Computer Network Tutorial

Introduction of Computer Network Types of Computer Network Network Topology Computer Networking Architecture Transmission Modes (Data Flow) Basic Networking Devices Integrate Services Digital Network (ISDN)


OSI Model TCP/IP Model

Physical Layer

Digital Transmission Analog Transmission Transmission Media Switching

Data Link Layer

Error detection and Error correction Data Link Control Multiple Access Aloha

Network Layer

Network Layer - Logical Address Address Mapping Unicast Routing Protocol

Transport Layer

Process to Process Delivery User Datagram Protocol Transmission Control Protocol Stream Control Transmission Protocol Session Layer and Presentation Layer

Application Layer

Domain Name System Application Protocol E-mail Cryptography


Classes of Routing Protocols Classification of Routing Algorithms Controlled Access Protocols in Computer Networks Differences between IPv4 and IPv6 Fixed and Flooding Routing Algorithms Advantages and Disadvantages of Fibre Optics Cable APIPA Difference between Active and Passive FTP Fiber Optics and its Types Method of Joining and Fusion of Fiber Optic Cable Define Framing in Computer Network Disadvantages of Computer Network Mesh Topology Diagram in Computer Network Ring Topology in Computer Network Star Topology in Computer Networks 4G Mobile Communication Technology Advantages and Disadvantages of LAN Advantages and Disadvantages of MAN Advantages and Disadvantages of WAN Application Layer in OSI Model Cyclic Redundancy Check Example Data link layer in OSI model Difference between Transport and Network Layer Hamming Code Example Network Layer in OSI Model Session Layer in OSI Model Transport Layer in OSI Model Two Port Network in Computer Networks Uses of Computer Networks What is Computer Network What is Framing in a Computer Network Advantages and Disadvantages of Bus Topology Difference between Star Topology and Bus Topology Subnetting in Computer Network Subnetting Questions and Answers What is Bus Topology What is Network Topology and Types in Computer Networks Access Control in Networking Basic Characteristics of Computer Network Benefits of SOCKS5 Proxy in Computer Networks Computer Network viva Questions Difference between BOOTP and RARP Difference Between Network Topologies and Network Protocols Difference between NFC and RFID Difference Between Point-to-Point Link and star Topology Network Differences Between MSS and MTU Differences Between Trunk Port and Access Port Different Modes of Communication in Computer Networks MIME Protocol in Computer Networks Modes of Communication in Computer Networks Network Attack in Computer Network Port Address in Networking Simplest Protocol in Computer Network Sliding Window Protocol in Computer Network Stop And Wait Protocol in Computer Networks TCP 3-Way Handshake Process in Computer Networks What is a Proxy Server What is APPN What is ICMP Protocol What is Point-to-Point Protocol What is Port Address in Networking What is the HDLC Protocol What is VRRP Protocol Difference Between Analog and Digital Signals Difference Between Hub and Repeater Difference between Repeater and Switch Difference Between Transparent Bridge and Source Routing Bridge Source Routing Bridge in Computer Networks Transparent Bridge in Computer Networks Transport Protocol in Computer Networks Types of CSMA in Computer Networks What is Wired and Wireless Networking Network Security in Computer Network Disadvantages of Extranet Difference Between TELNET and FTP Define Protocol in Computer Networks Guided Transmission Media in Computer Network What is a Gateway in a Computer Network IGMP in Computer Networks LAN Protocols in Computer Networks MAN Meaning in Computer Modulation Techniques in Computer