MySQL Tutorial

MySQL Tutorial MySQL Features MySQL Database Introduction MySQL Environmental Setup MySQL Data Types MySQL variable MySQL Advance table Query MySQL database queries MySQL Entity-Relationship Model MySQL Table Query MySQL Operators MySQL logical conditions MySQL Queries MySQL Clauses Clustered vs Non-Clustered Index MySQL Full text index MySQL Descending Index MySQL Invisible Index MySQL Composite Index MySQL Prefix index MySQL Index MySQL Create index MySQL Drop Index MySQL Show index MySQL Unique index MySQL Table MySQL Variable MySQL View MySQL Constraints MySQL Command Line Client Basic Queries MySQL Stored Procedure MySQL IF Statement MySQL Subquery MySQL Triggers

MySQL Join


MySQL Function

MySQL Function MySQL AVG() Function MySQL SUM() Function MySQL String() Function MySQL Advance() Function MySQL Aggregate() Function MySQL COALESCE() Function MySQL Control Flow Function MySQL COUNT() Function MySQL Date And Time Function MySQL GREATEST() Function MySQL ISNULL() Function MySQL LEAST() Function MySQL Math() Function MySQL MAX() Function MySQL MIN() Function MySQL find_in_set() function MySQL ASIN() Function MySQL CEIL() function MySQL CEILING() function MySQL TAN() Function MySQL Truncate() Function MySQL FLOOR() function MySQL LN() function MySQL LOG2() function MySQL LOG10() function MySQL MOD() function MySQL PI() function MySQL POW() function MySQL RADIANS() function MySQL RAND() function MySQL ROUND() function MySQL Character Length Function MySQL Current Date Function MySQL Date Add Function MySQL Date Format Function MySQL Datediff Function MySQL Day Function MySQL Elt Function MySQL Export Set Function MySQL Field Function MySQL Format Function MySQL From Base64 Function MySQL Hex Function MySQL Insert Function MySQL Instr Function MySQL Length Function MySQL CONCAT() function MySQL FIND_IN_SET() function MySQL LIKE() function MySQL LOAD_FILE() function MySQL LOCATE() function MySQL LOG() function MySQL MONTHNAME() function MySQL NOW() function MySQL PERIOD_ADD() function MySQL PERIOD_DIFF() function MySQL POWER() function MySQL QUARTER() function MySQL REVERSE() function MySQL RIGHT() Function MySQL RPAD() function MySQL RTRIM() function MySQL SEC_TO_TIME() function MySQL SOUNDEX() function


Which Clause is Similar to Having Clause in MySQL


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MySQL View


MySQL View is a virtual table to create a clone of the base table. The View does not contain its values or data. MySQL View creates to connect more than one table and operates as a table. MySQL View operates in the database similarly as a table.

MySQL View does not contain values. It contains the primary table data. If the table changes data, then MySQL View also changes the value. The View contains either entire columns or requires columns from the base table.

MySQL View provides three operations to handle View and related tables. The View supports the below operation similarly as a table.

  • Create View: create a new view in the database.
  • Update View: update and modify View in the database.
  • Show View: display available views and their data.
  • Delete View: remove View from the database.

MySQL View operates using two ways. MySQL handles "view" either manually or automatically using interfaces. The below methods are used to create, update, and delete views.

  • Command-line client interface
  • MySQL workbench interface

The command-line client interface uses a query to handle views. The workbench interface operates View and handles view queries automatically.


MySQL View requires a base table. Mainly, MySQL query is used to create a new View or select View to display.  The view syntax is below.

SELECT column FROM Table_Name [WHERE condition];


CREATE [OR REPLACE]: The "CREATE" or "REPLACE" keyword helps to create a new view or replace the available View. Here, you can use alter to update MySQL View.

VIEW: The "VIEW" is necessary to operate MySQL views.

View_Name: It helps to assign a name to the View. You do not assign table names to View.

SELECT column: select the required columns from the respective table in the database.

Table_Name: Select a base table and make a clone of that table as a view. It must be available in the database.

WHERE condition: Apply a "WHERE" condition to make the required View format.

Reason for using MySQL View

The View requires the MySQL data management system to handle data. There are some advantages of using MySQL View.

  • Uses in complex MySQL query
    The data management system operates complex queries to handle a large amount of the data. The application uses information or data without interruption. The View helps to handle complex queries for application performance. The View uses simple statements for the data and avoids complex queries of the system. 
  • Helps to data privacy and security
    The web application operates on sensitive and essential information. The application data must be private.  MySQL View helps to create a clone of a table with data. This View connects with other tables and keeps secure original data. The View hides the sensitive data of the application and documents.  
  • Reusability of the table data
    The View creates a duplicate of the base table.  MySQL query applies conditions and patterns for creating views.  You create more than one View of the single base table. This multiple View works for different operations. The original data of the table is not destroyed. The View helps to make data safe.
  • Backward compatibility
    The application wants to use extensive data. This data operates without interruption. MySQL View splits the extensive data without destroying original information. The View allows backward compatibility.   


You know about table and table queries to operate View. You must understand the MySQL query and table data. The base table is available in the database to create a View.

