COA Tutorial

Computer Organization and Architecture Tutorial Basic Terminologies Related to COA Digital Number System Computer Organization and Architecture Data Formats Fixed and Floating-Point Number IEEE Standard 754 Floating Point Numbers Control Unit Organization Data Path, ALU and Control Unit Micro-Operations CPU Registers Addressing Modes COA: Interrupt and its types Instruction Cycle: Computer Organization and Architecture Instruction Pipelining and Pipeline Hazards Pipelining: Computer Organization and Architecture Machine Instructions 8085 instructions set 8085 Pin Configuration Addressing mode in 8085 microprocessor Advantages and Disadvantages of Flash Memory BCD to 7 Segment Decoder Biconnectivity in a Graph Bipartite Graph CarryLook Ahead Adder Control Signals in 8155 Microprocessor Convert a number from base 2 to base 6 Ethernet Frame Format Local Broadcast Address and loopback address Microprocessor classification Use Case Diagram for the online bank system 8086 Microprocessor Pin Configurations 8255 Microprocessor Operating Modes Flag Register of 8086 Microprocessor Data Transfer and Manipulation 8085 Arithmetic Instructions Assembly Language Register What is Cache Associativity? Auxiliary Memory in COA Associative Memory in Computer Architecture SCSI Bus in Computer Architecture What are Registers in Microprocessor What is Associative Memory 1 Persistent CSMA What is Floating-Point Representation in Computer Architecture? What is a Serial Port in a Computer? What is Cluster Computing What is Batch Processing in Computer Advantages of Client Server Architecture Spooling Meaning in Computer System Magnetic Core Memory Magnetic Ink Card Reader Decision Making Tools and Techniques Digital Electronics using Semiconductor Memory What is Internal Chip Organization in Computer Architecture? What is Hardwired Control Unit? Definition of Diodes in Electronics Advantages of FSK Web Server Architecture How the OS interfaces between the user, apps, hardware? Discuss the I/O Interface in Computer Architecture Difference between Internal Fragmentation and External Fragmentation MDR in Computer Architecture What is ESS? What is Gray code What is Parity Check? Firewall in E-Commerce Fragmentation in Computer Diskette Controller Handshaking in Computer Architecture Memory Interleaving What is ESS? What is Gray code What is Parity Check? Firewall in E-Commerce Fragmentation in Computer Diskette Controller

Advantages of Client Server Architecture

Client server architecture is also known as the "Network Computing Model" since all services and requests are distributed across the network. Its functioning is similar to that of a distributed computer system, where all components do their responsibilities independently of one another.

Client server architecture is a computer that is shared network structure in which several clients (remote systems) submit numerous requests to a central server machine (host system) in order to get services.

Client-server architecture is analogous to a two-way communication between computers: the client (your device) communicates with the server, and the server responds. Together, they can provide you with an outstanding experience whether playing games you enjoy or using other online apps.

Advantages of Client Server Architecture

Example of Client-Server Architecture


Web-servers give users access to online applications and material like HTML files, pictures, and additional resources. These servers handle requests, produce websites, and offer content to users.

Application Servers

Application servers are intended to centrally resolve application-related issues in a certain topic area. Users possess the ability to launch server programs. The use of app servers decreases client setup requirements while also simplifying overall network administration.

Database Servers

SQL queries are processed on database servers. The DBMS is installed on the computer to which the client applications are linked.

File Servers

The file server saves information as folders and grants user access. A file server often provides some level of security against illegal access.

Proxy Server

First, it serves as a middleman, allowing users to get to Internet content while safeguarding the network. Second, it caches frequently requested information on a local disk, allowing users to retrieve it fast without having to reconnect to the Internet.


Firewalls monitor and manage the network traffic that comes and goes. It may prevent undesired connections, identify fraudulent information packets, and guard against possible security risks by using a variety of rules and settings.

Mail Servers

Offer users the opportunity to compose and receive emails. The server handles email authentication, storage, and delivery.

Advantages of Client-Server Architecture

Horizontal Extension

The design enables for simple scalability by adding additional clients or server devices to the network. This makes it suited for systems with a rising amount of users or data.


The primary advantage of a network consisting of clients and servers is that it supports centralized management all information can be found in one location. The network administrator has total control on management and administration, which is incredibly beneficial. Any issue that develops throughout the network may be handled in a single location. It's also easy to update data.

Centralized Authority

Server-side administration enables centralized control of resources, safety measures, and data. System administrators can more effectively maintain policies and perform updates.

Centralized Security Measures

By integrating safety protocols and access restrictions at the server level, data is protected consistently and centrally. It is easy to implement authentication and permission policies.


Customers may simply increase the number of customers and servers. When the platform has been centralized, there is no issue with network resource authorization as they expand in size. As a result, setups require only a few individuals.


Data is effectively protected due to the client-server network's centralized nature. So, only authorized users may access the data with login and pin and two-factor authentication. Furthermore, if data is gone, the records may be swiftly recovered using a single backup.


It is straightforward to manage files as they are all stored on just one server. A network consisting of clients and servers can easily monitor and access the relevant file records.

High Availability

Using load balancing strategies can improve server stability and availability. If a particular server fails, another one can take over to provide service continuity.

Centralized upgrades

Software revisions, patches, and upgrades may be performed centrally on the server, minimizing the time required for care on every client's devices.

Uniform layout

Clients connect with the server via a standard interface, offering an identical user experience across all devices and platforms.

Reduced Client Complexity

Clients with client-server architecture might be thin clients, which means they have limited processing and storage capacity. The server does the most of the work, minimizing the software and hardware necessities on the user's side.