Networks Switching in DCN TCP/IP Applications What is IGMP? What is Modem in Networking What is Non-Persistent CSMA Difference between Cell Splitting and Cell Sectoring Forouzen Computer Network Open Loop and Closed Loop Congestion Control Types of Cluster Computing WAP-Wireless Access Point What are the elements of the Transport Protocol Difference between Gateway and Switch Flow Control in Data Link Layer Body Area Network Flooding in Computer Network Token Ring in Computer Networks VoIP in Computer Networks What is Infrared Transmission Congestion Control Techniques Forward Error Correction (FEC) Switching Techniques What is Telnet in Computer Network What are the Types of IPv4 Addresses IEEE 802.6 (DQDB) IEEE 802.15.4 Technology What is HDLC (High-level Data Link Control)? What is SMS Hubbing in Telecom? Circuit Switching in Computer Networks Communication Satellites in Computer Networks Features of HTTP Protocol IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol) Internet Services How to Set up a Wireless Router Internetwork Routing in Computer Networks Distributed Computing System Features of GSM The 802.11 MAC Sublayer Protocol What is IEEE 802.3? What are Hubs and Switches in Computer Networks? What is Modem in a Computer Network? What is multicasting in Computer Networks? GSM -The Mobile Station What is Network Server? Slotted Aloha in Computer Network What is Ethernet in Computer Networks What is Arpanet? Radio Access Network (RAN) TCP 3-Way Handshake Process PING SWEEP (ICMP SWEEP) Print Server Private IP Address Security Services in Computer Networks Protocol Data Unit (PDU) CSMA with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) What is Gateway in Computer Network? Advantages of Networking Data Link Layer Design Issues DHCP in Computer Networks Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) What is Switch Hub? Telnet Full form in Networking Multimedia Systems Quality of Service in Computer Networks What is Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)? What is Circuit Switching What is Duplex Network? What is Web Protocol Network LAN Technologies Classes in Computer Network Low-Density Parity Check (LDPC) Wireless Internet Service Providers(Wisps) What is Handshaking? Cache Server What Is WSN Network? Check Sum Error Detection Linear Bus Topology Functions of the Transport Layer Infrared Transmission in Computer Networks Digital Signal in Computer Network Digital Data Transmission in Computer Networks Define Checksum with Example Computer Network Security Requirements Brust Errors in Computer Network Back Side Bus (BSB) 2-Dimension Parity Check in Computer Network Router and Brouter Microwave Transmission in Computer Networks Magnetic Media in Computer Network A One-Bit Sliding Window Protocol CDMA-Near-Far Problem Reference Models in Computer Networks Uni-cast, Broadcast, and Multicast in Computer Networks Uses Of Bridges in Computer Networks What are Gateways in Computer Network? How to Set Up a Home Network – A 7-Step Guide GSM in Computer Networks Multicast Routing Protocols in Computer Networks Network Components Types of Ethernet in Computer Networks BGP vs.EIGRP-What's the difference? Green Cloud Computing and its Strategies Packet Switching Router in Computer Network Advantages and Disadvantages of Routers ATM Network Automatic Repeat ReQuest (ARQ) Static Routing Algorithms in Computer Network TDMA – Technology Data Link Layer services provided to the Network Layer Transmission Impairments in Computer Networks Types of Modems What are Elementary Data Link Layer Protocols What is an Ad-hoc Network? What is the IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Standards? What Is Tunneling in Computer Networks? What is Twisted Pair Cable

