C# Sealed

C# provides sealed keyword to apply restrictions on class and methods. If a class is defined as sealed then it can’t be inherited. If a method is defined as sealed then it can't be overridden. This is like final keyword of java. The main advantage of sealed class is that the third party vendor can't develop any software by inheriting our logic. Sealed class is the last class in the hierarchy. A base class can never be a sealed class rather we can apply sealed keyword to a derived class.

Sealed Class Example:
using System;
sealed public class Animal
            public void eat()
                        Console.WriteLine("Eating ....");
public class Dog:Animal
            public void eat()
                        Console.WriteLine("Eating Bread...");
public class SealedClassExample
            public static void Main(string[] args)
                        Dog d=new Dog();
Compilation error (line 9, col 14): 'Dog': cannot derive from sealed type 'Animal'
C# Sealed Method Example:
using System;
 public class Animal
            public virtual void eat()
                        Console.WriteLine("Eating ....");
public class Dog:Animal
            sealed public override void eat()
                        Console.WriteLine("Eating Bread...");
public class BabyDog:Dog
            public override void eat()
                        Console.WriteLine("Eating dogfood...");
public class SealedClassExample
            public static void Main(string[] args)
                        Dog d=new BabyDog();
Compilation error (line 18, col 23): 'BabyDog.eat()': cannot override inherited member 'Dog.eat()' because it is sealed