Excel Tutorial

Excel Tutorial Shortcut Keys in Excel Formatting in Excel Notes in Excel Formats in Excel Cells and Ranges in Excel Excel Function and Formulas Conditional Formatting in Excel Data Validation in Excel Charts in Excel Excel Ribbon Toolbar Basics of Excel Spell Check in Excel Data Analysis in Excel AutoFill in Excel Goal Seek in Excel Solver in Excel Pivots Table in Excel Go-To Special function in Excel Blank cells in Excel Count Cells with Text in Excel Date and Time in Excel-VBA Dependent Drop-down List in Excel Operators in Excel Dependent Combo box in Excel VBA Error Bar in Microsoft Excel Excel Axes Excel File using Password Excel Unique Values Frequency Distribution in Excel Gauge Chart in Excel Histogram in Excel Sum Every Nth Row in Microsoft Excel SumIF Formula in Microsoft Excel Multiplication in Excel Unique Values in Excel Trendline in Excel Excel Themes Copying formula in Excel Check Marks in Excel Calculating the Last Day of the Month in Excel Calculating Age in Excel Insert Row in Excel


Excel MAX() Function Excel INT() Function Excel MOD() Function Excel ROUND() Function Excel ROUNDUP() Function Excel AVERAGE() Function Excel COUNT() Function Excel COUNTA() Function Excel COUNTBLANK() Function Excel MIN() Function Excel EDATE() Function Excel EOMONTH() Function Excel HOUR() Function Excel MINUTE() Function Excel SECOND() Function Excel TIME() Function Excel WORKDAY() Function Excel WORKDAY.INTL() Function Excel DAYS() Function Excel WEEKNUM() Function Excel WEEKDAY() Function Excel SMALL() Function Excel LARGE() Function Excel LEFT() Function Excel RIGHT() Function Excel MID() Function Excel FIND() Function Excel SEARCH() Function Excel EXACT() Function Excel SUBSTITUTE() Function Excel TEXT() Function Excel VALUE() Function Excel AND() Function Excel OR() Function Excel IFERROR() Function Excel IF() Function Excel Nested IF’s Function Excel IFNA() Function Excel COUNTIFS() Function Excel VLOOKUP() Function Excel HLOOKUP() Function Excel INDEX() Function Excel MATCH() Function Excel OFFSET () Function Averageif Function in Excel

How To

How to import Microsoft Access data into the Microsoft Excel How to use TODAY function in Excel How to Alphabetize in Excel How to remove duplicate values from excel How to lock cells in Excel How to create drop down in excel How to Delete Row in Microsoft Excel How to Highlight Duplicates Words in the Microsoft Excel How to print titles in Excel How to make use of the Wildcard in Excel How to Make Use of the F-Test in Excel How to make use of the Excel Autofit in Excel How to generate random numbers in Excel How to apply Advanced Filter in Excel How to use Index and Match in Excel


Absolute Value in Excel Adding Column in Excel Converting Units in Excel Count Characters in Excel Custom Sort Order in Excel Decimals in Excel Division in Excel Locate Maximum Values in Excel Nearest Multiple in Excel Paste Options in Excel Quarter Dates in Excel Row Difference in Excel Separate Strings in Excel Reverse List in Excel Array Formula in Excel What if Analysis Data Table in Excel Excel Shortcut Keys What is a spreadsheet in Excel?

Trendline in Excel

A Trendline is a line imposed on a graph to predict the direction of the data. It connects the series of data together to showcase the data best fit. The data points presented in the graph are not linked, but if Trendline is implemented it correlates the data points. It is used to analysis the trend or pattern in a graph which helps in finding the relationship between two points. This Trendline shows the behavior of the data points and helps the user to get approximate outline of the graph.

Types of Trendline in Excel

The Trendline in Excel is classified as following types,

  1. Exponential
  2. Linear
  3. Logarithmic
  4. Polynomial
  5. Power
  6. Moving Average.

How to insert Trendline in a Graph?

Following the are steps to insert a Trendline in an Excel Graph:

STEP 1: Enter the required data in the graph and select the data.

STEP 2: Choose on Insert > Chart

Excel Trendlinea

STEP 3: Insert the desired chart from the above list. Select the graph, choose Layout. In the analysis tab select Trendline

STEP 4: Select the Trendline option> Choose Trendline option

Excel Trendlinea

STEP 5: The various types of Trendline option is listed below.

Excel Trendlinea

STEP 5: Choose the desired Trendline option. It will display in the chart.

Exponential Trendline

The exponential Trendline is represented in the form of a curved line when the data values have a higher rate of rise or fall in values. If the data contains zero or negative values, the exponential Trendline is not created.

Example for Exponential Trendline

In the following example, the decrease in disease rate in certain cities is described using Exponential Trendline as follows.

Excel Trendlinea

Here in the above chart, there occurs a high decrease in values. This high decrease in values is represented in Exponential Trendline.

Linear Trendline

As the name suggests, the linear Trendline represents a straight line with a simple rise or decrease in values. For a simpler data set, a linear Trendline is used as it is a best-fit straight line.

Example for Linear Trendline

Excel Trendlinea

The mark scored by first ten students in the same class, is represented using Linear Trendline. In the above chart slight deviation in marks of the students is represented using Linear Trendline.

Logarithmic Trendline

Logarithmic Trendline accepts both positive and negative values. It is a best-fit curve used to represents the data, if it increases or decreases quickly.

Example for Logarithmic Trendline

 The population increase of animals in certain area is illustrated below using Logarithmic Trendline.

Excel Trendlinea

In the above example, the value increses quickly regarding animals population in certain area.

Polynomial Trendline

Data fluctuations happen in Polynomial Trendline. This curve represents the number of bends in the data set. It is used to analyze the gain or loss in the data set. The order of polynomial is determined by counting hills or valleys called bends. If the data value increases, the curve will go upwards, it is called hill. 

Example for Polynomial Trendline

Here the relationship between speed and gasoline consumption is determined using Polynomial Consumption.

Excel Trendlinea

In the above chart, there is one hill called peak present in the chart.

Power Trendline

In Power Trendline, the value increases at certain rate. Implementation of power Trendline is not possible if the data set value contains zero or negative values. The data set value increases at specific rate in the chart.

Example of Power Trendline

Here in sales department, the rise of purchasing in particular product is illustrated using power Trendline.

Excel Trendlinea

Moving Average

As the name suggests, the moving average Trendline is a combination of increasing and decreasing data values. This Trendline shows the trend or pattern of the data effectively. The moving average Trendline calculates the average of certain data points and uses the average as a point in the Trendline. For example, the average of the first two points is plotted as the first point in Trendline. This method continues for plotting the second, third and the following values.

Example for Moving Average Trendline

In this example, the relationship between the various car sales and the year is demonstrated using Moving Average Trendline.

Excel Trendlinea

In the above graph the variation in values is presented by Moving Average Trendline.


Trendline is used to calculate or predict the relationship between the data. From the above tutorial, the various types of Trendline and their functions are described.