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Encapsulation in JavaScript

What is Encapsulation?

Encapsulation is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that refers to the practice of hiding the implementation details of an object from the outside world and providing a public interface for interacting with the object. This is achieved by creating a boundary or barrier around the object's internal state and behavior, and only exposing a limited set of methods or properties that can be used to interact with the object.

The main benefit of encapsulation is that it allows for a separation of concerns, which makes code easier to understand, maintain, and extend. By hiding an object's implementation details, the object's internal state and behavior can be changed without affecting the rest of the code, making it more robust and less prone to bugs.

Encapsulation in JavaScript refers to the practice of hiding the implementation details of an object from the outside world and providing a public interface for interacting with the object. This is achieved through the use of closures, which create a private scope for variables and functions.

One way to create a private scope in JavaScript is to use an immediately invoked function expression (IIFE). An IIFE is a function that is immediately invoked after it is defined. It creates a new scope for the function, and any variables or functions defined within the function are not accessible from outside the function.

For example, the following code defines an object called "myObject" that has a private variable "privateValue" and a public method "setValue" that can be used to update the value of the private variable:

Example 1:

const myObject = (function() {
  let privateValue = 0;
  return {
    setValue: function(newValue) {
      privateValue = newValue;

console.log(myObject.privateValue); // undefined
console.log(myObject.privateValue); // undefined

In this example, the privateValue variable is defined within the IIFE and is not accessible from outside the function. However, the setValue method, which is also defined within the IIFE, is returned and made available to the outside world.

Another way to create a private scope in JavaScript is to use the Symbol type. A Symbol is a unique and immutable data type that can be used as an object property key. Because Symbol properties are not enumerable, they are not visible in a for loop or Object.keys(), and therefore cannot be accessed or modified by code outside of the object.

For example, the following code defines an object called "myObject" that has a private variable "privateValue" and a public method "setValue" that can be used to update the value of the private variable:

Example 2:

const privateValue = Symbol();
const myObject = {
  [privateValue]: 0,
  setValue: function(newValue) {
    this[privateValue] = newValue;

console.log(myObject[privateValue]); // undefined
console.log(myObject[privateValue]); // 5

In this example, the privateValue variable is defined as a Symbol and is used as a property key on the myObject object. Because Symbols are not enumerable, the property cannot be accessed or modified by code outside of the object.

Additionally, JavaScript classes can also be used to encapsulate the implementation details of an object. Classes are a way to define a blueprint for an object and to create multiple objects that conform to that blueprint.

The following example defines a class called MyClass that has a private variable private value and a public method setValue that can be used to update the value of the private variable:

Example 3:

class MyClass {
  constructor() {
    this._privateValue = 0;

  setValue(newValue) {
    this._privateValue = newValue;

const myObject = new MyClass();
console.log(myObject._privateValue); // undefined
console.log(myObject._privateValue); // 5

It is also possible to use the WeakMap method to encapsulate the implementation details of an object. A WeakMap is a data structure that allows for the creation of private properties on an object. Unlike regular properties, properties defined on a WeakMap are not enumerable, and therefore cannot be accessed or modified by code outside of the object.

In addition to the benefits of encapsulation mentioned earlier, encapsulation also allows for the creation of objects that can be reused and composed in different ways. This is achieved by only exposing the public interface of an object, which makes it easy to understand how the object can be used, and how it can be composed with other objects.

In summary, encapsulation is an important concept in object-oriented programming that refers to the practice of hiding the implementation details of an object from the outside world and providing a public interface for interacting with the object.

Validating data with Encapsulation methods in JavaScript

Encapsulation in JavaScript can also be used to validate data before it is set or used within an object. This can be done by implementing setter and getter methods, which act as gatekeepers for the object's internal state.

A setter method is used to assign a value to a property within an object and can be used to perform validation checks on the data before it is set. For example, a setter method for a "name" property could check that the value passed in is a string and is not empty. If the value is invalid, the setter method can throw an error or return a message indicating that the value is not valid.

A getter method, on the other hand, is used to retrieve the value of a property within an object. Getter methods can also be used to perform additional checks or calculations on the data before it is returned.

Here is an example of a class that uses setter and getter methods to validate data:

class Person {
  constructor(name) {
    this._name = name;
  set name(value) {
    if (typeof value !== 'string') {
      throw new TypeError('Name must be a string');
    if (value.length === 0) {
      throw new Error('Name cannot be empty');
    this._name = value;
  get name() {
    return this._name;

const person = new Person('John Doe');
console.log(; // 'John Doe' = 12; // throws an error 'Name must be a string'

In this example, the name property is defined using a setter method that performs two validation checks: checking if the value passed in is a string, and checking if the value is not empty. If the value fails either of these checks, an error is thrown. The name property is also defined using a getter method, which simply returns the value of the property.

This approach allows for encapsulation of the internal state of the object and also provides a way to validate data before it is set or used within the object. This can help to ensure that the object's internal state is always a consistent and valid state, and can also help to prevent bugs and errors in the code.

It is also worth mentioning that there are libraries that can make data validation easier in JavaScript such as Joi, yup, etc. They provide a way to define a schema of how data should look and validate data according to the defined schema. This can be useful, especially when dealing with complex validation rules.

