySQL LOG2() function MySQL LOG10() function MySQL MOD() function MySQL PI() function MySQL POW() function MySQL RADIANS() function MySQL RAND() function MySQL ROUND() function MySQL Character Length Function MySQL Current Date Function MySQL Date Add Function MySQL Date Format Function MySQL Datediff Function MySQL Day Function MySQL Elt Function MySQL Export Set Function MySQL Field Function MySQL Format Function MySQL From Base64 Function MySQL Hex Function MySQL Insert Function MySQL Instr Function MySQL Length Function MySQL CONCAT() function MySQL FIND_IN_SET() function MySQL LIKE() function MySQL LOAD_FILE() function MySQL LOCATE() function MySQL LOG() function MySQL MONTHNAME() function MySQL NOW() function MySQL PERIOD_ADD() function MySQL PERIOD_DIFF() function MySQL POWER() function MySQL QUARTER() function MySQL REVERSE() function MySQL RIGHT() Function MySQL RPAD() function MySQL RTRIM() function MySQL SEC_TO_TIME() function MySQL SOUNDEX() function


Which Clause is Similar to Having Clause in MySQL


MySQL Error 1046 - No Database Selected Failed to Start MySQL Service Unit MySQL Service Unit not Found Import MySQL Connector Mudule not Found Error No Module Named MySQL Joins Available in MySQL MySQL Docs MySQL Download For Windows 7 64 Bit MySQL Error Code 1064 MySQL Export MySQL History MySQL Host MySQL Import MySQL Drop All Tables MySQL Drop MySQL Error Code 1175 MySQL Events MySQL Except MYSQL Foreign Key Constraint MySQL If Exists MySQL IndexOf MySQL List All Tables json_extract in MySQL TIMESTAMPDIFF in MySQL MySQL Syntax Checker Sudo MySQL Secure Installation

MySQL IndexOf


Relational databases may handle any quantity of data, even massive databases with millions of rows. The Structured Query Language (SQL) provides a clear and straightforward method for locating specific rows in database tables according to predefined criteria. Finding individual rows in more enormous databases is like finding a needle in a haystack; it becomes harder and harder.

It is difficult for the database engine to predict which queries will be most popular since databases provide various query circumstances. The machine must be ready to quickly find rows in database tables, whether big or small. However, search performance may degrade as data volume grows. The quicker the database engine has time to rapidly locate the documents that match the query, the greater the dataset.

Indexes are a tool that database managers may employ to help the database engine run more smoothly. In this course, you will discover what indexes are, how to make them, and whether or not they are used for database queries.


Following this course, you will need a computer running a relational database management system (RDBMS) based on SQL. The following environment was used to verify the guidelines' instructions and examples:

  • An Ubuntu 20.04 server with a firewall set up with UFW and a non-root user with administrative rights, per our original Ubuntu 20.04 server setup instructions.
  • Follow the instructions in How to Install MySQL on Ubuntu 20.04 to install and secure MySQL on the server. This tutorial was developed using the method outlined in Step 3 and validated using a non-root MySQL user.
  • A basic understanding of using SELECT queries, as shown in our How To SELECT Rows FROM Tables in SQL tutorial, to extract data from the database.

Please be aware that different RDBMSs utilize different SQL implementations. The commands in this article will operate on most RDBMSs, but because indexes are not included in standard SQL syntax, you may get different results if you try them on a system other than MySQL.

You'll also need a database with tables loaded with sample data to practice utilizing indexes. For information on connecting to a MySQL server and setting up the test database used in examples throughout this tutorial, we recommend going through the next section, Connecting to MySQL and Setting up a Sample Database.

Overview of Indexes

Generally, the MySQL database has to process each record in the table individually when a query is run against it. For instance, you may want to look for all workers with salaries greater than $100,000 or for employees with last names that match Smith. We will review each row in the table individually to ensure it fits the requirements. If it does, it will be included in the list of returned rows. If not, MySQL will keep scanning the next rows until it has gone through the whole table.

  • Even though this technique for locating matching rows works well, as the size of the database grows, it may become slower and use more resources. Therefore, this method may not work well for queries that need to retrieve data often or quickly or for large tables.
  • Indexes may be used to fix performance problems with huge tables and queries. Only a sorted portion of the data is stored in indexes, distinct data structures, apart from table rows. When seeking up values or placing an order against a particular field or collection of fields, they enable the database engine to operate more swiftly and effectively.
  • Using the workers database as an example, one common query you may run is to search for employees by last name. MySQL would extract each employee from the database and check whether the last name fits the query if there were no indexes. However, MySQL will maintain a separate list of last names when an index is used, which will only include references to entries for the specified workers in the central database. The results will be retrieved using that index rather than a full table scan.
  • Indexes are comparable to a phone book in specific ways. To find a John Smith in the book, turn to the appropriate page where names beginning with S are given, and then read through the pages to find words starting with Sm. Applying that reasoning can help you swiftly weed out many entries, as you will know they don't belong to the individual you are searching for.
  • The procedure works because the phone book's data is arranged alphabetically, which is seldom the case for data kept directly in a database. Like a phone book, an index in the database engine maintains the data's alphabetical references, making it easier for the database to locate the necessary rows quickly.
  • MySQL indexing has many advantages. The most popular ones include requiring value uniqueness, rapidly sorting data using ORDER BY clauses, and accelerating WHERE conditional searches (with precise match criteria and comparisons).
  • However, there are situations when using indexes might reduce peak database performance. Indexes are constructed utilizing extra data structures that are kept alongside the table data to expedite retrieval. Every time a database change occurs, those structures must be updated, which might cause INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE query performance to lag. The advantages of faster SELECT queries may sometimes be offset by the slower version of questions that post data to the database, especially for big datasets with frequent changes.
  • It is advised to only build indexes when necessary, like when an application's performance deteriorates. Build indexes according to the query conditions that will benefit from them the most, taking into account the queries that are conducted most often and take the longest time when deciding which indexes to generate.

Note: This page aims to summarise database indexes in MySQL, highlighting popular uses and kinds of indexes. This tutorial does not cover the many more sophisticated situations the database engine offers when utilizing indexes to improve database performance. We strongly advise you to review the official MySQL documentation on indexes for a more thorough explanation of the database features.

Building MySQL Indexes:

One must comprehend how to create indexes in MySQL to fully benefit from indexing. One or more indexes may be created for a table's columns. The basic syntax for creating an index on a single column is as follows:

CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name);

Using the "customer_id" column of a database called "customers," for instance, the SQL query to construct an index named "idx_customer_id" would be:

 CREATE INDEX idx_customer_id ON customers (customer_id);

Quicker search operations will ensue from MySQL using this index when querying the "customers" database based on the "customer_id" column.


Understanding MySQL's many indexing strategies and which are appropriate for specific use cases is necessary to optimize database performance. Even if "INDEXOF" is unavailable for specific columns, indexing could speed up finding and retrieving particular data. Database administrators and developers must understand MySQL's indexing algorithms for optimal performance since choosing which columns to index is based on workload and query pattern analysis.

Indexing solutions are crucial for anyone in the data management industry who wants to keep databases active and responsive. Since the environment is constantly changing, it is essential to comprehend the subtleties of indexing. It might be challenging to strike the right balance between more storage and quicker query times, but it is possible with appropriate indexing.