Floating point number Data Types in GoLang

Floating point number:

For representing the real numbers in go language, floating-point number or float is used. Floating-point numbers are further categorized into two parts in the go language. These parts are given below in the table:

Data TypeDetails
float32It is a 32-bit IEEE 754 floating-point number.
float64It is a 64-bit IEEE 754 floating-point number.


Variable declared in float32 data type will occupy 32 bits of memory from the storage. It stores the value in single-precision floating-point format.


Variable declared in float64 data type will occupy 64 bits of memory from the storage. It stores the value in double-precision floating-point format.


When you declare a float variable in the go program by using the short-hand declaration method without specifying the type of variable, your variable’s type will be float64.

For example:

                        num := 22.23


                        var num = 22.34

In both cases of variable declaration, by default variable ‘num' will be assigned as float64 number means a type of variable 'num’ will be float64.


Here is a go program in which the default type of float variable is defined. The program is given below:

 package main
 // program of floating-point numbers.
 import "fmt"
 func main() {
             fmt.Println("default data type of float numbers \n ")
             /* default type of float variables,
              if they declared without assigning their data type. */
             var enum1 = 12.23
             enum2 := 23.34         // variable declared.
fmt.Printf(" The entrusted value to the variable (enum1) is : %f \n ", enum1)
fmt.Printf("The determinates value to the variable (enum2) is: %f \n ", enum2)
fmt.Printf("Type of the value that is determinates to the variable enum1 is (by default) : %T \n ", enum1)
fmt.Printf("Type of the value that is determinates to the variable enum2 is (by default) : %T \n ", enum2)


When you run your go file on your command prompt; containing the same code as given in the above portion, then it will produce the output as below:

Floating point number Data Types in GoLang

Difference between float32 and float64 data type:

Float32 and float64 both represent the floating-point variable in go language. If you provide a large float number in the go program, then both (float32 and float64) type of variables will take up to 6 digits from the decimal point. For example:

If var num = 78.0123456789

The compiler will then take up to 6 digits in Go language, and it will be 78.012345; the remaining digits will be ignored.

Although float32 and float64 both represent float value and look the same in go language, there are some differences between them.

The variable occupies 32-bit memory in the program.The variable occupies 64-bit memory in the program.
It uses the ‘float32’ keyword to define a variable in the program.It uses the ‘float64’ keyword to define a variable in the program.
It stores the value in a single-precision format.It stores the value in double precision format.

To know more about the differences between float32 and float64, let’s take a look at a go program.


Here is a program which will clarify the differences between float32 and float64 type variable in go language. The program is given below:

 package main
 // program to give the difference between float32 and float64 type number.
 import "fmt"
 func main() {
             fmt.Println(" 'float32 type and float64 type variable's disparity' \n ")
             /* in float32, the decimal value of variable got increment by .1 (point 1)
              if 6th digit after decimal
              is equal to 2 or greater than 2 and
              post value is equal or greater than 5. */
             var enum1 float32 = 12.123452689                      // here, value increased.
             fmt.Printf(" Entrusted value to the variable (enum1) is : %f \n ", enum1)
             /* in float64, the decimal value of variable got increment by .1 (point 1)
              if post value from 6th digit after decimal
              is greater than 5. */
             var enum2 float64 = 23.123450689                      // here, value increased.
             fmt.Printf("Determinates value to the variable (enum2) is : %f \n \n ", enum2)
             // declared value will not change in below statement.
             var count1 float32 = 12.1234503789                    // value will not change.
             fmt.Printf("The entrusted value to the variable (count1) is : %f \n ", count1)
             var count2 float64 = 23.1234504789                    // value will not change.
             fmt.Printf("The entrusted value to the variable (count2) is : %f \n ", count2)


When you run your go file on your command prompt; containing the same code as given in the above part, then it will give the output as below:

Floating point number Data Types in GoLang