Cloud Deployment Models

Cloud Deployment Model

Because it's a virtual computing environment, there are various ways to deploy it, depending on the amount of data you want to store and who has access.

Various Types of Models

To speed up the loading process, most cloud hubs include tens of thousands of servers and storage devices. It's common to be able to select a geographic location to bring info "local" to consumers. Deployment strategies for cloud computing are categorized according to their geographical location as a consequence. Let's look at the many sorts of models to see which one would be ideal for your company's needs.

Cloud Deployment Models

Public Cloud

The name is self-explanatory. It's completely free and accessible to the general public. If your company's needs are ever-changing, public cloud deployments are excellent. Business owners that have minimal security worries will find it to be a great alternative. This results in the fact that you have to pay a cloud service provider for internet-based networking, virtualization of computation, and storage. For development and testing teams, this is also a great delivery method. Configuring and deploying it is quick and easy, which makes it ideal for testing environments.

Cloud Deployment Models


  • The cost of the project is little  There are no big upfront costs because it is a pay-per-use service, which is excellent for enterprises that require rapid access to resources
  • Nothing to buy Cloud service providers pay for everything.
  • Using the public cloud eliminates the requirement for an in-house infrastructure management staff.


  • Concerns about data security and privacy because it is available to everyone — This makes it vulnerable to cyber-attacks and might lead to vulnerabilities.
  • Due to the fact that the same server network is exposed to a wide variety of users, malfunctions and outages are possible.
  • Services and licences are limited, and there is a restriction on the amount of resources you may share with renters.

Private Cloud

Now that you know what the public cloud can do for you, you're probably curious in what a private cloud can accomplish for you as well. The private cloud is a better option for companies looking for cost savings and greater control over data and resources.

Essentially, this implies that it will be linked with your data centre and controlled by your IT department. You can also host it on a third-party server. In terms of customization, private clouds offer more options to fit the needs of individual organizations. For mission-critical operations with regularly changing needs, it's also a smart choice.

Cloud Deployment Models


  • Only authorized people may access it, which is perfect for keeping company data
  • Access and security can be improved by segmenting resources within the same infrastructure.
  • For legacy systems that can't connect to the public cloud, this architecture is ideal.


  • As a result of the benefits you receive, your investment will be more than if you were using the public cloud alone. Paying for software, hardware, and personnel and training resources are all part of the process.
  • This means that the gear you pick will assist you scale in a certain way.
  • As a result of being controlled in-house, the maintenance costs go up, as well.

Community Cloud

Similar to public clouds, the community cloud functions similarly. A single exception - it restricts access to a small group of users who have common goals and use cases. This sort of cloud computing deployment strategy is managed and hosted either internally or by a third-party provider, depending on the case. As an alternative, you can pick a combination of all three options at once.

Cloud Deployment Models


  • In comparison to private and public clouds, a community cloud is significantly less expensive and delivers superior performance.
  • A community cloud's protocols and setup must adhere to industry standards. Customers may now work considerably more efficiently as a result. 


  • Community Resources due to limited bandwidth and storage capacity, community resources might be difficult to use.
  • Not as Common. Because this is a new model, it is not as widely used or offered across sectors.

Hybrid Cloud

In a hybrid cloud, two or more cloud systems are combined, as the name indicates. They are all connected by a common architecture, even if each model has its own purpose in the hybrid cloud. It is possible for internal or external vendors to donate resources to this cloud computing project.

Examine the hybrid model in more detail. Less sensitive data should be stored on a private cloud, whereas critical data should be retained on a public cloud Using the hybrid cloud for cloud bursts is another prominent use. There is a risk that an in-house program might erupt onto the public cloud due to high traffic.

Cloud Deployment Models


  • As the majority of data is stored in the public cloud, hybrid solutions are more cost-effective.
  • Since data is correctly segregated, the possibilities of data theft from intruders are greatly minimized.


  • Hybrid clouds are hard to set up because they need the integration of two or more cloud architecture
  • Organizations that have many use cases or need to isolate essential and sensitive data would benefit from this strategy.

However, these four deployment models can vary significantly based on other aspects that we will cover in the following part, but they suffice to answer the basic concerns of how to deploy pooled cloud resources.

Analysis Of Cloud Deployment Models Comparatively

Our goal with the following table is to provide you an idea of what each of the major models can achieve for you;

There are three types of cloud computing services:

Many services can be rendered via cloud computing, depending on the roles played by service providers and users. Models and services of cloud computing may be generally categorised as follows:


Hardware Infrastructure can be upgraded upon request.

A third-party supplier provides the actual infrastructure of IT (network, storage, and servers), which is referred to as Infrastructure As A Service (IAAS). Users can access IT resources via an internet connection because they're stored on external servers.


  • Efficiencies in terms of both time and money No in-house IT hardware installation and maintenance.
  • Enhanced adaptability: Customizable hardware resources that are available on demand,
  • Manage resources from a distance by logging in remotely. 


For big customers, companies, or organisations capable of creating and administering their own IT platforms, this cloud computing service model is perfect. As long as their infrastructure is adaptable, that's what they want.


It's a way for developers to construct bespoke apps by giving them an application platform to work with. A platform-as-a-service allows developers to build online software and apps instead of providing them over the internet as traditional software.


  • Intensify your efforts on the creation of software.
  • Time saving and flexibility, no need to oversee the deployment of the platform, immediate production.
  • The dissemination, protection, and archiving of your company's data are all within your control. 


For organizations that wish to keep control over their business applications, this is the right solution. However, they would like to be free of the restrictions of managing the hardware infrastructure and software environment that come with it.


Removing Management Constraints from the User Experience.

This type of software is delivered via the internet and does not require any prior setup. You may use these services from anywhere in the globe for a low monthly price.


  • Infrastructure management and aligned software environment are completely removed from your responsibilities: no installation or programme maintenance.
  • With automated upgrades, you can be sure that everyone is using the same software version.
  • It facilitates the testing of new software solutions in a more efficient manner. 


The SAAS model accounts for 60% of cloud solutions sales. So it is used and chosen by the majority of enterprises.

Models of Cloud Deployment: Choosing the Right One

When it comes to cloud deployment, there is no one-size-fits-all answer, as there is with any other decision. Businesses should instead choose a model based on workload. Determine what you'll need and how much assistance your application will need as a first step. Also, consider your business goals. What are your goals? Be aware that your needs may vary over time.

Before making a decision, consider the following:

  • Usefulness, how well-versed and trained are your staff? Investing in their training will take time and money.
  • When it comes to deployment models, how much are you prepared to spend? Is there a maximum amount you may pay upfront for a subscription or other services such as maintenance, updates, and more?
  • Your current activity state will help you determine scalability. Your system is overloaded?
  • Do you have rules or regulations that might affect the implementation of a project? You must conform to certain industry standards, but what are they?
  • Do you have stringent privacy policies in place for the data you collect?

Closing Thoughts

In addition, each cloud deployment option offers a unique feature that may greatly enhance your company's value proposition. As a starting point for small and medium-sized companies, a public cloud is ideal. Additionally, you may move to a different deployment strategy if your requirements evolve over time. Using the above-mentioned cloud deployment methods, you can build an effective plan based on business demands.