SQL Aliases
SQL Aliases:
These are used to give a temporary name for a column or table. These are used to make tables or columns more readable.
- These are used to rename the table or column temporarily. But it does not change in the original database.
- Aliases are used when the table names or column names are big and they are not readable
- Alias is used with the “AS” Keyword.
- It exists only for the duration of a particular query.
Alias Column Syntax:
select columnname AS aliasname from tablename;
Alias Table Syntax:
select columnname from tablename AS aliasname;
Alias Column Example:
Student Table
sid | sname | sage | sgender | Phonenumber |
1 | Abhinav | 22 | Male | 9895678909 |
2 | Ramya | 24 | Female | 6687654634 |
3 | Preetham | 21 | Male | 9867546453 |
4 | Nethranand | 21 | Male | 7675643423 |
5 | Naveen | 23 | Male | 6567784532 |
6 | Harshita | 22 | Female | 9867546231 |
7 | Bindu | 26 | Female | 6563412768 |
8 | Nandhini | 23 | Female | 6785674839 |
9 | Hashish | 22 | Male | 9453215052 |
10 | Rahul | 21 | Male | 9998989898 |
Changing one column name by Alias:
select sname AS studentname from student;
Student Table
studentname |
Abhinav |
Ramya |
Preetham |
Nethranand |
Naveen |
Harshitha |
Bindhu |
Nandhini |
Hashish |
Rahul |
Select sid AS studentid from Student;
Student Table:
studentid |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
Changing two column names by Alias:
Select sid AS studentid, sname AS studentname from student;
Student Table
studentid | studentname |
1 | Abhinav |
2 | Ramya |
3 | Preetham |
4 | Nethranand |
5 | Naveen |
6 | Harshitha |
7 8 | Bindhu Nandhini |
9 | Hashish |
10 | Rahul |
Select sid AS studentid, sage AS studentage from student;
Student Table
studentid | studentage |
1 | 22 |
2 | 24 |
3 | 21 |
4 | 21 |
5 | 23 |
6 | 22 |
7 | 26 |
8 | 23 |
9 | 22 |
10 | 21 |
Changing three column names by Alias:
Select sid AS studentid, sname AS studentname , sage AS studentage from student;
Student Table
studentid | studentname | studentage |
1 | Abhinav | 22 |
2 | Ramya | 24 |
3 | Preetham | 21 |
4 | Nethranand | 21 |
5 | Naveen | 23 |
6 | Harshita | 22 |
7 | Bindu | 26 |
8 | Nandhini | 23 |
9 | Hashish | 22 |
10 | Rahul | 21 |
Using Multiple column names as one column name by Alias:
Method I: select * from Student Table AS Student Data;
SELECT sname , sid + ', ' + sage + ', ' + Phonenumber AS studentdetails
FROM student;
Student Table
sname | studentdetails |
Abhinav | 1, 22, Male, 9895678909 |
Ramya | 2, 24, Female, 6687654634 |
Preetham | 3, 21, Male, 9867546453 |
Nethranand | 4, 21, Male, 7675643423 |
Naveen | 5, 23, Male, 6567784532 |
Harshita | 6, 22, Female, 9867546231 |
Bindu | 7, 26, Female, 6563412768 |
Nandhini | 8, 23, Female, 6785674839 |
Hashish | 9, 22, Male, 9453215052 |
Rahul | 10, 21, Male, 9998989898 |
Method II:
Using concat operator
SELECT sname, CONCAT(sid, ', ', sage, ', ', sgender, ‘,’ Phonenumber) AS studentdetails
FROM Customers;
Student Table
sname | studentdetails |
Abhinav | 1, 22, Male, 9895678909 |
Ramya | 2, 24, Female, 6687654634 |
Preetham | 3, 21, Male, 9867546453 |
Nethranand | 4, 21, Male, 7675643423 |
Naveen | 5, 23, Male, 6567784532 |
Harshita | 6, 22, Female, 9867546231 |
Bindu | 7, 26, Female, 6563412768 |
Nandhini | 8, 23, Female, 6785674839 |
Hashish | 9, 22, Male, 9453215052 |
Rahul | 10, 21, Male, 9998989898 |
Method III:
SELECT sname, (sid || ', ' || sage || ' ' || sgender||',' || Phonenumber) AS studentdetails from student;
Student Table
sname | studentdetails |
Abhinav | 1, 22, Male, 9895678909 |
Ramya | 2, 24, Female, 6687654634 |
Preetham | 3, 21, Male, 9867546453 |
Nethranand | 4, 21, Male, 7675643423 |
Naveen | 5, 23, Male, 6567784532 |
Harshita | 6, 22, Female, 9867546231 |
Bindu | 7, 26, Female, 6563412768 |
Nandhini | 8, 23, Female, 6785674839 |
Hashish | 9, 22, Male, 9453215052 |
Rahul | 10, 21, Male, 9998989898 |
Alias Table Example:
Change Student Table name as Student Data
select * from Student Table AS Student Data;
Student Data
sid | sname | sage | sgender | Phonenumber |
1 | Abhinav | 22 | Male | 9895678909 |
2 | Ramya | 24 | Female | 6687654634 |
3 | Preetham | 21 | Male | 9867546453 |
4 | Nethranand | 21 | Male | 7675643423 |
5 | Naveen | 23 | Male | 6567784532 |
6 | Harshita | 22 | Female | 9867546231 |
7 | Bindu | 26 | Female | 6563412768 |
8 | Nandhini | 23 | Female | 6785674839 |
9 | Hashish | 22 | Male | 9453215052 |
10 | Rahul | 21 | Male | 9998989898 |
Change Student Table as Student Details
select * from Student Table AS Student Details;
Student Details
sid | sname | sage | sgender | Phonenumber |
1 | Abhinav | 22 | Male | 9895678909 |
2 | Ramya | 24 | Female | 6687654634 |
3 | Preetham | 21 | Male | 9867546453 |
4 | Nethranand | 21 | Male | 7675643423 |
5 | Naveen | 23 | Male | 6567784532 |
6 | Harshita | 22 | Female | 9867546231 |
7 | Bindu | 26 | Female | 6563412768 |
8 | Nandhini | 23 | Female | 6785674839 |
9 | Hashish | 22 | Male | 9453215052 |
10 | Rahul | 21 | Male | 9998989898 |