MySQL Tutorial

MySQL Tutorial MySQL Features MySQL Database Introduction MySQL Environmental Setup MySQL Data Types MySQL variable MySQL Advance table Query MySQL database queries MySQL Entity-Relationship Model MySQL Table Query MySQL Operators MySQL logical conditions MySQL Queries MySQL Clauses Clustered vs Non-Clustered Index MySQL Full text index MySQL Descending Index MySQL Invisible Index MySQL Composite Index MySQL Prefix index MySQL Index MySQL Create index MySQL Drop Index MySQL Show index MySQL Unique index MySQL Table MySQL Variable MySQL View MySQL Constraints MySQL Command Line Client Basic Queries MySQL Stored Procedure MySQL IF Statement MySQL Subquery MySQL Triggers

MySQL Join


MySQL Function

MySQL Function MySQL AVG() Function MySQL SUM() Function MySQL String() Function MySQL Advance() Function MySQL Aggregate() Function MySQL COALESCE() Function MySQL Control Flow Function MySQL COUNT() Function MySQL Date And Time Function MySQL GREATEST() Function MySQL ISNULL() Function MySQL LEAST() Function MySQL Math() Function MySQL MAX() Function MySQL MIN() Function MySQL find_in_set() function MySQL ASIN() Function MySQL CEIL() function MySQL CEILING() function MySQL TAN() Function MySQL Truncate() Function MySQL FLOOR() function MySQL LN() function MySQL LOG2() function MySQL LOG10() function MySQL MOD() function MySQL PI() function MySQL POW() function MySQL RADIANS() function MySQL RAND() function MySQL ROUND() function MySQL Character Length Function MySQL Current Date Function MySQL Date Add Function MySQL Date Format Function MySQL Datediff Function MySQL Day Function MySQL Elt Function MySQL Export Set Function MySQL Field Function MySQL Format Function MySQL From Base64 Function MySQL Hex Function MySQL Insert Function MySQL Instr Function MySQL Length Function MySQL CONCAT() function MySQL FIND_IN_SET() function MySQL LIKE() function MySQL LOAD_FILE() function MySQL LOCATE() function MySQL LOG() function MySQL MONTHNAME() function MySQL NOW() function MySQL PERIOD_ADD() function MySQL PERIOD_DIFF() function MySQL POWER() function MySQL QUARTER() function MySQL REVERSE() function MySQL RIGHT() Function MySQL RPAD() function MySQL RTRIM() function MySQL SEC_TO_TIME() function MySQL SOUNDEX() function


Which Clause is Similar to Having Clause in MySQL


MySQL Error 1046 - No Database Selected Failed to Start MySQL Service Unit MySQL Service Unit not Found Import MySQL Connector Mudule not Found Error No Module Named MySQL Joins Available in MySQL MySQL Docs MySQL Download For Windows 7 64 Bit MySQL Error Code 1064 MySQL Export MySQL History MySQL Host MySQL Import MySQL Drop All Tables MySQL Drop MySQL Error Code 1175 MySQL Events MySQL Except MYSQL Foreign Key Constraint MySQL If Exists MySQL IndexOf MySQL List All Tables json_extract in MySQL TIMESTAMPDIFF in MySQL MySQL Syntax Checker Sudo MySQL Secure Installation

json_extract in MySQL


  • Because of its ease of use and versatility, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has grown to be a widely used data format for sharing and storing information. JSON data types have been developed in the MySQL environment to facilitate the efficient management and querying of JSON documents. Json_extract is one of the essential tools that make this procedure easier.
  • In version 5.7, MySQL included native support for JSON data, offering an organized and effective means of storing and retrieving JSON documents. Better integration between relational and JSON data is made possible by JSON data types, which let developers store JSON documents in columns and conduct various actions on them.
  • MySQL's json_extract function is an effective tool for information extraction from JSON documents. It lets you get values or parts out of a JSON format. When working with intricate JSON data that include arrays or nested structures, this function is very helpful.

