Zoom Command in AutoCAD

You may also use the keyboard to access the Zoom command by typing its alias, Z. The Zoom command has numerous possibilities, but the most frequent are Extents, which was previously discussed, Window, which allows you to zoom to a specific window by clicking with your mouse, and All, which zooms to the drawing limitations. The Limits command, which will be detailed in a later chapter, specifies a region that is normally set in a template. If you can't zoom out far enough with the mouse wheel to see all of the items in your drawing, it's because your drawing limitations are too narrow.

This difficulty may be solved by utilizing Zoom Extents to see all of your items. If you're working on a laptop without a mouse, you may input the Zoom command using the keyboard by pressing Z Enter E Enter for Zoom Extents or Z Enter an Enter for Zoom All.

Zoom Undoing & Redoing

Unlike other applications, Zooming and Panning, as well as other actions, are affected by Undo and Redo. If you reverse steps and then zoom or pan before redoing, this might cause issues. You will not be able to redo any instructions, including zoom, if you input them after undoing other actions. As a result, zooming or panning while using Undo and Redo is not recommended.

The current viewport's magnification has been raised or lowered.

Zoom Command in AutoCAD

Zooming in and out, similar to how a camera zooms in and out, may change the magnification of a scene. When you use ZOOM, the absolute size of things in the design does not change. The only thing that changes is the enlargement of the view.

The 3DZOOM prompts are displayed in a perspective manner using ZOOM.

The following prompts will appear.

Window's corner

Select one of the area's corners to zoom in on.

On the opposite side of the street. Specify the zoom area's opposite corner.


To present all visible things and assistance, all zooms are employed. The magnification of the drawing area is adjusted to accommodate the extents of all visible objects in the drawing, or visual aids such as the grid limits (the LIMITS command), whichever is larger.

Zoom Command in AutoCAD

The grid limitations in the example on the right are set to a bigger region than the drawing's extents.

You can't use ZOOM All transparently since it constantly regenerates the drawing.


Zooms to show a view determined by a center point and a magnification or height setting. The magnification is increased by lowering the height setting. The magnification is reduced as the value increases. In perspective projection, it is not available.

Zoom Command in AutoCAD


A rectangular view box is used to pan and zoom. Your view is represented by the view box, which you may resize or extend, as well as move around the drawing. As the view box is positioned and enlarged, it pans or zooms to fill the viewport with the view inside the view box. It is not accessible in perspective projection.

Zoom Command in AutoCAD
  • To change the size of the view box, click, resize it, and then accept the new size.
  • Drag the view box to the desired position and press Enter to pan.


zooms in on all items to show their full extents.

To establish how the model should fill the window, the extents of each item in the model are computed and utilized.

Zoom Command in AutoCAD


Zooms in on the preceding view. Up to 10 previous views can be restored.

Zoom Command in AutoCAD

Scale (or scale factor) is a term used to describe how large something is. Using a scale factor, zooms may modify the magnification of a view.

  • Type a value followed by x to alter the scale in relation to the current view.
  • To select the scale in terms of paper space units, enter a value followed by xp.

Entering, for instance.

On the screen, 5x reduces the size of each thing to half its present size.

Zoom Command in AutoCAD

Getting started. Model space is displayed at half the scale of paper space units in 5xp. You may make a layout with items displayed at varying scales in each viewport.

Enter a number to set the scale in relation to the drawing's grid limitations. (This is a rarely used option.) For example, entering 2 makes everything twice as big as it would be if you zoomed in to the drawing's limits.

Zoom Command in AutoCAD

Window zooms in on a rectangle window to show a larger region.

You may define a region of the model to cover the full window with the pointer.

Zoom Command in AutoCAD


Zooms enlarges and positions one or more chosen items in the center of the screen. Objects can be selected before or after the ZOOM command is executed.

In Real-Time

Zooms in and out to change the magnification of the image. The cursor becomes a magnifying glass with a plus (+) and minus (-) indication. For an explanation of the choices accessible while zooming in real time, see Zoom Shortcut Menu.

Zoom Command in AutoCAD

Holding down the choose button at the window's midway while sliding vertically to the top zooms in to 100 percent. Holding the choose button down in the middle of the window and sliding vertically to the bottom of the window, on the other hand, zooms out by 100%.

When you get close to the zoom-in limit, the + symbol on the cursor vanishes, indicating that you can no longer zoom in. The negative symbol on the cursor vanishes when you approach the zoom-out limit, indicating that you can no longer zoom out.

The zooming stops when you release the choose button. You may release the choose button, move the mouse to a different part of the drawing, then press the pick button again to continue zooming the display from that point.

Press Enter or Esc to stop zooming.