Data Structures Tutorial

Data Structures Tutorial Asymptotic Notation Structure and Union Array Data Structure Linked list Data Structure Type of Linked list Advantages and Disadvantages of linked list Queue Data Structure Implementation of Queue Stack Data Structure Implementation of Stack Sorting Insertion sort Quick sort Selection sort Heap sort Merge sort Bucket sort Count sort Radix sort Shell sort Tree Traversal of the binary tree Binary search tree Graph Spanning tree Linear Search Binary Search Hashing Collision Resolution Techniques

Misc Topic:

Priority Queue in Data Structure Deque in Data Structure Difference Between Linear And Non Linear Data Structures Queue Operations In Data Structure About Data Structures Data Structures Algorithms Types of Data Structures Big O Notations Introduction to Arrays Introduction to 1D-Arrays Operations on 1D-Arrays Introduction to 2D-Arrays Operations on 2D-Arrays Strings in Data Structures String Operations Application of 2D array Bubble Sort Insertion Sort Sorting Algorithms What is DFS Algorithm What Is Graph Data Structure What is the difference between Tree and Graph What is the difference between DFS and BFS Bucket Sort Dijkstra’s vs Bellman-Ford Algorithm Linear Queue Data Structure in C Stack Using Array Stack Using Linked List Recursion in Fibonacci Stack vs Array What is Skewed Binary Tree Primitive Data Structure in C Dynamic memory allocation of structure in C Application of Stack in Data Structures Binary Tree in Data Structures Heap Data Structure Recursion - Factorial and Fibonacci What is B tree what is B+ tree Huffman tree in Data Structures Insertion Sort vs Bubble Sort Adding one to the number represented an array of digits Bitwise Operators and their Important Tricks Blowfish algorithm Bubble Sort vs Selection Sort Hashing and its Applications Heap Sort vs Merge Sort Insertion Sort vs Selection Sort Merge Conflicts and ways to handle them Difference between Stack and Queue AVL tree in data structure c++ Bubble sort algorithm using Javascript Buffer overflow attack with examples Find out the area between two concentric circles Lowest common ancestor in a binary search tree Number of visible boxes putting one inside another Program to calculate the area of the circumcircle of an equilateral triangle Red-black Tree in Data Structures Strictly binary tree in Data Structures 2-3 Trees and Basic Operations on them Asynchronous advantage actor-critic (A3C) Algorithm Bubble Sort vs Heap Sort Digital Search Tree in Data Structures Minimum Spanning Tree Permutation Sort or Bogo Sort Quick Sort vs Merge Sort Boruvkas algorithm Bubble Sort vs Quick Sort Common Operations on various Data Structures Detect and Remove Loop in a Linked List How to Start Learning DSA Print kth least significant bit number Why is Binary Heap Preferred over BST for Priority Queue Bin Packing Problem Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Burning binary tree Equal Sum What is a Threaded Binary Tree? What is a full Binary Tree? Bubble Sort vs Merge Sort B+ Tree Program in Q language Deletion Operation from A B Tree Deletion Operation of the binary search tree in C++ language Does Overloading Work with Inheritance Balanced Binary Tree Binary tree deletion Binary tree insertion Cocktail Sort Comb Sort FIFO approach Operations of B Tree in C++ Language Recaman’s Sequence Tim Sort Understanding Data Processing Applications of trees in data structures Binary Tree Implementation Using Arrays Convert a Binary Tree into a Binary Search Tree Create a binary search tree Horizontal and Vertical Scaling Invert binary tree LCA of binary tree Linked List Representation of Binary Tree Optimal binary search tree in DSA Serialize and Deserialize a Binary Tree Tree terminology in Data structures Vertical Order Traversal of Binary Tree What is a Height-Balanced Tree in Data Structure Convert binary tree to a doubly linked list Fundamental of Algorithms Introduction and Implementation of Bloom Filter Optimal binary search tree using dynamic programming Right side view of binary tree Symmetric binary tree Trim a binary search tree What is a Sparse Matrix in Data Structure What is a Tree in Terms of a Graph What is the Use of Segment Trees in Data Structure What Should We Learn First Trees or Graphs in Data Structures All About Minimum Cost Spanning Trees in Data Structure Convert Binary Tree into a Threaded Binary Tree Difference between Structured and Object-Oriented Analysis FLEX (Fast Lexical Analyzer Generator) Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Sum of Nodes in a Binary