Communication Satellites in Computer Networks

Communication Satellites in Computer Networks


Communication satellites have become essential parts of computer networks in the ever-changing world of technology. These artificial satellites that circle the planet are essential for data transmission, worldwide communication, and to support many applications that characterize the current digital age. This article examines the role that communication satellites play in computer networks, looking at their roles, history, technology, and effects on our globalized society.

Communication Satellites in Computer Networks

The Evolution of Communication Satellites

Science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke initially proposed the idea of communication satellites in 1945. His brilliant concept of launching geostationary satellites into orbit served as the impetus for the development of contemporary communication technologies. The first operational communication satellite, Telstar 1 was sent into the orbit in 1962, which was a significant day for the telecommunications industry.

Subsequently, there have been notable progressions in satellite technology, resulting in the establishment of a vast system of communication satellites circling the planet.

These satellites fall into three main categories:

  1. Geostationary
  2. Medium Earth Orbit (MEO)
  3. Low Earth Orbit (LEO)

Each of these satellites has a distinct function in the context of computer networks.

The Technology behind Communication Satellites

Communication satellites are powered by sophisticated engineering and well-designed technologies. To fully appreciate satellite technology's function in computer networks, one must comprehend its main components.

Payloads and Transponders

Communication satellites are equipped with payloads that comprise transponders. Electronic devices called transponders are used to receive signals from Earth, magnify them, and then send them back to predetermined destinations. Numerous kinds of data, such as internet transmissions, television broadcasts, and phone conversations, are sent via these transponders.

Orbital Configurations

Depending on the purposes for which they are designed, communication satellites are positioned in various orbits. At around 35,786 kilometers in height, geostationary satellites circle the Earth at the same speed as the planet's rotation to cover a certain area continuously. Lower altitude MEO and LEO satellites provide benefits, including reduced latency and faster data transmission rates.

Ground Control Stations

Based on Earth, ground control stations oversee the functioning of communication satellites. These stations are in charge of keeping an eye on the health of the satellite, modifying its orbit as needed, and guaranteeing smooth communication.

Functions of Communication Satellites in Computer Networks

Communication satellites provide a number of services that improve worldwide connection, which greatly contributes to the operation of computer networks.

In the context of computer networks, communication satellites perform the following essential tasks:


The foundation of international telecommunications, communication satellites allow for long-distance data and voice transmission. They link individuals and companies globally by enabling cross-continental data transfer, international phone conversations, and video conferences.

Internet Connectivity

Satellites are an essential component in providing internet service to underserved and rural places. Access to information and online resources is made possible via satellite-based internet services, which close the digital divide in areas where it is difficult to establish terrestrial infrastructure.


The dissemination of material for radio and television broadcasts is largely dependent on communication satellites. Television services that supply a vast array of channels and material via satellite signals are often known as Direct-to-Home (DTH) satellite television services.

Navigation Systems

Accurate positioning and navigational data are provided via satellite-based Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), such as the Global Positioning System (GPS). Numerous applications, such as mapping, transportation, and emergency services, depend on these systems.

Disaster Recovery and Emergency Communication

Satellite communications are essential for both of these scenarios. Satellites guarantee that vital communication lines stay open during crises and natural catastrophes, when ground-based infrastructure may be jeopardized, enabling coordination and relief activities.

Impact on Global Connectivity

Communication satellites have been widely deployed and used, which has had a significant influence on global Connectivity and changed how people, organizations, and governments access and interact with each other.

The next details demonstrate the extensive impacts of communication satellites on our globalized society:


By removing geographical obstacles, communication satellites have been instrumental in accelerating the trend of globalization. Nowadays, companies may access clients and partners anywhere in the world, regardless of where they are physically located. The heightened interconnections have stimulated global cooperation prospects and propelled economic expansion.

Information Accessibility

Satellite-based Connectivity has made information more widely available. Communities throughout the globe are being empowered by the availability of news updates, healthcare information, and educational materials to remote and underdeveloped areas, even if they may not have access to terrestrial infrastructure.

Crisis Management

Satellite communications play a critical role in both of these areas. During natural catastrophes, political upheavals, or health crises, satellite communication guarantees timely dissemination of vital information and efficient coordination of response activities.

Enhanced Security 

The international network infrastructure is further secured via satellite communication. In circumstances when ground-based networks may be exposed to physical or cyberattacks, satellites may act as dependable communication routes since they function independently of terrestrial infrastructures.

Challenges and Future Developments

The global connection has been transformed by communication satellites. However, there are still issues and room for development. Among the principal difficulties are:


Especially with geostationary satellites, delay is one of the drawbacks of satellite communication. Delays are caused by the time it takes for signals to reach and leave space, and this might affect real-time applications like online gaming and video conferencing.


