Excel Tutorial

Excel Tutorial Shortcut Keys in Excel Formatting in Excel Notes in Excel Formats in Excel Cells and Ranges in Excel Excel Function and Formulas Conditional Formatting in Excel Data Validation in Excel Charts in Excel Excel Ribbon Toolbar Basics of Excel Spell Check in Excel Data Analysis in Excel AutoFill in Excel Goal Seek in Excel Solver in Excel Pivots Table in Excel Go-To Special function in Excel Blank cells in Excel Count Cells with Text in Excel Date and Time in Excel-VBA Dependent Drop-down List in Excel Operators in Excel Dependent Combo box in Excel VBA Error Bar in Microsoft Excel Excel Axes Excel File using Password Excel Unique Values Frequency Distribution in Excel Gauge Chart in Excel Histogram in Excel Sum Every Nth Row in Microsoft Excel SumIF Formula in Microsoft Excel Multiplication in Excel Unique Values in Excel Trendline in Excel Excel Themes Copying formula in Excel Check Marks in Excel Calculating the Last Day of the Month in Excel Calculating Age in Excel Insert Row in Excel


Excel MAX() Function Excel INT() Function Excel MOD() Function Excel ROUND() Function Excel ROUNDUP() Function Excel AVERAGE() Function Excel COUNT() Function Excel COUNTA() Function Excel COUNTBLANK() Function Excel MIN() Function Excel EDATE() Function Excel EOMONTH() Function Excel HOUR() Function Excel MINUTE() Function Excel SECOND() Function Excel TIME() Function Excel WORKDAY() Function Excel WORKDAY.INTL() Function Excel DAYS() Function Excel WEEKNUM() Function Excel WEEKDAY() Function Excel SMALL() Function Excel LARGE() Function Excel LEFT() Function Excel RIGHT() Function Excel MID() Function Excel FIND() Function Excel SEARCH() Function Excel EXACT() Function Excel SUBSTITUTE() Function Excel TEXT() Function Excel VALUE() Function Excel AND() Function Excel OR() Function Excel IFERROR() Function Excel IF() Function Excel Nested IF’s Function Excel IFNA() Function Excel COUNTIFS() Function Excel VLOOKUP() Function Excel HLOOKUP() Function Excel INDEX() Function Excel MATCH() Function Excel OFFSET () Function Averageif Function in Excel

How To

How to import Microsoft Access data into the Microsoft Excel How to use TODAY function in Excel How to Alphabetize in Excel How to remove duplicate values from excel How to lock cells in Excel How to create drop down in excel How to Delete Row in Microsoft Excel How to Highlight Duplicates Words in the Microsoft Excel How to print titles in Excel How to make use of the Wildcard in Excel How to Make Use of the F-Test in Excel How to make use of the Excel Autofit in Excel How to generate random numbers in Excel How to apply Advanced Filter in Excel How to use Index and Match in Excel


Absolute Value in Excel Adding Column in Excel Converting Units in Excel Count Characters in Excel Custom Sort Order in Excel Decimals in Excel Division in Excel Locate Maximum Values in Excel Nearest Multiple in Excel Paste Options in Excel Quarter Dates in Excel Row Difference in Excel Separate Strings in Excel Reverse List in Excel Array Formula in Excel What if Analysis Data Table in Excel Excel Shortcut Keys What is a spreadsheet in Excel?

Histogram in Excel

What is Histogram in Excel?

A histogram is a graphical tool familiar for summarizing discrete or continuous data, where the data are measured on an interval scale.” 

Karl Pearson described this technique to assess the probability distribution of the given variable. It displays the data in a frequency of interval for the metric variable. The intervals are known as "bins" that have similar widths. It is used for data analysis in business, where the data are represented in specified ranges in the column chart. The Histogram has the feature of simplicity and versatility. It represents the data in continuous frequency distributions, and the data are described in the form of a bar chart. There is no gap present between the bar chart. The data points in the Histogram are grouped to represent the logical range or bit.

Additional Features in Histogram

 To enhance the appearance, additional features like colour and distance are changed. Let's have a look at how to format the Histogram in Excel.

  1. X-axis – The dataset variables are represented in charts X-axis.

Split by A chart table is created for categorical variables where each cell is designed with a separate category by Split by Variable. This feature adds dimensions to the chart by showcasing the information in a particular variable category.

  • KDE curve- If this feature is enabled, the kernel density estimate curve will display in the chart
  • Distribution Curve- If this feature is enabled, the distribution fitting curve will display in the chart.

