COA Tutorial

Computer Organization and Architecture Tutorial Basic Terminologies Related to COA Digital Number System Computer Organization and Architecture Data Formats Fixed and Floating-Point Number IEEE Standard 754 Floating Point Numbers Control Unit Organization Data Path, ALU and Control Unit Micro-Operations CPU Registers Addressing Modes COA: Interrupt and its types Instruction Cycle: Computer Organization and Architecture Instruction Pipelining and Pipeline Hazards Pipelining: Computer Organization and Architecture Machine Instructions 8085 instructions set 8085 Pin Configuration Addressing mode in 8085 microprocessor Advantages and Disadvantages of Flash Memory BCD to 7 Segment Decoder Biconnectivity in a Graph Bipartite Graph CarryLook Ahead Adder Control Signals in 8155 Microprocessor Convert a number from base 2 to base 6 Ethernet Frame Format Local Broadcast Address and loopback address Microprocessor classification Use Case Diagram for the online bank system 8086 Microprocessor Pin Configurations 8255 Microprocessor Operating Modes Flag Register of 8086 Microprocessor Data Transfer and Manipulation 8085 Arithmetic Instructions Assembly Language Register What is Cache Associativity? Auxiliary Memory in COA Associative Memory in Computer Architecture SCSI Bus in Computer Architecture What are Registers in Microprocessor What is Associative Memory 1 Persistent CSMA What is Floating-Point Representation in Computer Architecture? What is a Serial Port in a Computer? What is Cluster Computing What is Batch Processing in Computer Advantages of Client Server Architecture Spooling Meaning in Computer System Magnetic Core Memory Magnetic Ink Card Reader Decision Making Tools and Techniques Digital Electronics using Semiconductor Memory What is Internal Chip Organization in Computer Architecture? What is Hardwired Control Unit? Definition of Diodes in Electronics Advantages of FSK Web Server Architecture How the OS interfaces between the user, apps, hardware? Discuss the I/O Interface in Computer Architecture Difference between Internal Fragmentation and External Fragmentation MDR in Computer Architecture What is ESS? What is Gray code What is Parity Check? Firewall in E-Commerce Fragmentation in Computer Diskette Controller Handshaking in Computer Architecture Memory Interleaving What is ESS? What is Gray code What is Parity Check? Firewall in E-Commerce Fragmentation in Computer Diskette Controller

Digital Electronics using Semiconductor Memory

One type of semiconductor device used for data storage is semiconductor memory. We can use magnetic or optical-electronic data storage media, which are the two types available. In semiconductor technology, there are two primary sorts or classes that may be utilized: memories with random access and memory that is read-only. These memory classifications set the memory apart from its functioning.

We shall begin our exploration of semiconductor memory with this essay on RAM. Let's start with RAM, or random access memory, its characteristics, kinds, and other aspects. There are many different forms it may take, including how it physically connects to or interacts with computer systems, as well as different capacities (calculated in MB or GB), speeds (which are expressed in MHz or Gh), and designs.

Digital information storage was necessary for a digital processing system. The data or knowledge is kept in memory and is presented as binary codes and data. Until the discovery of semiconductor technology, information was first stored via magnetic storage. A wide range of kinds and capacities of semiconductor memory are available. These memories outperform magnetic memories in terms of compact size, affordability, speed, and dependability.

Semiconductor Random Access Memory

Semiconductor memory technology, known as random access memory, allows data to be read and written in any sequence. It serves as the computer's or processor's memory, storing variables and other data that is needed sometimes.

Because random-access memory is simple for the user to program, erase, and reprogram, it is widely employed in computer applications. Modern computers and processing technology require huge amounts of memory in order to function. Large volumes of different forms of RAM are employed, such as SRAM, DRAM, and SDRAM with its DDR that has been3, DDR4, and DDR5 variations.

This kind of memory allows for many reads and writes of data. Every memory region in RAM is organized so that reading and writing take the same amount of time.

Unplanned Access Memories are prone to volatility, meaning they may erratically retain information. More specifically, information stored in volatile memory is only retained while the power source is turned on. Memory, often known as main memory, the main storage device, or system memory, loses its stored data when the power is cut off.

Types of RAM

RAM is primarily divided into two groups:

  1. Static Random Access Memory, or SRAM
  2. Dynamic Random Access Memory, or DRAM

Static RAM

Static memory with random access is what SRAM stands for. The data is saved using a variety of flip-flops that it has. Flip flops, which make up the memory cells, store the data until the power source is turned on.

Random Access Static Information is stored in memory throughout the time as the electrical source is active. Static RAMs outperform D-RAMs in terms of performance, cost, and power consumption. The CPU's speed-sensitive cache is built using static RAM, whereas the broader system RAM area is made up of dynamic RAM.

Because data is volatile, the term "static" suggests that it is stored in memory as long as energy is available and is discarded when the power is cut.

