Xpath locator in Selenium IDE


Xpath is used to identify the element using any attribute or visible test.

Syntax for X PATH:-

//html tag [@attribute=’value’]

e.g. - //div [@class=’label’]


//html tag [text () =’Visible Text’]

e.g.-//div [text () =’Tasks’]

For example, we are locating Gmail‘s email textbox with the help of x path.

  • Open the Firefox browser.
  • Click on the Selenium icon, and it will open the Selenium IDE interface.
  • Click on the star recording button and enter the base URL is:


Start Recording
  • click on the command text box and write the first command as:-

Command: open

Target: https://accounts.google.com/signin/v2/identifier?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%2F&service=mail&sacu=1&rip=1&flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=ServiceLogin

click on the command text box
  • This command loads the Gmail page on the Firefox browser. 
  • Then go to the email text box and right-click over it to inspect the email text box.
  • And do right click on the elements HTML code and then select the Copy XPath option.
click on the elements HTML code and then select the Copy XPath option
  • After that, right-click on insert new command.
right-click on insert new command
  • Write next command  and paste the copy x path  in target field:

Command: verify element present

Target: xpath=//*[@id="identifierId"]

Write next command  and paste the copy x path  in target field
  • Click on the Stop recording button present at the top corner of the menu bar.
  • And click on the Run Current Test button.
  • It will execute all the inserted commands on the browser.
  • The Log pane is displaying the overall summary of the executed test scripts.
Click on the Stop recording button present at the top corner
  • After that, click on the Find button to verify that the link is highlighted in the browser or not.
  • And you can see the highlighted link in the Brower as well.
click on the Find button to verify that the link is highlighted in the browser