C Tutorial

C Tutorial C Language Environment Setup Execution flow of C program C printf and Scanf C Data type C Token Variable in C Operators in C Comments in C Escape Sequence in C C – Storage Classes C Decision control statement Loop Statement in C Break, continue and goto statement in C Type Casting in C Function in C Recursion in C String in C C Array Pointer in C Dynamic memory allocation C –Structure Nested Structure in C Union in C File Handling in C C pre-processor Static Function In C Sizeof In C Selection Sort In C Scope Of Variables In C Runtime Vs Compile Time In C Random Access Lseek In C Queue Implementation In C Pseudo Code In C Prototype In C Pointer To Pointer In C Pointer Arithmetic In C Passing Array To Function In C Null Character In C Merge Sort In C Macros In C Library Functions In C Memory Leak In C Int In C Goto And Labels In C Fibonacci Series In C Fflush In C Derived Data Types In C Data Types In C Const Vs Volatile In C Character Set In C Character Class Tests In C Calloc In C C Pointers Arrays In C Include In C Clrscr In C C Vs Java String Literals In C Types Of Pointers In C Variables In C Volatile In C Why C Is A Middle Level Language Infix To Postfix Program In C Ceil function in C LCM of two numbers in C Quick sort in C Static in C function pointer as argument in C Top Array Keywords in C Add two numbers using the function in C Armstrong program in C using function Array, Declaring Arrays and Array Initialization Limitations of Inline Function in C Merge and Merge sort with example in C Do-While Loop in C For Loop in C While-Loop in C Difference between while and do-while loop in C Array Of Structures in C Data Structures And Algorithms in C Types Of Structures In C How to Avoid Structure Padding in C Use of Structure in C Do WHILE LOOP in C Programming Examples For Loop in C Programming Examples Entry Control Loop in C Exit control loop in C Infinite loop in C Nested loop in C pow() function in C String Handling functions in C Prime Number code in C Factorial Program in C using For Loop Factorial Program in C Using While Loop Fibonacci Series in C Using For Loop Fibonacci series in C using while loop Prime Number Program in C using for Loop While Loop in C programming examples Built-in functions in C Assert() Function C vs Java Strings Call Back Function in Embedded C Else If Ladder fgets() function Ftell() Function getc() function getch() function gets() function Heap Sort Nested if-else statement Pi() Function Positioning of file Write() function abs() function in C Attributes in C C program to find factorial of a number using Recursion Ferror() in c fopen() function in C Fibonacci series program in C using Recursion Formatted Input and output function in C Snake Game in C User Defined Functions in C Beep() function in C Cbrt() function in C Hook() function in C Isalnum() function in C C Program to find the Roots of a Quadratic Equation C Switch Statements Difference between rand() and srand() function in C Difference between while and for loop in C Doubly Linked list in C Example of Iteration in C How to use atoi() function in C How to use floor() function in C How to use sine() function in C How to use Typedef Struct in C Integer Promotions in C C Program Swap Numbers in cyclic order Using Call by Reference C Program to Find Largest Number Using Dynamic Memory Allocation C Program to Find the Largest Number using Ternary Operator C/C++ Program to Find the Size of int, float, double and char Find the Largest Three Distinct Elements in an Array using C/C++ Loop Questions in C Modulus on Negative Numbers in C Multiplication table program in C using For loop Nested Loops in C Programming Examples C Program for Mean and Median of an Unsorted Array Results of Comparison Operations in C and C++ Reverse a Stack using Recursion in C Simple hash() function in C strcat() Function in C Sum of N numbers in C using For loop Use of free() function in C Write a program that produces different results in C and C++ C Function Argument and Return Values Keywords in C Bank management system in C Calendar application in C Floor() Function in C Free() Function in C How to delete a file in C How to move a text in C Remove an element from an array in C Unformatted input() and output() function in C What are linker and loader in C SJF Scheduling Program in C Socket Programming in C Structure in C Tower of Hanoi in C Union Program in C Variable Declaration in C What is Linked List in C While Loop Syntax in C fork() in C GCD program in C Branching Statements in C Comma Operator in C Control statement in C Double Specifier in C How to create a binary file in C Long int in C Palindrome Number in C Pure Virtual Function in C Run Time Polymorphism in C Types of Array in C Types of Function in C What is a buffer in C What is required in each C Program Associativity of Operators in C Bit Stuffing Program in C Actual and Formal Parameters Addition of two Numbers in C Advantages of function in C Arithmetic Progression Program in C Binomial Coefficient Program in C Difference between Array and List in C Diffie-Hellman Algorithm in C How to convert a number to words in C How to convert a string to hexadecimal in C Difference between If and Switch Statement in C C and C++ Binary Files C program that does not Suspend when Ctrl+Z is Pressed Different ways to Declare the Variable as Constant in C Range of Int in C C Program to find the size of a File FIFO Example in the C Language For