Data is handled by BJT or Cmos and saved in FFs-like structures in Static RAM. Refreshments are not required. The flip-flop device for a data storage cell takes four or five transistors plus some wire. Because of this, static RAM operates far more quickly than dynamic RAM.  

Dynamic RAM

Data is stored in DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) as charges in a pair of accessible capacitors and transistors within the memory cell. When implementing DRAM, MOSFETs are used.

Since dynamic random access memory is tiny and reasonably priced, it is put on the majority of system memory. It is made up of cells with memories, which are made up of one transistor and one capacitor.

To keep the data intact, the volatile random access memory must be routinely updated. In order to accomplish this, the memory is placed on a refresh circuit, which rewrites the data many hundred times each second. Both its operating rate and power consumption are slower than those of SRAM.

Digital Electronics using Semiconductor Memory

Dynamic Synchronous RAM (SDRAM)

One kind of DRAM is called SODRAM, and it operates in tandem with the CPU timepiece, meaning that it acknowledges data input only after receiving the clock signal. It functions differently from Dynamic Random Access Memory, which reacts quickly to input data. It is mostly used in video gaming consoles, computer memory, etc.

Synchronous Dynamic RAM with Single Data Rate (SDR SDRAM)

The "single data rate" represents the way memory operates. Each clock cycle can handle a single reading and one write command. It is widely utilized in video gaming consoles, computer memory, etc.

DDR SDRAM stands for Double Data Speed Synchronous Dynamic RAM

With two times the speed, DDR SDRAM functions similarly to SDR SDRAM. Every clock cycle, two read and two written instructions may be processed using DDR SDRAM. It is extensively employed in computer memory. The DDR2, DDR3, and DDR4 enhanced versions of DDR memory sticks are the others.

GDDR SDRAM stands for Graphics Doubling Data Rate Asynchronous Dynamic RAM

A kind of DDR SDRAM made especially for video gaming devices is called GDDR SDRAM. GDDR2 SDRAM, which is GDDR3 SD RAM, GDDR4 SDRAM, which stands, and GDDR5 SDRAM are the various improved versions of GDDR SDRAM.

Quick Memory

A type of non-volatile storage, flash memory retains all data even when the power is turned off. Often used in toys, hand-operated game systems, digital cameras, cell phones, and tablets.

Memory with a Magnetic Core

Approximately from 1955 to 1975, magnetic-core memory dominated the random-access computer memory market for 20 years. This type of memory is sometimes referred to as core memory or simply core.

One piece of information is stored in each core. Magnetization of a core can occur in both clockwise and anticlockwise directions. Depending on the way a core is magnetized, the bit stored there has a value of either zero or one. A core's magnetization may be adjusted to point in either direction by electrically generated pulses in part of the wires passing through it, storing either zero or one. To determine if the status of a core has changed, a second wire—the sensing wire—is inserted through each core.

Digital Electronics using Semiconductor Memory

The transformer cores used in core memory are toroids, or rings, made of a hard magnetic substance, most often semi-hard ferrite. Each wire that is run through the core acts as a type of transformer winding. Two or more wires traverse every core. Magnetic hysteresis enables every core to retain or "remember" a certain state.

The Functioning of Core Memory

X/Y line coincident-current, the most popular type of core memory, is used for a computer's main memory. It is made up of many tiny toroidal ferrimagnetic ceramic ferrites, or cores, held together in a grid structure (arranged as a "stack" of several layers called helicopters), with wires woven by means of the holes in the centers of the cores. X, Y, Understand, and Inhibit were the four wires in early systems; however, subsequent cores merged the last two wires to form a single Sense/Inhibit line.

An integer (0 or 1) was saved in each toroid. Every computing word in a list of words was dispersed over a "stacking of planes since one bit in every airplane could be retrieved in a single cycle. To read or write an entire word in a single cycle, each plane would be manipulating a single word bit in parallel.

The square circle hysteresis loop characteristics of the ferrite stone used to create the toroids are what the core depends on. The core cannot alter its magnetic polarity until exposed to a magnetic field stronger than a certain threshold (referred to as "select"). 

One of the X traces and a single of the Y lines is driven with half what is currently selected ("half-select") necessary to induce this change in order to pick a memory location. The state can only be altered by the combined electromagnetic field created at the intersection of the X and Y lines (a logical AND function); other cores will only detect half of the required field (also known as "half-selected") or none at all.

The induced field that results from forcing the electrical current over the copper wires in a specific direction causes the magnetic flux of the chosen core to rotate either clockwise or anticlockwise. A stored 1 is used in one direction and a stored 0 in the other.

A toroidal core is favored because there is very little external flux, no magnetic poles, and a closed magnetic channel. As a result, the magnetic fields of the cores may be packed tightly together without interfering. The diagonal sensing wires required the alternating 45-degree placement seen in early core arrays. Tighter packing was achievable when these diagonal wires were removed.

