Angular 8 Tutorial

Angular 8 Introduction History and versions of Angular 8 Architecture of Angular 8 How to install Angular 8 and set-up it. Creating our first Angular 8 app Angular 8 app loading

Difference between Angular And react

Angular vs react

Angular 8 Advantages Disadvantage

Advantage and Disadvantage of Angular 8

Angular 8 file structure

Angular 8 file structure

Angular 8 components

Components of Angular 8

Angular 8 CLI Commands

All CLI commands of Angular

Angular 8 with Bootstrap

How to install bootstrap for Angular 8 Libraries of Angular 8

Angular 8 Routing

Routing in Angular 8

Angular 8 directives

Angular 8 Directives Angular 8 ngIf directive Angular 8 ngFor directive Angular 8 ngSwitch directive Angular 8 ngClass directive Angular 8 ngStyle directive

Angular 8 pipes

Angular 8 Pipes

Angular 8 databinding

Angular 8 Data binding Angular 8 Event binding Angular 8 Property binding Two-way data binding in Angular 8

String Interpolation In Angular 8

Angular 8 String interpolation

Angular 8 forms

Angular 8 Forms Data flow of forms in Angular 8 Creating forms in Angular 8 Testing and validation of forms in Angular 8

Error fixing in Angular 8

Error fixing in Angular 8

Dependency injection and services in Angular 8

Dependency injection services in Angular 8

Angular 8 Animations

Angular 8 Animations

Dynamic components in Angular 8

Dynamic components in Angular 8

Angular 8 Module

Angular 8 Module Deploying an angular 8 app

Introduction of unit testing in angular 8

Unit testing in angular 8

Observables in angular 8

Observables in angular 8

Angular 8 universal

Angular 8 universal

Angular 8 Changes and new features

New features and changes in Angular 8


Angular 8 Conclusion

Advantages | Disadvantages of Angular 8

Advantages of Angular 8

There are some Advantages of angular 8 which are given below:

  • It offers clean code development
  • Higher Performance
  • An angular framework can take care of routing, which means moving from one view to another is easy in Angular.
  • Seamless updates using Angular CLI (Command Line Interface).
  • It allows the ability to retrieve the state of location services.
  • We can debug templates in angular 8.
  • It supports multiple apps in one domain.
Advantages of angular 8

Disadvantages of Angular

Here are also some disadvantages of Angular which are given below:

  • An Angular feature can be confusing for newcomers.
  • There is no precise manual and extensive, all-inclusive documentation.
  • Steep learning curve
  • Scopes are hard to debug Limited Routing.
  • Angular some time becomes slow with pages embedding interactive elements.
  • Third-party integration is complicated.
  • While switching from the older versions to the newer ones, we may face several issues.
disadvantages of Angular