Command-line client interface

Create View

The View is a virtual table of the required main table. You can create and operate on this. The View is created in the database. The View contains either all columns or required columns of the table.


Create a MySQL View with entire columns of the table. The syntax of "create view" shown below.

SELECT * FROM Table_Name [WHERE condition];

Create a MySQL View with a required column of the table. The basic syntax of "create view" shows below.

SELECT column1, column2 FROM Table_Name [WHERE condition];

If View is available, then replace it with new View as per requirement. The syntax of "create view" shows below.

SELECT column FROM Table_Name [WHERE condition];

Examples of the create MySQL View.

1) Example: Create View with entire columns of the table.

Execute the below query to create a View as a table. The view name and table name must be different.

mysql> create view tutorial AS select * from mysql_tutorial;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.82 sec)


Execute below query to get output.

mysql> Select * from tutorial;
MySQL View

The output shows a replica of the "mysql_tutorial" table. The entire table column and its data displays in the MySQL View.

2) Example: Create a View with a required column of the table.

Execute the below query to create a view. The view name and table name must be different. You select columns of the table as per requirement.

mysql> create view training AS select topic, time, level from mysql_tutorial;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.15 sec)


Execute the below query to get output. You select required columns from the base table to store in the View.

mysql> Select * from training;
MySQL View

The output shows information about the "mysql_tutorial" table. The view stores three columns and four rows in the MySQL View.

3) Example: Create a View with the necessary conditions.

Execute the below query to create a view. The View selects columns of the table as per requirement. MySQL View supports the "WHERE" clause. This clause applies conditions to the query.

mysql> create view knowledge AS select topic, time from mysql_tutorial where time = '1 hour';

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.28 sec)


Execute the below query to get output. You select required columns from the base table to store in the View.

mysql> select * from knowledge;
MySQL View

The output shows information about the "mysql_tutorial" table. The view stores two columns and two rows in the MySQL View. Here, you assign a "WHERE" clause with a time condition.

4) Example: Create a View with a required operator with a pattern.

Execute the below query to create a view. The View selects columns of the table as per requirement. MySQL View supports the "Like" operator. This operator applies a pattern to the query.

mysql> create view study AS select index_number, topic, time from mysql_tutorial where topic LIKE 'my%';

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.28 sec)


Execute the below query to get output. You select required columns from the base table to store in the View.

mysql> select * from study;
MySQL View

The output shows information about the "mysql_tutorial" table. The view stores three columns and four rows in the MySQL View. Here, you assign the "LIKE" operator with the "my%" pattern.

Show View

MySQL interfaces display available Views in the respective database. The interface shows available data in the View.

Examples of the display MySQL view

1) Example: show MySQL View.

Execute the below query to display MySQL View the same as a table. You use a query to execute to get output.

mysql> Select * from tutorial;


MySQL View

The output shows a replica of the "mysql_tutorial" table in the View. The entire table column and its data displays in the MySQL View.

2) Example: show MySQL View with the condition.

Execute the below query to show View using condition. You select columns as a condition using the "WHERE" clause.

mysql> select * from tutorial where level = "beginners";


MySQL View

The output shows information of the "mysql_tutorial" table in the View.

3) Example: Display available MySQL views.

Execute the below query to get available Views and tables of the respective database. You use table query to know about views.

mysql> show tables;

You do not get the difference between table and View according to names. You must remember View's name and table's name.


MySQL View

The output displays views and tables in the above image. The tutorial, training, study, and knowledge are MySQL views.

Update view

MySQL View modifies information. It updates the View and its format.  You use it to alter the query to correct the view structure.


The update view syntax shows below.

SELECT column FROM Table_Name [WHERE condition];

The "ALTER" keyword is required to update View. This query helps to correct MySQL View.

Examples of the update MySQL views

The "training" view and its data show below.

MySQL View

The View contains three columns and four rows. Now, you see the modified View in the below example.

1) Example: The example of the alter View.

Execute the below query to get a modified view.

mysql> alter view training AS select * from mysql_tutorial;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.87 sec)


Execute the query below to get output.

mysql> select * from training;
MySQL View

The above output image shows the updated MySQL View. The "index_number" column is added in the "training" view.

2) Example: The example of the update MySQL view with the condition.

Execute the below query to get a modified view.

mysql> alter view training AS select * from mysql_tutorial WHERE TIME like '%hour%';

Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.87 sec)


Execute the query below to get output.

mysql> select * from training;
MySQL View

The above output image shows the updated MySQL View. The first row of the View, which is "index_number = 1" updates.

Delete View

MySQL data management system creates multiple views using a single table. Sometimes unwanted views are stored in the respective databases. The View is removed from the database to maintain memory space. You remove MySQL View permanently.


The delete view syntax shows below.

DROP VIEW [IF EXISTS] view_name;

The "IF EXISTS" keyword is optional in a MySQL query. This keyword is used to know the existence of the View.

Examples of the delete view

The available views show below.

MySQL View

The tutorial, training, study, and knowledge are Views of the tutorial database.

1) Example: the delete view example shows below.