The word "core" originates from traditional transformers, which have a magnetic core surrounded by windings. The wires in core memory are single-turn devices that only go through each core once. Memory core materials differ significantly from power transformer materials in terms of their qualities. High magnetic remanence, sustained high magnetization, and low coercivity the latter requiring less energy to shift the magnetization direction are necessary characteristics for the magnetic material used in core memories. The core can encode one bit in two states.

Even after the data storage system is turned off, the contents of the core memory (non-volatile memory) remain intact. Nevertheless, the core is reset to "zero" when it is read. Next, in a quick rewrite cycle, circuits in the gadget's memory system recover the data.

Digital Electronics using Semiconductor Memory

 Economics of Production

Tested but unstrung cores cost US$0.33 per in 1953. By 1970, IBM was generating 20 billion cores annually as a result of improved production capacity, and the cost per core had dropped to US$0.0003. Core diameters decreased over this time, ranging from approximately 0.1 millimeters (2.5 mm) in the first half of the century to 0.013 miles (0.33 mm) in the year 1966. This is a 125-fold reduction in power usage since the power needed to reverse the magnetization of a single core is proportionate to its volume.

Hollow needles were not viable for smaller cores, but semi-automatic core threading made significant progress. It was decided to create support nests with guiding channels. The outer sheet "patch" that protected the cores during production and subsequent usage was permanently glued to them. In an attempt to reduce the usage of needles, thread needles remained butt bonded to the wires, resulting in point and wire diameters that were the same.

The cost of running the wires throughout the cores determined the overall cost of core memory systems. Because Forrester's coincident-current method needed one of the wires to be routed at a 45-degree angle to the cores, core arrays had to be built under a microscope by workers with precise motor control because it proved to be impossible to wire by machine.

Early in the 1960s, core memory became almost universally available due to its declining cost. It supplanted high-performance systems employing vacuum tubes and then discrete transistors as memory, as well as low-priced drum memory.Throughout the technology, core memory costs decreased dramatically, starting at around US$1.00 every bit and ending at about US$0.01 per bit.

Halberd Semiconductor

American semiconductor manufacturer Fairchild Semiconductors International, Inc. has its headquarters in San Jose, Texas. In 1957, it was established as a branch of Fairchild Photography and Instrument, following the "traitorous eight" out of Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory. It rose to prominence in the production of integrated circuits and transistors. In 1979, Schlumberger acquired the company, which it then sold to National Technology in 1987. In 1997, Fairchild separated once more as an independent business. 

The corporation maintained sites located in South Portland, England; West Jordan, Utah; Mountaintop, Pennsylvania; San Jose, California; and San Rafael, California in the United States. It had operations outside of the U.S. in Australia, Singapore, Penang, Malaysia, Suzhou, China, Australia, Singapore, and Cebu, Philippines, to name a few.

Shockley did a good job of recruiting, but he could have done a better job of managing. A select number of Shockley's staff later dubbed the "traitorous eight" grew dissatisfied with his handling of the business. The eight guys were Sheldon Roberts, Gordon Moore, Jay Last, Eugene Kleiner, Jean Hoerni, Victor Grinich, and Gordon Blank. They went to Sherman Fairchild's Fox Camera and Musical Instrument, a leading Eastern U.S. business with significant military contracts, for finance for their project.

When the Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation division was founded in 1957, the goal was to produce silicon transistors during a period when germanium remained the most widely used semiconductor material.

Sherman Fairchild said that the reason he had agreed to set up the chip division for the treacherous eight was because of Noyce's passionate explanation of his vision. Noyce supported the adoption of silicon as the substrate since the manufacturing method would bear the majority of the expenses, as the material would consist of grit and a few tiny wires. 

Noyce also shared his opinion that the advent of silicon semiconductors would mark the beginning of disposable appliances, which would not require repairs but would instead be thrown away as they wore out because of their inexpensive electronic parts.

Most previous transistor technologies were rendered obsolete by the planar process. One such victim was the transistor division of Philco, whose freshly constructed $40 million facility to produce their semiconductor PADT process transistors was rendered unprofitable. All other transistor companies quickly copied or obtained licenses for the Fairchild planar approach. Hoerni's 2N1613 was a huge hit, and Fairchild licensed the design to all manufacturers.

The first silicon circuit with an integrated circuit was created in 1960 when Fairchild constructed a device using four semiconductor transistors on just one silicon wafer (Texas Instruments' On the morning of September 12, 1958, Jack Kilby created a germanium integrated circuit and received a U.S. patent for it. Nevertheless, Kilby's approach needed to be more scalable, and the semiconductor business used Fairchild's integrated circuit manufacturing technique instead. The business quickly expanded from twelve to over a thousand workers, generating $130 million in revenue annually.