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How to Remove Special Characters from a String in JavaScript?

Firstly, let’s understand what is a string. In computer programming, a string is a sequence of characters that represents text or a sequence of data. A string can consist of letters, numbers, symbols, or spaces, and is typically used to represent text data in a computer program. A string can be any length, from a single character to a very large block of text.

In programming languages like JavaScript, Java, Python, and others, strings are defined by enclosing them in quotation marks. There are two types of quotation marks that can be used to define a string:

  • Single Quotes: Strings defined with single quotes are enclosed with a single quote character, like this:
let str = 'This is a string';
  • Double Quotes: Strings defined with double quotes are enclosed with a double quote character, like this:
let str = "This is also a string";

Both single and double quotes can be used to define a string, but they cannot be mixed into the same string definition. For example, the following code would produce a syntax error:

let str = 'This is a string"   // Syntax error - mismatched quotes

Once a string is defined, it can be manipulated in various ways, such as concatenation, slicing, and searching. In addition to plain text, strings can also include special characters such as newlines, tabs, and escape sequences, which are represented by a backslash followed by a special character. For example, the following code defines a string with a newline character:

let str = "This is the first line\nThis is the second line";

The newline character (\n) is used to separate the two lines in the string.

In summary, a string is a sequence of characters that represents text or data in a computer program. They are defined by enclosing them in quotation marks and can be manipulated in various ways using programming language functions and methods.

In JavaScript, there are several ways to remove special characters from a string.

Here are a few methods that can be used:

Method 1: Using Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are a powerful tool for pattern matching in JavaScript. They can be used to match and remove specific characters from a string.

Here's an example of how to remove all non-alphanumeric characters from a string:

Example 1:

let str = "This is a string with @#$% special characters!";
str = str.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g, '');


"This is a string with special characters"

In this code, we have used the replace() method to replace the characters that are not alphanumeric or a space with an empty string. The regular expression /[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g matches any character that is not an uppercase or lowercase letter or a number, or a space. The g flag at the end of the regular expression makes the search global. It means, it will replace all occurrences of the matched characters.

Method 2: Using the ASCII Code

Each character in a string has a corresponding ASCII code, which is a unique number that represents the character. You can use the ASCII code to remove specific characters from a string. Here's an example of how to remove all characters with ASCII code greater than 127 from a string:

Example 2:

let str = "This is a string with é special characters!";
let newStr = "";
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
  if (str.charCodeAt(i) <= 127) {
    newStr += str.charAt(i);


"This is a string with  special characters!"

In this code, we loop through each character in the string and check its ASCII code using the charCodeAt() method. If the ASCII code is less than or equal to 127, we add the character to a new string using the charAt() method. This effectively removes all characters with ASCII code greater than 127.

Method 3: Using the replace() method with special character regex

You can also use the replace() method with a regex to remove specific special characters from a string. Here's an example:

Example 3:

let str = "This is a string with @#$% special characters!";
str = str.replace(/[!@#$%^&*(),.?":{}|<>]/g, '');


"This is a string with  special characters"

In this code, we have used the replace() method to replace any special characters in the string with an empty string. We have created a regular expression that matches any of the special characters we want to remove, enclosed in square brackets. The g flag at the end of the regular expression makes the search global, meaning it will replace all occurrences of the matched characters.

These are just a few examples of how to remove special characters from a string in JavaScript. The best method to use will depend on the specific requirements of your program.