Laravel Route Parameters

Laravel Route Parameters

Required Parameters:

We need to capture segments of the URI within our route.

We are going to see how to pass parameters through two or many views inside the closure function.

Route::get('/home', function () {
    return "Hello Home Page,
Welcome to Laravel Project";

Route::get('/about', function () {
    return "Hello About Page, I am

Route::get('/contact', function () {
    return "Hello Contact Page, Call


Laravel Route Parameters 1
Laravel Route Parameters 2
Laravel Route Parameters 3

We need to capture a user`s id from the URL.

We do so by defining route parameters.

Return ‘user ‘ , $id;


Route::get('/video/{id}', function($id) {
return "Here We Can Find
Video No. ". $id;


Laravel Route Parameters 4

In the above example, we can see how to pass the variable to the closure function.

We define as many route parameters as required by our route:

Route::get(‘posts/{post}/comment}’,function( $postId, $commentId)


Route::get('/image/{id}/{name}', function($id, $name) {
return "Hii This Is Image No. ". $id . " " . $name;


Laravel Route Parameters 5

In the above example, the 50 is represented as an ( id ), the Rafia describes as a ( name ).

Route parameters are always enclosed within { } braces, and it should consist of any alphabetic characters. It may not contain a character. Instead of using the character, we use an underscore (_). Route parameters are placed into route callbacks/controllers based on their order the names of the callback/controller arguments do not matter.

Optional Parameters

We need to specify route parameters occasionally, but we make the presence of route parameter route. We can place a (?) mark after the parameter name.

We make sure to give the route`s corresponding variable a default value.

Route::get(‘user/{name?},’function ($name = null)
Return $name;
Route::get(‘user/{name?},’ function ($name = ‘John’)
Return $name;

Regular Expression Constraints

We may constrain the format of our route parameters using the where method.

Route::get(‘user/{name}’,function ($name)
}) -> where(‘name’, ‘[A-Za-z]+’);
Route::get(‘user/{id}’, function ($id)
}) -> where(‘id’, ‘[0-9]+’);
Route::get(‘user/{id}/{name}’,  ($id, $name)
}) -> where([‘id’ => ‘[0-9]+’, ‘name’ => ‘[a-z]’]); 

The where method obtain the name of the parameters and a regular expression defining the parameter that should be constrained:

Global Constraints

We would like a route parameter to always be constrained by a given regular expression, we can use the pattern method. We can define these patterns in the boot method of ours RouteServiceMethod.

public function boot()
Route::pattern(‘id’,  ‘[0-9]+’); 

Once the pattern has been defined, it will be automatically applied to all the outers using the parameter name:

Route::get(‘user/{id},’  function($id)

Encoded Forward Slashes

The Laravel routing component allows all the characters except /. We must explicitly allow / to be part of our placeholder using a where condition regular expression.

Route::get(‘search/{search}’,  function ($search)
Return $search;
}) -> where(‘search’,  ‘.*’);