Types of Histogram

The various types of Histogram as follows,

  • Normal Distribution
  • Bimodal Distribution
  • A Right Skewed Distribution
  • A Left Skewed Distribution
  • A Random Distribution

Normal Distribution

It is one of the statistical functions. For given data or parameters it calculates the probability density function or cumulative normal distribution. It is used in Stock Market Analysis. Formula used to calculate Normal Distribution is,

=NORMDIST(x, mean, standard_dev, cumulative)

The normal distribution curve is bell-shaped with one peak and is symmetric around the mean.

Bimodal Distribution

Usually in Normal Distribution the graph contains one peak. In bimodal distribution it contains two peaks. The data present in the bimodal are separated and analyzed as a separate normal distributions. Another name for this distribution is double peaked distribution.

Step 1: Enter the data in a spreadsheet. Here the id.no and students marks mentioned.


STEP 2: Select the Id.no and marks and click Insert>Chart>Scatter.  A chart is created for the given data. It has two peaks based on the variation of data.


Right Skewed Distribution

In right skewed distribution large sets of data present in the left side and only a few data present in the right side. Another name for this is positively skewed distribution.


A look alike of right skewed distribution is mentioned above.

Left Skewed Distribution

Another name for Left skewed distribution is Negatively Skewed Distribution. In this distribution large number of dataset occur in the right side and only a few data occur in left side. If the range boundary of the data occurs in right side left skewed distribution takes place.


Random Distribution

As the name itself suggests, it has several peaks called as multimodal distribution. The data are separated and analyzed and it is a combination of normal distributions.


How to create a Histogram in Excel?

Creating the Histogram in the Excel Spreadsheet varies depending upon the user's Excel Version. In the histogram, data intervals are called Bins, and the number of indices is called Histogram. It is used to relate one variable.

To implement normal distribution in Excel, following steps are implemented.

STEP 1: Enter the data in spreadsheet. Here the student Id, Name and marks are entered.


STEP 2: To calculate normal distribution, the mean and standard deviation is needed. To find the mean, the average formula is applied. Choose a cell in the worksheet and type the formula as =AVERAGE (range)


STEP 3: The mean value for C2:C15 is displayed in the cell D2.


STEP 4: To found standard deviation, the formula used are =STDEV (range)


STEP 5: The standard deviation for C2:C15 is calculated and displayed in the cell E2.


STEP 6: As mean and standard deviation is found, the normal distribution is calculated using the formula =NORM.DIST (C2, $D$2, $E$2, FALSE)


STEP 7: The value of normal distribution is shown below.


STEP 8: By applying this formula to the rest of the data, the normal distribution is calculated as shown below.


Normal Distribution Graph in Excel

To insert a graph in Excel, sort the mark columns from lowest to highest for the normal distribution of the graph.

STEP 1: To sort the values from smallest to largest, select the mark column. Choose Home>Sort & Filter> Sort Ascending


STEP 2: The values are arranged from ascending to descending order. The arranged values are shown below.


STEP 3: To insert chart select the mark and normal distribution column. Choose Insert>Insert Chart > Scatter.


STEP 4: Select the first chart in scatter. A normal distribution graph is created for the given range of data.


STEP 5: One can name the horizontal and vertical axes by choosing the Chart>Axis Title> Horizontal/Vertical Axis.


STEP 6: The horizontal and vertical axes are named as Marks and Normal Distribution.


How to create a histogram for a data in an Excel?

Excel 2016 has in-built histogram chart option.

Excel 2013, 2010 or prior version has no default histogram function. One can install it by means of Data Analysis Tool pack or using Frequency Function.

Let’s have a look about how to create a histogram chart in Excel 365.

To create a histogram for a data in excel following steps are followed.

STEP 1: Enter the data in the spreadsheet. Here various vegetables and quantity of purchased is mentioned below.


STEP 2: To create histogram, select the entire dataset. Choose>Insert tab>Chart>Histogram.


STEP 3: A histogram chart is created for given data.


STEP 4: Right click the chart, it displays the several options as shown below. You can change the histogram settings by choosing your desired color, title and gridlines.


STEP 5: By using format option the horizontal and vertical axes are named.


Uses of Histogram

  • The histogram is used to determine the data's mean, mode, distribution and median. Data is presented in different frequencies and types.
  • The data presented should be in numerical form.
  • The distribution shape is checked by using this method.
  • The output is predicted using checking two or more process
  • It is used to check whether it meets the customer's requirements.