C# Method Overriding

Method overriding is the mechanism where derived class defines the same method as parent class with more functionality in the chilled class. It provides runtime polymorphism in C#. It provides specific implementation to the method which is already defined in the base class. To perform method overriding, we need to use virtual keyword for base class method and override keyword for chilled class method. Let's see a simple example of method overriding

using System;
public class Animal 
            public void eat()
                        Console.WriteLine("eating ....");
public class Dog:Animal
            public void eat()
                        Console.WriteLine("eating bread....");
public class OverridingExample
            public static void Main (string[] args)
                        Dog d=new Dog();
eating bread....
C# Method Overriding Example: with Multilevel inheritance: Let's see a simple example of method overriding with multilevel inheritance.
using System;
public class Bank
            public int getROI()
                        return 4;
public class RBI:Bank
            public int getROI()
                        return 5;
public class SBI:RBI
            public int getROI()
                        return 6;
public class OverridingExample
            public static void Main (string[] args)
                        SBI s=new SBI();