loop in C Programming GCD program of two numbers in C GPA Calculator in C How to Calculate Time Complexity in C How to include graphics.h in C How to measure time taken by a function in C How to return a Pointer from a Function in C What is the main in C Addition of Matrix in C Booleans in C C Program for Extended Euclidean algorithms C Program of Fencing the Ground Ceil and Floor in C Compound Interest Program in C Displaying Array in C Distance Vector Routing Protocol Program in c Dos.h Header File in C Language DSA Program in C Explain the two-way selection in C Fee Management System in C File Operations in C Malloc function in C Multiplication Table in C Simple Programs in C Language tolower() Function in C Type Conversion in the C Why does sizeof(x++) not Increment x in C Advantages of Dynamic Memory Allocation in C Armstrong Number in C Assignment Operator Program in C Banker’s Algorithm in C Binary Search in C with Best and Worst Time Complexity Caesar Cipher Program in C Call by Value and Call by Reference in C Conditional Operator in C CRC Program in C Deadlock Detection Program in C Decimal to Binary in C Difference between If Else and Nested If Else in C Difference between Pre-increment and Post-increment in C Difference between Scope and Lifetime in C Evaluation of Arithmetic Expression in C Explain the Increment and Decrement Operators in C Fseek Function in C Functions in C How to Find Square Free Numbers in C Length of an Array Function in C OpenGL in C Projects on C language in 2023 Purpose of a Function Prototype in C Stdio.h in C Two-Dimensional array in C What is String Comparison in C C Compilers for Windows Functions and Recursion in C How to Declare Boolean in C How to Declare Character in C How to Round up a number in C How to use strlen() in C Pointer Declaration in C Algorithm for String Palindrome in C C Program to find ASCII value of a character Constant Pointer in C How to find string length in C using strlen() function Implicit and Explicit in C Indirect Recursion in C Input and Output functions in C isupper() in C Jump Statement in C Lifetime of a Variable in C Linker Error in C Language Numeric Constant in C Size of Pointer in C Square Root in C Language Static and Dynamic Memory allocation String Declaration in C Strong Number in C Symmetric Matrix in C Types of C Tokens What is a Size of Pointer in C What is Increment and Decrement Operator in C 1 2 3 4 Series Program in C Advantages and Disadvantages of C Language C Program for Polynomial Addition C Program to Count the Number of Vowels in a String C Programming Errors and Solutions Compilation Errors in C Complex C Programs Difference between Argument and Parameter in C Difference between char s[] and char *s in C Evaluation of Postfix Expression Using Stack in C Find Leftmost and Rightmost Set Bit of a Number fprintf and fscanf in C Introduction to Dynamic Array in C Print Address in C Realloc function in C Ternary Operators in C Types of Tokens in C with Examples Difference between Static and Dynamic Memory Allocation in C Addition Program in C Array Definition in C Array of Pointers in C Arrow Operator in C Average of Two Numbers in C Binary to Decimal in C Binary to Octal in C BREAK STATEMENT in C C Programming Operators Questions C Programs Asked in Interview Calculator Program in C C Program to Read and Print an Employee's Detail Using Structure Bubble Sort Algorithm in C C Program to Find Area and Perimeter of Circle C Program to Check Whether a Given Number is Even or Odd C in Roman Numerals C Program to Make a Simple Calculator Using Switch Case Insertion Sort Program in C How to take input in string in C GCC Conflicting Types in C Function Definition in C Format Specifier for Hexadecimal in C Flowchart in C Float in C Fizzbuzz Implementation in C Conditional Statement in C Conio.h functions list in C Constants in C Dynamic Array in C Decision Making Statements in C Continue Statement in C Creation of Thread in C DFS Algorithm in C Difference between parameter and arguments in C Dijkstra's Algorithm in C Leap Year Program in C Jump Statements in C Modulus Operator in C Memory Allocation in C Simple Interest Program in C Reverse Array in C Recursive Function in C Queue in C Printing Pascal’s Triangle in C Preprocessor Directives in C Perror() in C Perfect Number in C Programming Language Parameter Passing Techniques in C Pascal Triangle in C Patterm Program in C Diagonal Matrix in C Converting Dollars into Rupees in C Typedef Function Pointer in C Unsigned Char in C C Program to Calculate Percentage C Program to Find Sum of Array Elements Clock Program in C How to reverse a number in C? Insert Array in C Kbhit() Function in C Can We Learn Python Without C? C program to convert decimal to hexadecimal C program to draw a circle C Program to Calculate Electricity Bill C program for string concatenation C program to convert decimal to binary without using array Graphics Programming in C File Handling Functions in C Convert Char to Int in C Identifiers In C ftok() function in C Dangling else program in C DFS Program in C Ifdef in C How to initialise an array in c Implementation of queue using Array in C Selection Statements in C Size of Char in C Strchr() function in C Symbolic Constants in C Tree Data Structure in C Type Conversion in C Types of Constants in C Void data type in C Argument in C Bitwise Operator in C Circular queue in C COMPILER IN C ctype h in c execvp() function in C Exit function