Tree What are the types of Trees in Data Structure What is a 2-3 Tree in Data Structure What is a Spanning Tree in Data Structure What is an AVL Tree in Data Structure Given a Binary Tree, Check if it's balanced B Tree in Data Structure Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree Flattening a Linked List Given a Perfect Binary Tree, Reverse Alternate Levels Left View of Binary Tree What are Forest Trees in Data Structure Compare Balanced Binary Tree and Complete Binary Tree Diameter of a Binary Tree Given a Binary Tree Check the Zig Zag Traversal Given a Binary Tree Print the Shortest Path Given a Binary Tree Return All Root To Leaf Paths Given a Binary Tree Swap Nodes at K Height Given a Binary Tree Find Its Minimum Depth Given a Binary Tree Print the Pre Order Traversal in Recursive Given a Generate all Structurally Unique Binary Search Trees Perfect Binary Tree Threaded Binary Trees Function to Create a Copy of Binary Search Tree Function to Delete a Leaf Node from a Binary Tree Function to Insert a Node in a Binary Search Tree Given Two Binary Trees, Check if it is Symmetric A Full Binary Tree with n Nodes Applications of Different Linked Lists in Data Structure B+ Tree in Data Structure Construction of B tree in Data Structure Difference between B-tree and Binary Tree Finding Rank in a Binary Search Tree Finding the Maximum Element in a Binary Tree Finding the Minimum and Maximum Value of a Binary Tree Finding the Sum of All Paths in a Binary Tree Time Complexity of Selection Sort in Data Structure How to get Better in Data Structures and Algorithms Binary Tree Leaf Nodes Classification of Data Structure Difference between Static and Dynamic Data Structure Find the Union and Intersection of the Binary Search Tree Find the Vertical Next in a Binary Tree Finding a Deadlock in a Binary Search Tree Finding all Node of k Distance in a Binary Tree Finding Diagonal Sum in a Binary Tree Finding Diagonal Traversal of The Binary Tree Finding In-Order Successor Binary Tree Finding the gcd of Each Sibling of the Binary Tree Greedy Algorithm in Data Structure How to Calculate Space Complexity in Data Structure How to find missing numbers in an Array Kth Ancestor Node of Binary Tree Minimum Depth Binary Tree Mirror Binary Tree in Data Structure Red-Black Tree Insertion Binary Tree to Mirror Image in Data Structure Calculating the Height of a Binary Search Tree in Data Structure Characteristics of Binary Tree in Data Structure Create a Complete Binary Tree from its Linked List Field in Tree Data Structure Find a Specified Element in a binary Search Tree Find Descendant in Tree Data Structure Find Siblings in a Binary Tree Given as an Array Find the Height of a Node in a Binary Tree Find the Second-Largest Element in a Binary Tree Find the Successor Predecessor of a Binary Search Tree Forest of a Tree in Data Structure In Order Traversal of Threaded Binary Tree Introduction to Huffman Coding Limitations of a Binary Search Tree Link State Routing Algorithm in Data Structure Map Reduce Algorithm for Binary Search Tree in Data Structure Non-Binary Tree in Data Structure Quadratic Probing Example in Hashing Scope and Lifetime of Variables in Data Structure Separate Chaining in Data Structure What is Dynamic Data Structure Separate Chaining vs Open Addressing Time and Space Complexity of Linear Data Structures Abstract Data Types in Data Structures Binary Tree to Single Linked List Count the Number of Nodes in the Binary Tree Count Total No. of Ancestors in a Binary Search Tree Elements of Dynamic Programming in Data Structures Find cost of tree with prims algorithm in data structures Find Preorder Successor in a Threaded Binary Tree Find Prime Nodes Sum Count in Non-Binary Tree Find the Right Sibling of a Binary Tree with Parent Pointers Find the Width of the Binary Search Tree Forest trees in Data Structures Free Tree in Data Structures Frequently asked questions in Tree Data Structures Infix, Postfix and Prefix Conversion Time Complexity of Fibonacci Series What is Weighted Graph in Data Structure Disjoint Set ADT in Data Structure Binary Tree to Segment Tree Binary Tree to List in Order State Space Tree for 4 Queen Problem Hash Function Booth Algorithm Flowchart What is an Algorithm Master Theorem Top-down and Bottom-up Approach in Data Structure Base Address of Array Insertion into a Max Heap in Data Structure Delete a Node From Linked List Find Loop in Linked List How to implement Forward DNS Lookup Cache? 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What is a Height-Balanced Tree in Data Structure