Advantages of Encapsulation in JavaScript

Encapsulation is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that refers to the practice of hiding the implementation details of an object from the outside world and providing a public interface for interacting with the object. In JavaScript, encapsulation can be implemented using a variety of techniques such as closures, the Symbol type, classes, and the WeakMap method.

There are several advantages to using encapsulation in JavaScript:

  1. Encapsulation allows for a separation of concerns, which makes code easier to understand, maintain, and extend. By hiding the implementation details of an object, the internal state and behavior of the object can be changed without affecting the rest of the code, making it more robust and less prone to bugs.
  2. Encapsulation makes it easier to add new features or functionality to an object without having to modify or change existing code. This is because the public interface of the object remains the same, while the internal implementation can be changed as needed.
  3. Encapsulation allows for the creation of private variables and functions that are not accessible from outside the object. This helps to prevent accidental modification or corruption of the object's internal state and behavior.
  4. Encapsulation allows for the creation of objects that can be reused and composed in different ways. This is achieved by only exposing the public interface of an object, which makes it easy to understand how the object can be used, and how it can be composed with other objects.
  5. Encapsulation makes it easier to implement the principle of least privilege, which is the practice of granting an object the least amount of access and privilege necessary to perform its intended function. This helps to prevent security vulnerabilities and improve the overall security of an application.
  6. Encapsulation allows for the creation of objects with a defined and consistent interface. This makes it easier to understand how an object can be used and how it interacts with other objects. This can also help to improve the readability and maintainability of the code.
  7. Encapsulation allows for the implementation of polymorphism, which is the ability of different objects to respond to the same method call in different ways. This is achieved by defining a common interface for a group of objects, and allowing each object to provide its own implementation of that interface. This allows for the creation of flexible and reusable code.
  8. Encapsulation allows for the creation of objects that can be easily tested. By exposing a public interface for interacting with the object, it becomes easy to create test cases that exercise the object's behavior without having to know the internal implementation details.

Disadvantages of Encapsulation in JavaScript

Encapsulation in JavaScript is a fundamental concept that helps to maintain code cleanliness and organization, by hiding implementation details and making them inaccessible from the outside. However, some disadvantages of encapsulation in JavaScript include:

  1. Increased Complexity: Encapsulation in JavaScript involves creating objects that contain functions and data, and organizing these objects in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to access the data directly. This can make the code more complex, as it requires a deeper understanding of objects, properties, and methods. It can also make the code harder to read and understand, as it involves more abstraction.
  2. Reduced Flexibility: By hiding implementation details, encapsulation can make it more difficult to change the code in the future. For example, if a function that's part of an encapsulated object needs to be modified, it might require changing the implementation of the object itself. This can make it harder to maintain the code, especially as the code base grows.
  3. Performance Overhead: Encapsulation can add performance overhead to the code, as access to the hidden implementation details requires additional function calls. For example, if a function that's part of an encapsulated object needs to be invoked, it will require a method call, which can be slower than accessing the function directly. This can be a significant issue for performance-critical applications, and it should be considered when deciding whether to use encapsulation.
  4. Debugging Challenges: Debugging code that makes use of encapsulation can be challenging, as it can be difficult to understand what's happening behind the scenes. For example, if a function that's part of an encapsulated object is not working correctly, it can be difficult to determine what's causing the issue, as the implementation details are hidden. This can make it harder to fix bugs and maintain the code.

Overall, while encapsulation can be a powerful tool for organizing and abstracting code, it's important to weigh the potential disadvantages before deciding to use it. It's also important to use encapsulation judiciously, only applying it when it makes sense for a particular use case.

Scope of Encapsulation

The scope of encapsulation refers to the extent to which implementation details of an object are hidden and inaccessible from outside the object. In JavaScript, encapsulation can be implemented using closure, which allows functions to retain access to variables declared within their scope even after they have returned. This allows objects to maintain their state and protect their data from external modification.

The scope of encapsulation can range from a single object to the entire application, depending on the design and implementation. For example, a single object might encapsulate its data and behavior within its own methods and properties, making it self-contained and isolated from the rest of the code. On the other hand, an entire application might use encapsulation to separate its implementation details into multiple objects, modules, or components, making the code more modular and easier to maintain.

The scope of encapsulation can also vary depending on the level of access control provided. For example, some encapsulated objects might only provide read-only access to their data, while others might provide full read-write access. In some cases, the scope of encapsulation might also be limited by the design of the language itself, such as in the case of JavaScript, where objects can be extended or modified at runtime.

In general, the scope of encapsulation should be carefully considered as part of the design process, taking into account the specific requirements of the application, the level of security needed, and the desired level of abstraction. The goal should be to find the right balance between encapsulation and accessibility, making it possible to maintain and modify the code over time.


In conclusion, encapsulation is an important concept in object-oriented programming that has many advantages in JavaScript. It allows for a separation of concerns, making code easier to understand, maintain, and extend. It makes it easier to add new features or functionality to an object without having to modify or change existing code. It also allows for the creation of private variables and functions, and objects that can be reused and composed in different ways. It can also help in implementing the principle of least privilege, creating objects with defined and consistent interfaces, and easier testing. Encapsulation is a powerful tool that can improve the overall design, structure, and maintainability of an application.