Importance of json_extract in handling JSON data

  • Selective Data Extraction: json_extract offers a more granular method of working with JSON data by enabling users to extract data points from JSON documents.
  • Query Flexibility: By using json_extract, programmers can create SQL queries that can easily travel through nested JSON structures and extract the precise information required.
  • Integration with Relational Data: Using json_extract allows for the smooth integration of JSON data with conventional relational data, offering a single method for querying a variety of data formats.
  • Simplified Data Manipulation: By using json_extract, data-handling processes become less complex while modifying and changing JSON data within the database.
  • Enhanced Performance: Better query performance results from the effective extraction of elements from JSON documents, which raises the general level of data retrieval efficiency.

Syntax of json_extract Function:

Data extraction from a JSON document is the purpose of MySQL's json_extract function.

json_extract(json_document, path[, path] ...)


  • json_document: The JSON document containing the data you wish to extract is called json_document. It could be a literal JSON text, a variable, or a column in a table.
  • Path: The JSON document's path argument indicates where the data is located. It may take the form of a more intricate path for nested structures or a straightforward key for retrieving values from the top level of the JSON hierarchy.

Examples to Illustrate the Syntax and Parameters:

Examining a JSON object housed in the products table.

CREATE TABLE products (


   product_info JSON



(1, '{"name": "Laptop", "specs": {"ram": "8GB", "storage": "512GB SSD"}}'),

(2, '{"name": "Smartphone", "specs": {"camera": "12MP", "storage": "128GB"}}');

Example 1: Extracting Top-Level Data

SELECT json_extract(product_info, '$.name') AS product_name

FROM products;

The product names are extracted by this query from the JSON document's top level.

Example 2: Extracting Nested Data

SELECT json_extract(product_info, '$.specs.ram') AS ram_size

FROM products;

The RAM size is extracted by this query from the JSON document's nested structure.

Example 3: Extracting Data from Arrays


(3, '{"name": "Tablet", "features": ["10-inch display", "4G connectivity"]}');

SELECT json_extract(product_info, '$.features[0]') AS feature_1

FROM products WHERE id = 3;

Using this query, the JSON document's array's first feature is extracted.

Basic Usage of json_extract in MySQL

Structured data can be stored and altered using JSON data in MySQL, offering a dynamic and adaptable method of database administration. One effective method for extracting certain data from JSON-formatted data is the json_extract function. Retrieving a Single Value from JSON Data

JSON_extract's main function is to extract values from a JSON document. Let us examine an example where we have a table called employees and a column called employee_info that contains JSON data.

SELECT json_extract(employee_info, '$.name') AS employee_name

FROM employees;

The value corresponding to the "name" key in the JSON document kept in the employee_info column is retrieved in this example using the json_extract function. Depending on your JSON structure, change the path expression ($.name).

Extracting Values from Nested JSON Structures

Nested structures, in which arrays or objects are embedded within one another, are frequently seen in JSON data. These layered structures can be traversed using the json_extract method. Imagine a situation in which there is a nested "address" object in the employment information.

SELECT json_extract(employee_info, '$') AS employee_city

FROM employees;

In this case, $address is the path expression. The "address" object's "city" property can be accessed via the city feature. This shows how well nested structures can be handled by json_extract.

Handling Arrays Within JSON Using json_extract

JSON arrays introduce additional complexity. Assume that a variety of talents are included in the personnel information.

SELECT json_extract(employee_info, '$.skills[0]') AS first_skill

FROM employees;

To retrieve the first skill from the "skills" array in this example, utilize json_extract. To retrieve distinct elements from the array, modify the array index ([0]).

Advanced Usage:

Using json_extract with Conditions

Conditions can be used in combination with the json_extract function to extract data from JSON objects only those you want. This robust feature makes it possible to query data precisely within the JSON format according to criteria.

Example 1: Retrieve Values Based on a Condition

Look at a JSON structure that shows employee information. The names of workers whose salaries are above a particular threshold are what we wish to extract.

SELECT json_extract(employee_data, '$.name')

FROM employees

WHERE json_extract(employee_data, '$.salary') > 50000;

The names of employees whose salaries are more than $50,000 are retrieved by this query.

Example 2: Filtering Data in Nested JSON

If there are layered structures in the JSON data, we can apply conditions at different levels.

SELECT json_extract(employee_data, '$')

FROM employees

WHERE json_extract(employee_data, '$.department.budget') > 1000000;

This search returns department names when the budget is more than $1,000,000.