in C Hashing in C How to define a global variable in C Purpose of scanf in C Language Priority Queue implementation in C Priority Scheduling Program in C With Arrival Time How to Use Threads in C What is Lvalue in C Fabs in C FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm in C Identifiers in C Language Operator Precedence and Associativity in C Size_t in C C Program for Customer Billing System Area Of Triangle Program In C C Program for Matrix Multiplication C Program For Sine Series C PROGRAM FOR UNION OF SETS C program to find GCD of two numbers C Program To Find The Square Root Of A Number C Program to Print A Matrix C Program to Reverse A Linked List C Program To Swap 2 Numbers C Program To Swap Two Numbers Using Call By Reference C Program Using Recursion C PROGRAM USING STRUCTURES EMPLOYEE DETAILS C Programming Segmentation Fault Call By Value Function In C Can We Learn Java Without Learning C CHARACTERS IN C Checksum Code In C Circular Linked List In C Concatenate String In C Deadlock Avoidance Program In C Declaration and Initialisation of Variables In C Declaration of Two Dimensional Array in C Define Keywords In C Distance Vector Routing Program In C DOUBLE TYPE IN C Evaluation Of Prefix Expression Using Stack In C Features Of Array In C Find the Power Of Number In C Semaphores In C C Program to Add Two Integers atan2() function in C atof() function in C Bzero() Function in C C program to calculate Compound Interest C program to swap two numbers without using a third variable Checksum program in C Dereference operator in C emirp number in C Euler method in C feof() function in C First and Follow programs in C Gauss Seidel method in C Getopt() function in C Getw() and putw() function in C Hollow triangle pattern in C Lagrange interpolation in C Lexicographical order in C Longest common subsequence in C Marksheet program in C Newton Raphson method in C scansets in C Spy Number in C strdup() function in c Sum of natural numbers using recursion in C Amicable numbers in C Application of data structure in C C #ifndef C array MCQs C expressions C Program to Delete an Element in an Array C Program to Find the Largest Element in an Array C program to generate the Fibonacci triangle C Program to Search an Element in an Array C Program to Sort an Array in Descending Order Client-server program in C Declare a character in C Exec system call in C Flowchart For While Loop in C Fractional knapsack problem in C Frewind() function in C getpid() and getppid() function in C Parameter passing technique in C Print Magic Square in C Printing Double Quotes in C strcasecmp() function in C Strssen matrix multiplication program in C Two-level dictionary program in C Usleep() function in C Variadic functions in C Vigenere cipher program in C Binary Search in Data Structures using C Binary Tree in DataStructures in C Absolute Value in C Alphabet Pattern Programs in C ARGC AND ARGV IN C ASCII Table in C BFS Algorithm in C Binary Tree Program in C Bisection Method in C Byte Stuffing Program in C Callback Function in C Conio in C Declaration-In-C Difference-Detween-Float-And-Double-In-C Difference-Detween-Malloc-And-Calloc-In-C Different Storage Class Specifiers in C Exception Handling in C Exit 0 in C FCFS Program in C File in The C Programming Language File Pointer in C Flowchart Symbols in C Formal Parameters in C free() function in C language Function Call In C Getchar() Method in C Global variables in C Graph in C Graphics. h in C How to Place Horizontal Tab Character in C Ifndef in C Inbuilt Functions in C Increment Operator in C Indirection Operator in C Interview Questions on Pointers in C Memory Management in C Not Equal to (! =) in C Pointers in C programming PRINT DOUBLE IN C Size Of Data Types In C What is Flag in C Which-Loop-Is-Faster-In-C-Language While-Statement-In-C %u in The C Programming Language XOR Operator in C Implementing data structures like linked lists or binary search trees in C Associativity In C ATM program in c Authentication and Authorization in C Balanced Parathesis in C Bit Manipulation in C Carriage Return in C Characteristics of Algorithm in C Circular Doubly Linked List in C COMMENT LINE IN C Default Return Type of Function in C Define Data Structure in c Define File in C Define Identifier in C Documentation section in C Double ended queue in C Endianness in C Expression Evaluation in C Fibonacci recursion in C File functions in C File Modes in C File Opening Modes in C Find duplicate elements in array in C Find length of array in C Float in C programming Floating point exceptions in c Fmod in C Format Specifiers in C What C in CPU Denotes? free() function in C language Generic pointer in C gotoxy in C Hallow Diamond pattern in C Hamming Code in C Happy Number in C Hill Cipher program in C How can we initialize an array in C INT_MAX in C Integer Size in C JSON Serialization in C# MEMORY MAPPING IN C Most Frequently Asked C Programming Language Questions for Freshers Non-Primitive Data Types In C OCTAL TO DECIMAL IN C PASSING POINTERS TO FUNCTION IN C PASSING STRINGS TO FUNCTION IN C Permutation of String in C QUADRATIC EQUATION IN C Structure within the structure in C Strupr() function in C Sum of diagonal elements of a matrix in C Sum of digits of a number in C++ Syntax error in C TOP-DOWN APPROACH IN C Types of Files in C Types of Strings in C Unconditional Statements in C What is FEOF in C What is the function Prototype in C What is the Garbage value in c