A height-balanced tree is a type of binary tree. If the absolute difference between the heights of the left and right subtree is less than or equal to 1, then the given binary tree is considered a height-balanced binary tree. This height-balanced tree includes the AVL tree (Adelson, Velskii, & Landis Tree) and the red-black tree.



n a tree data structure, the level of a node is calculated starting from the root node, while its height is calculated starting from leaf nodes. The size of any leaf node in a tree data structure is equal to zero.

Height balanced tree conditions:

The conditions that make a binary tree a height-balanced tree is given below:

  • The left and right subtree must have a height difference of less than or equal to one (1).
  • The left subtree must be balanced.
  • The subtree must also be balanced.

Note: We can also treat an empty tree as a height-balanced tree.

What is the Height Balance of a node?

To calculate the height balance of each node, we need to calculate the heights of both the subtrees of that node which leads to a recursive and non-practical approach. All the nodes of a given tree data structure store their respective data and maintain the information regarding the height balance values of its child nodes.

We calculate the height balance of a particular node in a given tree using the following formula:

height balance of node = height of right subtree – height of left subtree

The above formula can be explained below:

  • The height of a balanced node is treated as positive if the right subtree is taller than the left one.
  • The height of a balanced node is treated as negative if the left subtree is taller than the right one.

Height of a Height-Balanced Binary Tree:

In a tree data structure, the level of a node is calculated starting from the root node, while its height is calculated starting from leaf nodes. The height of any leaf node in a tree data structure is equal to zero. A height-balanced tree with an 'N' number of nodes has a height equal to O(logN). This can be proved as shown below:


A height-balanced tree has a minimum of 2 ((h / 2) – 1) nodes, where h is the height of the height-balanced tree.

We mentioned 'minimum' in the earlier statement, which means that the number of nodes can be greater than 2 ((h / 2) – 1), where h is the height of the height-balanced tree. We can denote this as the function f(h), therefore

F(h) > 2 ((h / 2) – 1)

Mathematical induction can prove the above points.


Mathematical induction Mathematical induction is a technique for a mathematical proof. When we need to prove a statement P(n) which holds all natural numbers where n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . . so on, which in laymen’s terms means that the provided statement is a sequence of infinitely many cases P(0), P(1), P(2), P(3), P(4), P(5), . . . etc., we use mathematical induction. This technique is explained with the help of informal metaphors like climbing a ladder or falling dominoes, etc.

The minimum number of nodes in a height-balanced tree with height 1 is N = 2. Therefore, F (1) = 2 >= 2 ((1 / 2) – 1).

The minimum number of nodes in a height-balanced tree with height 2 is N = 4. Therefore, F(1) = 4 >= 2 ((2 / 2) – 1.

Now, let the height of the tree be ‘h’ where h – 1 > 2 and the statement 2 ( ( h / 2 ) – 1 ) is true for ‘h – 1’. According to mathematical induction, we need to prove that the statement 2 ( ( h / 2 ) – 1 ) is also true for ‘h’.