Combining json_extract with Other MySQL Functions

With its smooth integration with other MySQL procedures, the json_extract function enables more intricate and personalized data extraction.

Example 1: Using json_extract with CONCAT

Let's say you wish to combine data from JSON fields to create a structured text.


    json_extract(employee_data, '$.first_name'),

    ' ',

    json_extract(employee_data, '$.last_name')

) AS full_name

FROM employees;

The initial and last names from the JSON data are concatenated in this query to generate a new column with the full name.

Example 2: Aggregating Data with json_extract and SUM

When JSON data contains numerical values, you can use functions like SUM to aggregate the values.


    json_extract(employee_data, '$') AS department,

    SUM(json_extract(employee_data, '$.salary')) AS total_salary

FROM employees

GROUP BY department;

This query totals the salaries for every department.

Performing Updates and Modifications

Not only can the json_extract function be used to get data, but it can also be used to update and modify JSON data that already exists in the database.

Example: Updating JSON Values

Let's say we wish to raise the pay for staff members in a particular department.

UPDATE employees

SET employee_data = JSON_SET(



    json_extract(employee_data, '$.department.budget') + 50000


WHERE json_extract(employee_data, '$') = 'Finance';

This query updates the Finance department's budget by combining JSON_SET and json_extract.

Performance Considerations in json_extract in MySQL

Modern database applications are using JSON data more and more, and MySQL offers strong utilities like json_extract to alter and extract data from JSON documents. But like with any database function, it's important to think about how it may affect speed, particularly if you're working with big datasets or intricate JSON structures.

Efficiency of json_extract

Several factors affect how effective MySQL's json_extract function is.

  • JSON Document Size: Generally speaking, larger JSON documents take longer to process. If it is feasible, think about dividing lengthy documents into smaller, easier-to-manage chunks.
  • Query Complexity: Performance may be impacted by the json_extract query's inherent complexity. In general, targeted, straightforward inquiries are more effective than complex ones.
  • Indexing: JSON columns can be indexed by MySQL, which greatly improves query efficiency. Significant speed gains might result by indexing the columns used in json_extract queries correctly.
  • Server Resources: The CPU and memory of the server are essential to the execution of JSON operations. Make sure your server has enough power to manage the traffic, especially when it's busiest.
  • MySQL Version: Update the MySQL server on your system. Updates to older versions frequently include optimizations and performance enhancements.

Optimizing Queries Involving json_extract

Take into consideration the following advice to optimize queries that use json_extract:

  • Selective Extraction: Take only the necessary fields or components out of the JSON document. If you simply need a piece of the document, don't extract the full thing.
  • Indexing JSON Columns: To speed up search and retrieval processes, take advantage of MySQL's functionality for indexing JSON columns.
  • Caching: To lessen the need for repeated extractions, think about caching commonly used JSON data.
  • Make Good Use of JSON Functions: When using json_extract, pay attention to the JSON functions you combine. There could be higher computing expenses for some functions.
  • Data Normalisation: To eliminate redundancy and streamline JSON structures, normalize your data if possible. This will speed up extraction.

Comparisons with Other JSON Functions in MySQL

  • JSON_extract vs. JSON_unquote: JSON_unquote eliminates quotes from JSON strings but json_extract extracts values. Considering your unique needs, select the right function.
  • JSON_extract vs. JSON_query: JSON_query, which makes use of the JMESPath query language, permits more sophisticated JSON inquiries. For more complex situations, think about utilizing json_query, but be mindful of possible performance variations.
  • JSON_extract vs. JSON_contains: JSON_contains can be used to determine if a particular JSON fragment is included in a document. If you must choose between the two functions, examine the performance consequences.

Real-world Examples of json_extract in MySQL:

Modern databases are progressively storing more JSON data, and MySQL's json_extract function is essential for deriving useful information from these intricate structures.