Operators in C

An operator is a special symbol that tells the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical operations. It is the combination of constants and variables through expressions. Example:

int c = a+b*5
Where, =, +,* are operators, a,b,c are the variables and  5 is the constants. There are various types of the operator in C Language.

Types of Operator
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Misc Operators
  • Increment/Decrement operators
Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus.

Operator Example (int a=9, b=2) Result
+ A+B 11
- A-B 7
* A*B 18
/ A/B 4.5
% A%4 1

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a=9,b=2, add,sub,mul,div,mod;
add = a+b;
sub = a-b;
mul = a*b;
div = a/b;
mod = a%b;
printf("Addition of (a+b ) is : %d\n", add);
printf("Subtraction of (a-b) is : %d\n", sub);
printf("Multiplication of (a*b) is : %d\n", mul);
printf("Division of (a / b) is : %d\n", div);
printf("Modulus of (a%b) is : %d\n", mod);
Addition of (a+b ) is : 11
Subtraction of (a-b) is : 7
Multiplication of (a*b) is : 18
Division of (a / b) is : 4
Modulus of (a%b) is : 1
 Relational Operators Relational operators are used to compare the value of two variables.
Operator Description
> x > y (x is greater than y)
< x < y (x is less than y)
>= x >= y (x is greater than or equal to y)
<= x <= y (x is less than or equal to y)
== x == y (x is equal to y)
!= x != y (x is not equal to y)

