CSS Introduction

CSS Tutorial What is CSS CSS Syntax CSS Selector How to include CSS CSS Comments

CSS Attributes

CSS Background CSS Border CSS Display CSS Float CSS Font CSS Color CSS Hover CSS Important CSS Line-height CSS Margin CSS Opacity CSS Filter CSS Images CSS Overflow CSS Padding CSS Position CSS Vertical align CSS White space CSS Width Word-wrap in CSS Box-shadow in CSS Text-transform in CSS CSS Outline CSS Visibility CSS Counters CSS Clear fix CSS Icons CSS Justify-content Text-decoration in CSS CSS Lists CSS nth selector CSS Sticky CSS Background-clip CSS Checkbox-style CSS Letter-spacing CSS Navigation bar CSS Overlay CSS Root CSS Specificity CSS Text-indent CSS Text-stroke CSS Zoom CSS Order CSS Descendent selector CSS Clip CSS calc() CSS Background-blend-mode CSS radio-button CSS Superscript and subscript CSS Text-effects CSS Text-align CSS Variables CSS Page-break-before CSS Page-break-inside CSS Page-break-after CSS Content property CSS Word-spacing CSS Animation CSS @keyframes rules CSS Pseudo-classes CSS Pseudo-elements CSS Radial-gradient CSS Translate CSS Gradients CSS z-index CSS Loaders CSS Units CSS Transition CSS Masking CSS Arrow CSS Pagination


What is Bootstrap CSS What is CSS used for How to center a table in CSS What is a CSS File How to center a button in CSS How to change background color in CSS How to change the font in CSS How to change font size in CSS How to resize an image in CSS How to get rid of bullet pioints in CSS Is CSS a programming language How to edit CSS in WordPress How to use google fonts in CSS How to create blinking text using CSS How to Set Space between the Flexbox Is CSS a Programming Language


Difference between HTML and CSS Grid Vs Flexbox in CSS Difference between CSS Grid and CSS Flexbox


Create a 3D text effect using HTML and CSS Hover condition for a:before and a:after in CSS Bem CSS Boder Types CSS Features of CSS Font Face CSS Image Overlay CSS B Tag CSS Carousel CSS CSS Arrow CSS Focus Flex Grow in CSS Bem CSS Features of CSS Font Face CSS Removing Underline from Link in CSS Width Property in CSS Radio Button in CSS

CSS Pseudo-class


The pseudo-class may be depicted as the keyword which can be mixed to any selector that specifies the elected element’s unique state. It can be included to a selector to insert the effect to an existing element regarding its state. Example, The :hover can be applied to add the unique effects to the element if the user points the cursor on the element.

The pseudo-class name isn’t case-sensitive.


The pseudo-class, along with the colon (:) is used. The syntax is as follows:

selector: pseudo-class 
property: value;  

Here, we are defining several pseudo-classes of CSS. We will explain a few most commonly applied and essential pseudo-classes. CSS pseudo-classes are explained in tabular form as below:

:activeIt can be applied to include style to the active element.
:hoverIt includes the unique effect to the element if a user points the cursor on the element.
:linkIt inserts the style to an unvisited link.
:visitedIt inserts the style to a visited link.
:langIt can be applied to represent a language for use inside any specified element.
:focusThis class chooses an element that is focused via a user currently.
:first-childThis class includes a unique effect to the element, which are the first children of other elements.

Let’s consider the pseudo-classes, which are discussed above, with some illustrations.

Pseudo-class- :hover

The :hover pseudo-class includes the style to the element if any user points the cursor on it. If we wish to create it useful, then it should be used after two pseudo-classes, i.e., “:visited” and “:link”.


<!DOCTYPE html>
color: blue; 
color: tomato; 
<h1> Hello world </h1> 
<h2> It is an illustration of pseudo class :hover </h2> 


CSS Pseudo-class

Pseudo-class- :active

This pseudo-class uses at the time of the element is activated or clicked. It chooses an activated element.

Let’s consider it along with a demonstration as follows:


<!DOCTYPE html>  
text-align: center; 
color: red;  
h1, h2, h3
color: green;
<h1> Hello World! </h1>  
<h2> pseudo-class :active </h2>  
<h3> Click on the following link to examine the effect </h3> 
<a href="#"> Click over the link</a> 


CSS Pseudo-class

Pseudo-class- :visited

It chooses a visited link and includes a unique style to them. It has possible values that can be the name of the color in any valid format.


<!DOCTYPE html>  
text-align: center; 
color: lime;  
<h1> Hello World! </h1>  
<h2> pseudo-class :visited </h2>  
<h3> Click on the following link to examine the effect </h3> 
<a href="#"> Click over the link</a> 


CSS Pseudo-class

Pseudo-class- :lang

This class provides support in documents that need several languages. It permits us to portray the unique rules to distinct languages.


In the following example, we will describe p:lang(fr) that will choose the components having property lang=”fr”.

<!DOCTYPE html>  
text-align: center; 
font-family: Verdana;  
color: tomato;  
<p> Without pseudo-class :lang </p>  
<p lang="fr"> With pseudo-class :lang using the fr value </p> 


CSS Pseudo-class

Pseudo-class- :focus

It chooses the components that are focused over via a user currently. Generally, it is applied inside the input components of the triggers and forms if a user clicks over it.


text-align: center;
border:5px solid lightgreen;
box-shadow:10px 10px 10px black;
color: blue;
<h1>Name: <input type="text" value="Enter your name"></h1>


CSS Pseudo-class

Pseudo-class- :first-child

This pseudo-class is used to match the particular component, i.e., the first children of other components. It includes the unique effects to any corresponding component.

Note: We must declare the <!DOCTYPE> on the document’s top to create the pseudo-class, i.e., “:first-child” to implement within the IE8 and its other earlier version.

Let’s consider the following demonstration to understand it.


text-indent: 200px; 
color: red; 
<h1> First heading inside the div. It will be sectioned, and its color will be red. </h1> 
<h1> Second heading inside the div, and it will not be influenced.</h1> 


CSS Pseudo-class

The general tooltip hover

The tooltip describes extra information regarding something if the user points the cursor on the component. Let’s make the tooltip with the use of the pseudo-class “:hover”.


<!DOCTYPE html> 
text-align: center; 
display: none; 
background-color: purple; 
color: white; 
padding: 20px; 
font-size: 40px; 
div:hover h2
display: block; 
<h1> Point your mouse on the below text to examine the effect </h1>  
<div>Hello World!! 
<h2>Welcome to this Page </h2> 


CSS Pseudo-class

CSS pseudo-classes and classes

The CSS classes may be connected with the pseudo-classes. The syntax is as follows:


selector.class: pseudo-class {  
property: value;  }  

We can consider it with an example as follows:


<!DOCTYPE html> 
text-align: center; 
color: blue; 
font-size: 40px; 
<h1> CSS pseudo-classes and classes </h1> 
<h2> Point your cursor on the below text </h2> 
<div class="hello"> Hello World!! </p> 


CSS Pseudo-class