Practical Scenarios where json_extract is Beneficial

  • Product attributes for e-commerce: Product information, such as size, color, and specifications, are stored in JSON format by e-commerce platforms. using json_extract to query and present products according to specifications, such as displaying every product that is available in a given size or color.
  • Health Care Patient Records: JSON-formatted information on a patient's medical history, prescriptions, and allergies is frequently stored in healthcare databases. Using json_extract helps expedite the retrieval of medical data by retrieving specified health metrics or medication information for a patient.
  • Social Media Analytics: For analytical purposes, social media networks save user interactions and activity in JSON format. Using json_extract to extract pertinent data for in-depth social media analytics, likes, comments, and shares to assess user involvement.

Examples from Different Industries or Use Cases

  • Financial Transactions: To collect more metadata, financial institutions save transaction details in JSON format. Financial transactions can be filtered and analyzed using json_extract according to parameters such as transaction type, amount range, or date.
  • IoT Sensor Data: JSON-formatted data, such as sensor readings and device status, is frequently generated by IoT devices. using json_extract to retrieve pertinent data for analytics and monitoring from IoT devices, such as location information, temperature readings, and device health status.
  • Content Management Systems: Structured content and information can be stored in content management systems using JSON. For effective content organization and retrieval, use json_extract to extract content attributes, such as tags, categories, or publication dates.

Common Challenges Faced in Real-world Applications

  • Nested JSON Structures: Extraction of data from deeply nested JSON structures might be difficult. By indicating the path to the needed data, json_extract facilitates the effective extraction of values from hierarchical structures and makes navigating intricate JSON hierarchies easier.
  • Dynamic Schema Changes: As JSON data changes, the schema may also alter. By enabling developers to modify queries in response to the shifting structure, json_extract offers flexibility in managing dynamic schemas and guarantees ongoing compatibility with emerging data formats.
  • Query Performance: Complex JSON queries and large datasets can affect query performance. Real-world applications can benefit from queries that are optimized by carefully using indexes, caching, and best practices in query architecture to improve json_extract operations' efficiency.

Best Practices for json_extract in MySQL

Best practices must be followed when managing JSON data in MySQL, which is made easier by functions like json_extract, to guarantee effectiveness, security, and data integrity.

Guidelines for Efficient Use of json_extract

  • Targeted Extraction: Instead of fetching the complete JSON document, use json_extract to extract only the necessary data. Within the JSON format, specify the precise route to the needed data to prevent extraneous processing.
  • Indexing for Performance: To improve retrieval time, use MySQL indexing on columns holding JSON data. Be aware that indexing might not be possible for highly nested JSON structures; therefore, consider the trade-offs according to the data model.
  • Query Optimisation: By comprehending the fundamental structure of the JSON data, optimize queries with json_extract. For better performance, reduce the number of json_extract calls made within a query.

Security Considerations

  • Input Validation: To guard against injection threats, validate and sanitize JSON input. To securely handle user input, utilize prepared statements or parameterized queries.
  • Access Control: To prevent users from altering or extracting sensitive JSON data, appropriately implement access controls. Utilize the least privilege concept when reviewing and updating access permissions regularly.
  • JSON Data Encryption: To prevent unwanted access, think about encrypting sensitive JSON data both in transit and at rest. Examine the use of json_extract in conjunction with MySQL's built-in encryption features.

Best Practices for Maintaining JSON Data Integrity

  • Validation Constraints: Make sure incoming JSON data follows the desired structure by using JSON schema validation. To keep data consistent, define restrictions for JSON columns.
  • Error Handling: When utilizing json_extract, put strong error-handling procedures in place to deal with scenarios in which the JSON structure might not match expectations. To quickly handle any irregularities in the JSON data, log and track errors.
  • Consistent Data Audits: To find and fix errors or inconsistencies, audit JSON data regularly. Use the JSON functions in MySQL to verify the accuracy of the data.


To sum up, the MySQL json_extract function seems to be an effective tool for managing and accessing JSON data in relational databases. Its versatility offers flexibility and adaptation in a range of settings by enabling developers to extract specific information from complex JSON structures. Through adherence to recommended standards, like focused extraction, indexing, and strong security protocols, users can enhance the functionality's efficiency while mitigating potential weaknesses. Prioritizing data integrity through error handling, validation limitations, and frequent audits is crucial. As MySQL develops further, users will be able to fully utilize json_extract and ensure safe and effective handling of JSON data in relational databases by adhering to these guidelines and staying updated about updates.