Generally, the tree of height h has a root node along with its two subtrees whose heights are equal to h -2 and h – 1 respectively as we are expecting the minimum number of nodes. Hence,

f(h) = 1 + f(h – 1 ) + f(h – 2)

f(h ) = 1 + 2 f( h – 2 ) as f( h – 1 ) > f( h – 2 )

f(h ) > 2 * f( h – 2 ).

As the statement is true for the heights that are less than ‘h’,

f(h ) > 2 * 2 ( ( h – 2 ) / 2 – 1 ) i.e., f( h ) > 2 ( ( h / 2 ) – 1 ).

We can observe that

Log(f(h)) > ((h / 2) – 1 or

h / 2 < log (f( h ) ) + 1

h < (2 * log(N ) ) + 2    { this represents that the minimum number of nodes of the height-balanced tree is N. Hence, f(h ) = N

Hence, it is proved that h = O(log( N ) ).

Why do we need a Height-Balanced Binary Tree?

The example below illustrates the need for a height-balanced binary tree.

Let us take a tree that is both a binary search tree and a height-balanced tree.

What is a Height-Balanced Tree in Data Structure

In the given height balanced tree, let us find the value 96. We can observe that the height of the given binary tree is 3. The search in a height-balanced binary tree starts at the root node. The root node's value is 35, which is smaller than the required value (96). Hence, we move to the right child node of the root node of the binary tree (whose value is 35). The value of the right child node of the root node of the binary tree (whose value is 35) is 49, which is less than the required value (96).

Hence, we again move to the right child node of this node (root node of the right subtree of the root node of the binary tree). The right child node of the root node of the right subtree of the root node of the binary tree (whose value is 49) has a value equal to 52, which is less than our required value (96). We repeat the above step, i.e., we move to the right child node of the root node of the right subtree of the root node of the binary tree, which has a value equal to 96. This node is precisely equal to the value we were searching for (96).

Our tree height was three, and we found our required value in three steps. Therefore, this proves that we can find any key in at most h steps when the tree's height is equal to 'h’.

A value from a height-balanced binary tree can be searched in O( logN ) time. A value from a regular binary tree can be searched in O(N) time.

Applications of Height-Balanced Binary Tree:

  1. Height-balanced trees are mainly used in computations that involve massive data and databases. They help search for data rather than insertion or deletion.
  2. Dictionaries and memory slots require balanced trees for their application.
  3. Rather than databases, applications that require improved searching use height-balanced trees.
  4. Storyline games apply height-balanced tree searching as well.
  5. If a corporate company has employees, who work under shifts, then height-balanced trees can be used to store their information.

Advantages of Height-Balanced Binary Tree:

  1. The height-balanced binary tree makes a typical case roughly one lookup less but improves the worst-case lookup time.
  2. Height-balanced binary search trees provide better search time complexity.
  3. As a gentle rule, a height-balanced binary tree works more efficiently when we spread the request frequencies evenly across the data set.

Disadvantages of Height-Balanced Binary Tree:

  1. For deletion and insertion operations, height-balanced binary trees take longer running times.
  2. To find any node to balance in a given height-balanced binary tree, we must go all the way up from its leaf node to the given node in the height-balanced binary tree.
  3. Height balancing binary trees must keep balancing information in each node, increasing its memory size.

How to check if a given tree is a height-balanced binary tree: 

Recursion can be used to check whether a given tree is a height-balanced binary tree, and this is based on the concept that every subtree in a height-balanced binary tree is also height-balanced. The following operations can be performed to know if a given tree is height-balanced or not:


Recursion is a process in which a function or method calls itself repeatedly (directly or indirectly) until a given condition is fulfilled.

  1. For each node, visit its left subtree and right subtree using recursion
  2. Check the height of both the right subtree as well as a left subtree.
  3. Calculate the difference between the heights of the left subtree and right subtree. If the calculation output is between -1 and 1 (the absolute difference is at most 1), then that particular node is height-balanced.
  4. If at least one node is not height balanced in a given tree, it cannot be considered a height-balanced tree.