Execute the below query to remove the available View from the database.

mysql> drop view knowledge;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.34 sec)


Execute the below query to get output.

mysql> show tables;
MySQL View

The "knowledge" view is removed from the respective database. You see the above output images to delete "view" permanently.

2) Example: the delete view with keyword example shows below.

Execute the below query to remove available Views from the respective database.

mysql> drop view IF EXISTS study;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.34 sec)


Execute the below query to get output.

mysql> show tables;
MySQL View

The "study" view is removed from the respective database. You see the above output images to delete "view" permanently.

MySQL workbench interface

MySQL workbench interface is used for automation. The workbench does not need to use a query or command. The database creates the views and tables.

If you want to create a view in the MySQL system, you should use a base table. The workbench schemas create, update, display, and delete views. Here, you do not need to query. The workbench operates MySQL views more efficiently than the command-line client.

Create MySQL View

MySQL workbench shows a database list on the front page. MySQL schemas display the left side column of the workbench. This column is called Navigator. You show the working procedure of the created MySQL View.

MySQL View

You can see the above image of the workbench home page. The database list displays in the navigator columns. Click on the respective database of the MySQL management system. You get available tables, views, stored Procedures, and Functions.

MySQL View

Click on the view column of the "tutorial" database. If required MySQL View does not exist, then create a new view. If you right-click on the view column, then you create a view column. Click on create View.

MySQL View

Insert query of the MySQL View in the query box and click on the "Apply" button. It is the primary query of View. You apply the "where" condition or operators to display a specific View.

MySQL View

The View applies the "WHERE" clause for the "topic" condition and "like" operator with a percentage (%) pattern. After, create SQL query windows to "Apply" the given query.

MySQL View

Execute SQL query or create a tutorial view and click on the "Finish" button. The workbench creates a new MySQL View. Refresh View and show the available views in the schema.

Show MySQL View

MySQL workbench shows a database list on the home page. MySQL schemas display the left side column of the workbench. The workbench displays available views and their structure. You see the working procedure of the show MySQL View and its value.

MySQL View

You can see the above image of the workbench home page. The database list displays in the navigator columns. Click on the respective database of the MySQL management system. You get available tables, views, stored Procedures, and Functions.

MySQL View

Click on the "views" column then you get available MySQL views. You get the entire list of views with some settings.

MySQL View

Click on the required View of the views. Here, "tutorial" view clicks and displays some setting signs. Click on the third setting symbol.

MySQL View

After clicking on the setting symbol, you get information about the "tutorial" view.  The left column shows available views in the system. Top columns show a query of working View. The bottom column shows data of the View.

Alter MySQL View

The View is a clone of the base table. MySQL system does not change the value of the respective View. You add and remove columns as per requirement.  MySQL management system displays rows of the table in the View using conditions. The View supports the "WHERE" clause and "LIKE" operator. The working procedure of the Alter view shows below.

Step1: Select the second option of the setting MySQL View. The workbench interface displays the SQL query window. You add or remove the column of the table.

MySQL View

Step2: Right-click on the "View" column. This column shows the above pop-up box. Click on the "Alter View…" column. After, you get the below query pop-up box. You can change the query to update the View.

MySQL View

Step3: You insert or remove the required query from this View. The View wants to display specific data then apply the "WHERE" clause.

MySQL View

In this image, you see the SQL query of the "tutorial" view.

MySQL View

The workbench interface helps to remove the "level" column and correct the syntax. (If you want to alter rows, then use the "where" clause and "like" operator after the "mysql_tutorial" table name.)

Click on the "Apply" button and proceed to forward.

MySQL View

It is the final window of altering MySQL View. Click on the finish button and refresh the view column. You get the required view format and its data. If you do not want to finish, then click on the red cross and stop the procedure.

The above procedure is fundamental and straightforward of the update view and modified table information. Sometimes you need to use the "WHERE" clause with the condition and the "LIKE" operator with a pattern.

Delete MySQL view

MySQL management system creates multiple views using the base table. Sometimes unwanted views are stored in the respective databases. The View is removed from the database to maintain memory or space. You remove MySQL View permanently. The working procedure of the delete MySQL View shows below.

MySQL View

The database list displays in the navigator columns. Click on the respective database or schema of the MySQL management system. The schema shows tables, views, stored Procedures, and Functions.

MySQL View

Click on the "views" column then you get available MySQL views. You get the entire list of views with some settings.

MySQL View

The Right Click on the required View. Here, the "tutorial" view chooses to delete from the database.

MySQL View

Click on the "Drop view…" option. This option creates SQL "DROP view" query.

MySQL View

You can review the SQL query. If View wants to delete the required View, then click on the "DROP Now" option. The View automatically removes it from the database. You can see the MySQL view list. The "tutorial" view deletes permanently.

MySQL workbench is easier to handle and operate than the command line client interface.

Difference between MySQL table and MYSQL view

  • The table requires creating a view, but the table does not require any view. Hence the view depends on the base table.
  • The View does not change data but modifies the view format. The table changes the data and modifies the table format.
  • The table and View's basic query are the same, but View does not work on column and rows query like a table.
  • The multiple views are created using one table. You create a similar or different structure of the View based on the single table.