One major element affecting the pricing of satellite-based services is the high cost of launching and maintaining satellites. This difficulty might be addressed with the aid of more affordable launch alternatives and advancements in satellite technology.

Space Debris 

With so many satellites in orbit, there is a growing risk of collisions and space debris. The sustainability of space operations depends on efforts to manage space debris via responsible satellite deployment and de-orbiting techniques.

Notwithstanding these obstacles, interesting developments are anticipated in the realm of satellite communication via further research and development.

High-Capacity Satellites

The goal of satellite technological advancements is to increase the capacity and speed of data delivery. High-throughput satellites equipped with cutting-edge transponder technology have the potential to improve satellite communication efficiency for uses like high-definition TV and broadband internet.

Satellite constellations

To solve latency issues and improve coverage, low-Earth orbit satellite constellations which are made up of several tiny spacecraft cooperating are being deployed. In terms of creating these constellations, SpaceX's Starlink and OneWeb are leading the way.

Inter-satellite Communication

Efforts are being made to provide direct communication between satellites, therefore establishing interplanetary networks. This might increase the efficiency of satellite-based communication systems overall, improve data routing, and lower latency.

Benefits of Satellite Communication

Global Coverage

Communication satellites cover the whole world, including the most inaccessible and distant places. Their coverage is unmatched. Businesses, governments, and people have all seen a paradigm shift as a result, creating a world that is really linked.

Fast Deployment

Because satellite communication systems can be set up rapidly, they are perfect for emergency scenarios or locations where it would be difficult or time-consuming to create terrestrial infrastructure.


A great degree of dependability is provided via satellite communication. Satellites in orbit are less subject to natural calamities or artificial disturbances than terrestrial systems, which guarantees reliable communication.

Broadcasting Efficiency

When it comes to broadcasting, satellites are quite effective. With their wide-ranging signal transmission capabilities, radio and television broadcasts may reach a large audience at a reasonable cost.

Internet Connectivity in Remote Areas 

Satellite-based internet services fill the digital gap in areas where it is not financially possible to install fiber-optic cables or erect cell towers. This has a significant effect on healthcare, education, and the growth of the local economy in underprivileged communities.

Independent Operation

Satellites offer an extra degree of security by operating apart from ground-based infrastructure. When ground-based networks are at risk of being disrupted, satellite communication is still a dependable way to keep vital communication lines open.

Multi-Service Capability

Today's communication satellites may be used for a wide range of functions, such as internet data transmission, television broadcasting, phone calls, and navigation. Their capacity to provide several services makes them adaptable and beneficial for various uses.

Drawbacks of Satellite Communication

Latency Issues

Especially with geostationary satellites, delay is a major disadvantage of communication satellites. Delays are introduced by the time it takes for signals to travel to and from space, which affects real-time applications such as video conferencing and online gaming.

High Initial and Maintenance Costs

Communication satellite design, manufacture, launch, and maintenance come at a hefty price. Both service providers and customers may find satellite-based services to be more expensive as a result of this cost issue.

Limited Bandwidth

The amount of bandwidth that is available to satellite communication systems is limited. Although efforts are being made to boost capacity, satellite communication is still limited by the amount of spectrum that is accessible, which might cause congestion in densely populated regions.

Susceptibility to Environmental Factors

Micrometeoroids, radiation, and sharp temperature swings are just a few of the challenging elements that satellites must contend with in orbit. Certain environmental conditions may impact the longevity and functionality of communication satellites.

Space Debris and Collision Risks

With more satellites in orbit, worries about space debris and collision risks are growing. To reduce these dangers, reasonable deployment procedures must be followed, and space debris must be managed properly.

Limited Mobility Support

Applications requiring great mobility, such as swiftly moving vehicles or airplanes, could be better suited for satellite communication systems. Maintaining a continuous connection is difficult due to the inherent latency and the need for specialized tracking equipment.