Concurrency Control

The design allows numerous clients to reach the server simultaneously. The server controls ongoing access to resources, maintaining information consistency and integrity.

Centralized Maintenance

Centralized administration and maintenance can result in cost savings since updates, safety protocols, and system enhancements are administered at the computer's level, minimizing the burden on individual clients.


Clients and servers can be constructed with different technologies so long as they follow the communication protocols. This enables flexibility and integration of several systems.

Centralized Logs

When difficulties develop, centralized logs for the server can help with solving problems, which makes it easier to recognize and fix issues.

Other Advantages of Client Server Architecture

  • Client Server Architecture includes centralized control over network operations.
  • Every record is preserved in the core area.
  • Every network device may be managed centrally.
  • All concerns, such as storage and network protection, may be controlled centrally.
  • All users have access to the whole shard files, which are kept centrally.
  • Users may access data from anywhere and at any time.
  • Scalability allows for expansion to meet specific needs.
  • It enables service integration, which means it allows your whole customer to use corporate data using their own terminal while eliminating any extraneous log in restrictions.
  • It lets users to exchange resources across several platforms and places.
  • Client server architecture depends on a distributed approach, which implies that servers may be replaced, repaired, updated, and relocated without impacting the clients.
  • It is able to withstand heavy usage.
  • Client server networks provide excellent management to maintain all records of whole files, allowing all users to readily locate any file.
  • It helps all users to reduce data duplication in their applications.

Disadvantages of Client-Server Architecture

While client-server architecture has numerous benefits, there are also drawbacks. Here are some possible drawbacks:

Dependence upon the Server

The server is responsible for the overall operation of the system. If the server fails, the entire system might become unreachable, affecting all connected clients.

Communication Overhead

The design is based on network communication. Network congestion and outages can have an impact on the system's performance and response time.

Architecture Costs

Installing and maintaining the servers may be costly. Organizations must invest in reliable the servers, computer networks, and trained management people.

System Complexity

Implementing and administering a client-server system may be challenging, particularly for large-scale deployments. The requirement for cooperation between the server and client components can increase

Dependence on Connectivity

In unreliable situations, such as mobile or distant, users may face service limits or disruptions.

Centralized Security Risks

Although centralised safeguards are beneficial, they also present a danger. If a server has been compromised, it can result in illegal access and data breaches for all connected clients.

Scale the Server

Scaling a server to handle an increasing number of customers might be difficult. Performance bottlenecks may arise, necessitating careful planning and architectural changes.

Server Overhead

Websites can get overloaded, causing performance decrease. Balancing resource use to fulfil the expectations of various clients may be a challenging undertaking.

Technology Lock-in

The selection of servers design can result in technological lock-in, which switching to an alternative technology stack requires major renovation.

Client-Server Version Mismatch

Maintaining compatibility between server and client versions can be difficult, particularly during software upgrades. Mismatched versions may cause functionality concerns.

Network delay, caused by distance and congestion, can influence system responsiveness.

Managing Load Balancers

High traffic circumstances can make load balancing for dispersed servers challenging. Improper load balancing might result in unequal resource consumption.


When a large number of customers seek access at the same time, your connection may collapse or slow down. As a result, there is always the possibility of missing out on important information.

We employ a cluster on servers for our projects; one failed, but the rest remain operational. Put the balancer directly in front of the computers, and the client will send its request there. The customer is unconcerned with the number of servers in the cluster. It just has one URL, which is the balancer's address. This approach is utilized for a high-load application, which has so many requests that a single server cannot process them all. Facebook, Amazon, and other mega corporations have been operating in this manner for decades.

Characteristics of Client-Server Architecture

In computing, the client-server architecture has numerous fundamental properties, including:

  • The architecture is based on a request-response system, in which clients request offerings from the server and the server answers to those requests.
  • Centralized Service the computer that hosts, provides, and controls the majority of the resources and services utilized by the client, allowing for centralized resource access and administration.
  • Clients and servers have unique jobs that they consistently do, with clients often located on workstations or laptops, and servers on more powerful devices elsewhere on the network.
  • The design is scalable and reliable, with the potential to add more servers to accommodate increased client demand.
  • The centralized design improves security by enforcing access rules and policies to protect data. It offers comprehensive control over administration and management, making it ideal for network management.
  • Potential of Network Congestion If numerous users seek information from the server at the same time, the server may become overwhelmed, resulting in network congestion and denial of service.

Features of Client-Server Architecture

  • Client-server architecture accomplishes all actions in accordance with the system's requests and responses because the client sends a request to the server, and the server answers with the needed information.
  • It adheres to all conventional communication protocol rules since every one of the communication protocols are offered on the application layer.
  • The server can receive just a handful of requests from the client system simultaneously because it employs system-based priority to reply to numerous requests.
  • Lack of service assaults reduce the server's ability to react to legitimate client requests by flooding it with duplicated requests.


In conclusion, Client-server architecture represents a key idea in computer science, because it enables us to perform many things online, such as play games and use social media, as well as access cloud-based applications. It is an effective means for devices to connect with one another and share information, and it is required for the internet to work.

However, the client-server design poses some intriguing considerations concerning privacy and security. When we utilize internet services, we believe that the servers will keep our data safe and secure. This may be difficult to reconcile since we desire the convenience and connectedness that the World Wide Web provides, but additionally want to guarantee that our data is secure.

So, when you use your gadgets and engage with the online world, consider the client-server architecture that runs behind the scenes. Where is your data saved and processed? Who gets access to it? What actions are being done to ensure its safety? By contemplating these questions, you may become a more knowledgeable and informed technology user.