Difference between Vue.js and ReactJS

Vue.js vs. ReactJS

Difference between Vue.js and ReactJS

What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is an open-source progressive JavaScript framework used to build a user interface and the single-page web applications. It is the popular JavaScript framework used to simplify web development. This framework helps us to develop the app faster and allows us to create a more attractive and user-friendly application. Vue.js framework is one of those new software technologies that are widely used for web development all over the world.

We can use the Vue.js framework to develop the front-end application. The core library of the Vue.js framework is mainly focused on the view layer only. It is very easy to pick up and integrate into the other libraries and existing projects for front-end development. Vue.js uses the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript language to build the Vue.js application.

Evan You developed the Vue.js, who is an ex-employee of Google. The first version of Vue.js was launched in Feb 2014, and the last upgraded version (2.6) of Vue.js was released in Dec 2019. It was licensed under the MIT.

What is ReactJS?

ReactJS is a JavaScript user interface library used to build the UI web pages, mobile applications, and single-page web applications. ReactJS is developed and maintained by Facebook and a group of community-based developers. It was initially released in 2013 to supports the cross-platform applications. The ReactJS code is entirely written in the JavaScript language.

Main differences between the Vue.js and ReactJS

Here, we are going to discuss the main differences between the Vue.js and ReactJS framework.

  1. Vue.js is an open-source framework used to build a single-page web application. In contrast, ReactJS is a JavaScript library used to develop user interfaces, web pages, mobile apps, and single-page applications.
  2. Vue.js is used to develop the user interface’s web application. The core library of the Vue.js framework is mainly focused on the view layer only.  It is also easy to integrate into other libraries and existing projects for front-end development. On the other hand, ReactJS is used to build a UI for web apps and mobile apps. It is also used to build native applications and to render the server as a node.
  3. Vue.js is an open-source JavaScript framework that uses the template-based syntax for app development. It uses the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript language to develop the web application. These languages can be written separately in Vue.js, and it is simpler than the ReactJS. On the other hand, ReactJS is a JavaScript library, which uses the JSX approach for development. It also uses the HTML and CSS language, and all the codes must be written in the JavaScript file only.
  4. Vue.js uses the CLI, CDN, and NPM for the installation, and we can do the development of the Vue.js everywhere. On the other side, ReactJS uses create-react-app command for the installation. ReactJS must be required web-pack to build an application.
  5. Vue.js uses the template-based syntax for app development, whereas ReactJS uses a complete core concept of JavaScript development. Vue.js is less popular than ReactJS.
  6. In the Vue.js framework, the State Management library is known as VueX. Whereas in ReactJS, the State Management library is known as MobX, which is very popular in React Community.
  7. Vue.js has some disadvantages, such as runtime errors in the template, which causes hard to debug and handle the errors. Such runtime errors reduce the high availability of applications. Whereas ReactJS has a quality of boosting productivity and long-term maintenance support with high quality and productivity.
  8. Vue.js library has a weak infrastructure library and still under development, which requires more improvement to provide a better coding component framework. In contrast, ReactJS has more support for infrastructure libraries and better module bundler packages that deliver higher-quality applications.

Comparison between the Vue.js and ReactJS

Let us discuss head to head comparison between the Vue.js and ReactJS in tabular form.

Basic for ComparisonVue.jsReactJS  
DescriptionVue.js is an open-source JavaScript framework used to develop a single page web application.ReactJS is a JavaScript user interface library used to develop both web and mobile applications.
ReleasedEvan You developed Vue.js in Feb 2014, who is an ex-employee of Google.ReactJS is developed by Facebook and initially released in 2013.
DOM ModelVue.js uses the Virtual DOM to faster execution of the Vue application.ReactJS also uses Virtual DOM to render a virtual UI replica, store it in memory, and synchronize it with Real DOM.
Application/PlatformVue.js is a JavaScript framework, which develops the single-page web application.ReactJS is a JavaScript user interface library that builds the UI web pages, mobile applications, and single-page web applications. It is also used to develop the native application.
LanguagesVue.js uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript language.ReactJS also uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript languages, but all the languages must be written the JavaScript.