Regulatory Difficulties

Complying with intricate international rules is necessary for the Operation of communication satellites. The deployment and functioning of satellite systems are made more difficult by the bureaucratic procedures involved in obtaining frequency allocations and orbital slots.

Using Communication Satellites in Computer Network Applications


The foundation of international phone conversations, data transport, and text messaging is provided by communication satellites. They provide both people and companies with a dependable and extensive communication infrastructure.

Internet Accessibility

In order to provide access to isolated and underserved locations, satellite-based internet services have become essential. By providing online resources, educational materials, and economic possibilities to areas with restricted access to terrestrial networks, this program tackles the issue of the digital divide.


The dissemination of material for radio and television broadcasts is largely dependent on communication satellites. Around the globe, viewers may access a vast array of channels and content via Direct-to-Home (DTH) satellite television services.

Navigation Systems

To deliver precise location and navigational data, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), like GPS, make use of communication satellites. Applications ranging from location-based services on smart phones to car navigation depend on these systems.

Disaster Recovery and Emergency Communication

Communication satellites are essential for preserving communication lines during crises or natural catastrophes when ground-based infrastructure may be jeopardized. This facilitates the distribution of vital information, emergency response coordination, and disaster recovery activities.

Military and Defense

With the ability to provide secure and dependable communication for strategic operations, monitoring, and surveillance, communication satellites are essential to military and defense applications.

Environmental Monitoring

Satellites are used for weather forecasting, climate research, and catastrophe predicting, among other environmental monitoring functions. These apps support early warning systems for natural catastrophes and advance scientific research.

Scientific Study

By facilitating communication with far-flung scientific equipment like telescopes and probes, communication satellites aid in scientific study. This skill advances research in a number of domains and deepens our knowledge of the cosmos.

Upcoming Developments and Trends

High-Capacity Satellites

Research is now underway to create high-capacity satellites equipped with cutting-edge transponder technology. By increasing capacity and data transmission rates, these satellites will facilitate high-definition television and broadband internet applications.

Satellite Constellations

The constellations of low-Earth orbit satellites, including OneWeb and Starlink, are the wave of the future for satellite communication. These constellations are made up of several tiny satellites that cooperate to improve coverage and reduce latency.

Inter-Satellite Communication

To build linked networks in space, advances in inter-satellite communication are being made. This advancement might boost the general effectiveness of satellite-based communication systems, lower latency, and improve data routing.

Topics related to Communication Satellites in Computer Networks

Comparing Geostationary and Non-Geostationary Satellites

Learn about the distinctions between the two types of satellites, including their benefits, drawbacks, and particular uses in computer networks.

Examine the Effects of Various Satellite Orbits on Communication

Examine the effects of geostationary, medium, and low Earth orbit satellites on networking performance, latency, and coverage.

The Concept of Satellite Constellations and Their Impact on Worldwide Connectivity

Examine the idea of satellite constellations, including SpaceX's Starlink and OneWeb, and assess how they are influencing internet access and worldwide Connectivity.

Emerging Technologies in Satellite Communication

Learn about the newest advancements in satellite communication, such as inter-satellite communication systems, high-capacity satellites, and sophisticated transponder technology.

Satellite Sustainability and Space Debris Management

Examine the difficulties posed by space debris and talk about technology and approaches for handling it in order to maintain the long-term viability of satellite operations.

Satellite Communication in Disaster Management

Examine the function of communication satellites in disaster management, with a particular emphasis on how they provide prompt and efficient communication in emergency and natural catastrophe scenarios.


In the realm of computer networks, communication satellites have become essential instruments, offering worldwide connection and catering to a diverse range of uses. They have many benefits, such as fast deployment times and worldwide coverage, but they also have drawbacks, like latency problems and expensive deployments. A bright future for satellite-based communication is indicated by the continuous developments in satellite technology as well as the investigation of novel approaches such as satellite constellations. We must address the issues raised by our continued reliance on communication satellites for a wide range of services and strive towards a more effective, sustainable, and networked global communication infrastructure.