Vue.js Tutorial

What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is an open-source progressive JavaScript framework, which is used to build a user interface and the single-page web applications. It is the popular JavaScript framework used to simplify web development. This framework helps us to develop the application faster and also helps to create a more attractive and user-friendly application, among other available frameworks. It is one of those new software technologies that are widely used for web development all over the world.

The core library of the Vue.js framework is mainly focused on the view layer only. It also makes it easy to pick up and integrated into the other libraries and existing projects for frontend development. Vue.js uses the HTML language and attributes to build an application. It is to be noted that we must have a basic knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS before working on this framework.

This framework was developed by “Evan You”, who was an ex-employee of Google. The first version of Vue.js was launched in Feb 2014, and the last upgraded version (2.6) of Vue.js was released in Dec 2019.

In this tutorial, we are going to know how it works and what it can provide us. This framework is easy to use and learn. Here, we will try to cover all the important topics of Vue.js.

Features of Vue.js

Vue.js framework has many features; some of them are given as follows:

Virtual DOM (Document Object Model)

Vue.js uses virtual DOM, which is also used by other frameworks like React.js, Ember, etc. It is essentially a clone of the original DOM element that absorbs every modification intended for the virtual DOM, which is present as the data structure of JavaScript. The changes which are done in the JavaScript data structure are compared with the real data structure, and only the last changes will be reflected in the original DOM that can be seen by the viewers. Virtual DOM is a creative method that is very effective and can be modified very quickly.

Data Binding

Data binding means the interaction between a user interface and a modal property. The data binding feature allows the user to manipulate or assign the values in the HTML attributes, change the CSS style, and assign the classes with the help of binding instructions called v-bind that comes with Vue.js.

CSS Transitions and Animations

It provides various methods to apply transitions in the HTML components when the items are added, updated, or removed from the DOM elements. It contains a built-in transition component that is required to be wrapped around the element for the transition effect. Developers can easily add third-party animation libraries without much problem and make the user experience more interactive.


It provides the HTML based templates that bind the DOM with the Vue.js instance data. The templates are compiled into the virtual DOM render function. The developers can use the template of the Render function, and can also replace the template with Render function.

Computed Properties

Computed Property is one of the essential features of Vue.js, which is used by the developers to describe a value that depends on other values. It helps to listen to the changes which are doing in the user interface components and perform the necessary calculations. There is no requirement for additional coding to this.


Watchers are applied to data that changes frequently. For example, when we create a form input component, then there is no need to do any additional events. Watcher takes care of handling all type of data modification, and also make the code simple and quick.


Vue.js is very simple in terms of API, as well as design. Developers can build the user interface and single-page applications very easily.

Directives Vs. Components

The role of the Directive and the components of Vue.js are reflective. Directives encapsulate the DOM manipulation, while the Components are autonomous elements with their own viewpoint and data logic.


Vue.js is a lightweight frontend JavaScript framework, which also makes the performance of this framework very fast.


Vue-router helps the user to navigate between the pages in the single-page application.

Advantages of Vue.js

Followings are the advantages of Vue.js:

Very small in size

One of the greatest advantages of this framework is that it is small in size. It takes no time of the user to download because the size of Vue.js is 18 – 21KB. This framework beats all the bulky frameworks like Angular.js, React.js, and Ember.js.

Easy to understand

The main reason for the popularity of this framework is that it can be easily understood. Any web developer can easily add Vue.js to their web projects because its structure is so simple. We can also easily develop the large as well as small templates through this framework. This can also be done due to its simple structure.


It is another advantage of Vue.js and allows the user to write their templates in HTML and JavaScript files. It provides a lot of benefits in the development of those simple applications which execute directly from the browser.

Detailed Documentation

This framework also offers an advantage of detailed documentation, which makes it simple for developers to write the first application easily.

Simple Integration

This framework is also popular among web developers because it gives the facility to integrate with the existing applications. This can be done because Vue.js is based on the JavaScript framework and can be integrated into those applications which are built on JavaScript.

Two-Way Communication

It provides the facility of two-way communication because it has an MVVM architecture. Due to this architecture, it handles the HTML blocks easily.

Vue.Js Index