Let us consider an example
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a=9,b=2;
if (a == b)
printf("a and b are equal");
printf("a and b are not equal");
a and b are not equal
Logical Operators
Logical operators are used to perform logical operations on the given two variables. There are 3 logical operators in C LanguageAND(&&), OR ( || ) and NOT (!).
Operator Description
&& It returns true when both conditions are true.
|| It returns true while at least one condition is true.
! It reverses the state of the operand.

Let us consider an example
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a=8, b=3, c=10;
if(a>b && b<c){
printf("$$Operator : Both Condition are true \n");
if(a>b || b<c){
printf("||Operator : Only one condition is true \n");
return 0;
$$Operator : Both Condition are true 
||Operator : Only one condition is true
 Assignment operators
Assignment operators are used to assign the values for the variable.
Operator Description
= sum = 10; 10 is assigned to variable sum
+= sum += 10; This is same as sum = sum + 10
-= sum -= 10; It is same as sum = sum – 10
*= sum *= 10; It is same as sum = sum * 10
/= sum /= 10; It  is same as sum = sum / 10
%= sum %= 10; It  is same as sum = sum % 10
&= sum&=10; It  is same as sum = sum & 10
^= sum ^= 10; It is same as sum = sum ^ 10

Let us consider an example
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int a=8,b=3,c;
printf("a+b value is assign to c");
return 0;
a+b value is assign to c
Operator Precedence in C The precedence of operators are used to specify the operators which will be evaluated first and next. Example:
int  result = 5+5*10-2;
The precedence and associatively of C operators is given below:
Category Operator Associativity
Postfix () [] -> . ++ - - Left to right
Unary + - ! ~ ++ - - (type)* & sizeof Right to left
Multiplicative * / % Left to right
Additive + - Left to right
Shift <<>> Left to right
Relational <<= >>= Left to right
Equality == != Left to right
Bitwise AND & Left to right
Bitwise XOR ^ Left to right
Bitwise OR | Left to right
Logical AND && Left to right
Logical OR || Left to right
Conditional ?: Right to left
Assignment = += -= *= /= %=>>= <<= &= ^= |= Right to left
Comma , Left to right

 Miscellaneous operators in C
There are few other important operators including sizeof and ?: supported by C Language.
Operator Description
sizeof() It returns the size of a variable.
& It returns the address of a variable.
* It assigns pointer to a variable.
? : It is a Conditional Expression.

Bitwise operators
Bitwise operator is used to perform bit by bit operations on two variables. There are following truth table for &, | and ^.
P q p & q p | q p ^ q
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 1
Operator Description
&   Binary AND Operator It copies a bit to the result if it exists in both operands.
|   Binary OR Operator It copies a bit if it exists in either operand.
^   Binary XOR Operator It copies the bit if it is set in one operand but not both.
~   Binary Ones Complement Operator It is unary and has the effect of 'flipping' bits.
<<  Binary Left Shift Operator The left operands value is moved left by the number of bits specified by the right operand.
>> Binary Right Shift Operator. The left operands value is moved right by the number of bits specified by the right operand.

Increment / decrement operator Increment Operator: The increment operator is used to increase the value of the variable by one.

Increment operator: ++ var_name; or var_name++;
Increment operator: ++i; i++;
Decrement Operator:
Decrement operator is used to decrease the value of the variable by one.

Decrement operator: -- var_name; or var_name--;
Decrement operator: --i;  i--;
Difference between Increment & Decrement operators
There are various differences between pre/Post increment & decrement operators in C.

Operator Operator/Description
Pre increment operator (++i) The value of i is incremented before assigning it to the variable i.
Post increment operator (i++) The value of i is incremented after assigning it to the variable i.
Pre decrement operator (- -i) The value of i is decremented before assigning it to the variable i.
Post decrement operator (i--) The value of i is decremented after assigning it to variable i.