Python Tutorial

Introduction Python Features Python Applications Python System requirements Python Installation Python Examples Python Basics Python Indentation Python Variables Python Data Types Python IDE Python Keywords Python Operators Python Comments Python Pass Statement

Python Conditional Statements

Python if Statement Python elif Statement Python If-else statement Python Switch Case

Python Loops

Python for loop Python while loop Python Break Statement Python Continue Statement Python Goto Statement

Python Arrays

Python Array Python Matrix

Python Strings

Python Strings Python Regex

Python Built-in Data Structure

Python Lists Python Tuples Python Lists vs Tuples Python Dictionary Python Sets

Python Functions

Python Function Python min() function Python max() function Python User-define Functions Python Built-in Functions Python Recursion Anonymous/Lambda Function in Python apply() function in python Python lambda() Function

Python File Handling

Python File Handling Python Read CSV Python Write CSV Python Read Excel Python Write Excel Python Read Text File Python Write Text File Read JSON File in Python

Python Exception Handling

Python Exception Handling Python Errors and exceptions Python Assert

Python OOPs Concept

OOPs Concepts in Python Classes & Objects in Python Inheritance in Python Polymorphism in Python Python Encapsulation Python Constructor Python Super function Python Static Method Static Variables in Python Abstraction in Python

Python Iterators

Iterators in Python Yield Statement In Python Python Yield vs Return

Python Generators

Python Generator

Python Decorators

Python Decorator

Python Functions and Methods

Python Built-in Functions Python String Methods Python List Methods Python Dictionary Methods Python Tuple Methods Python Set Methods

Python Modules

Python Modules Python Datetime Module Python Math Module Python Import Module Python Time ModulePython Random Module Python Calendar Module CSV Module in Python Python Subprocess Module

Python MySQL

Python MySQL Python MySQL Client Update Operation Delete Operation Database Connection Creating new Database using Python MySQL Creating Tables Performing Transactions

Python MongoDB

Python MongoDB

Python SQLite

Python SQLite

Python Data Structure Implementation

Python Stack Python Queue Python Linked List Python Hash Table Python Graph

Python Advance Topics

Speech Recognition in Python Face Recognition in Python Python Linear regression Python Rest API Python Command Line Arguments Python JSON Python Subprocess Python Virtual Environment Type Casting in Python Python Collections Python Attributes Python Commands Python Data Visualization Python Debugger Python DefaultDict Python Enumerate

Python 2

What is Python 2

Python 3

Anaconda in Python 3 Anaconda python 3 installation for windows 10 List Comprehension in Python3

How to

How to Parse JSON in Python How to Pass a list as an Argument in Python How to Install Numpy in PyCharm How to set up a proxy using selenium in python How to create a login page in python How to make API calls in Python How to run Python code from the command prompt How to read data from com port in python How to Read html page in python How to Substring a String in Python How to Iterate through a Dictionary in Python How to convert integer to float in Python How to reverse a string in Python How to take input in Python How to install Python in Windows How to install Python in Ubuntu How to install PIP in Python How to call a function in Python How to download Python How to comment multiple lines in Python How to create a file in Python How to create a list in Python How to declare array in Python How to clear screen in Python How to convert string to list in Python How to take multiple inputs in Python How to write a program in Python How to compare two strings in Python How to create a dictionary in Python How to create an array in Python How to update Python How to compare two lists in Python How to concatenate two strings in Python How to print pattern in Python How to check data type in python How to slice a list in python How to implement classifiers in Python How To Print Colored Text in Python How to open a file in python How to Open a file in python with Path How to run a Python file in CMD How to change the names of Columns in Python How to Concat two Dataframes in Python How to Iterate a List in Python How to learn python Online How to Make an App with Python How to develop a game in python How to print in same line in python How to create a class in python How to find square root in python How to import numy in python How to import pandas in python How to uninstall python How to upgrade PIP in python How to append a string in python How to comment out a block of code in Python How to change a value of a tuple in Python How to append an Array in Python How to Configure Python Interpreter in Eclipse How to plot a Histogram in Python How to Import Files in Python How to Download all Modules in Python How to get Time in seconds in Python How to Practice Python Programming How to plot multiple linear regression in Python How to set font for Text in Python How to Convert WhatsApp Chat Data into a Word Cloud using Python How to Install Tweepy in Python How to Write a Configuration file in Python How to Install Scikit-Learn How to add 2 lists in Python How to assign values to variables in Python and other languages How to build an Auto Clicker using Python How to check if the dictionary is empty in Python How to check the version of the Python Interpreter How to convert Float to Int in Python How to Convert Int to String in Python How to Define a Function in Python How to Install Pandas in Python How to Plot Graphs Using Python How to Program in Python on Raspberry pi How to Reverse a number in Python How to Sort a String in Python How to build a Virtual Assistant Using Python How to Fix an EOF Error in Python How to make a firewall in Python How to clear screen in Python How to Create User Defined Exceptions in Python How to determine if a binary tree is height-balanced How to Import Kaggle Datasets Directly into Google Colab How to Install Python in Kali Linux


Python Sort List Sort Dictionary in Python Python sort() function Python Bubble Sort


Factorial Program in Python Prime Number Program in Python Fibonacci Series Program in Python Leap Year Program in Python Palindrome Program in Python Check Palindrome In Python Calculator Program in Python Armstrong Number Program in Python Python Program to add two numbers Anagram Program in Python Number Pattern Programs in Python Even Odd Program in Python GCD Program in Python Python Exit Program Python Program to check Leap Year Operator Overloading in Python Pointers in Python Python Not Equal Operator Raise Exception in Python Salary of Python Developers in India


What is a Script in Python What is the re.sub() function in Python After Python What Should I Learn What Does the Percent Sign (%) Mean in Python What is online python free IDE What is Python online compiler What are the Purposes of Python What is Python compiler GDB What is Ipython shell What does base case mean in recursion What does the if __name__ == "__main__" do in Python What is Sleeping Time in Python What is Collaborative Filtering in ML, Python What is the Python Global Interpreter Lock What is None Literal in Python What is the Output of the bool in Python Is Python Case-sensitive when Dealing with Identifiers Is Python Case Sensitive Is Python Object Oriented Programming language


Difference between Perl and Python Difference between python list and tuple Difference between Input() and raw_input() functions in Python Difference between Python 2 and Python 3 Difference Between Yield And Return In Python Important Difference between Python 2.x and Python 3.x with Example Difference between Package and Module in Python Difference between Expression and Statement in Python Difference between For Loop and While Loop in Python Difference between Module and Package in Python Difference between Sort and Sorted in Python Difference between Overloading and Overriding in Python Python vs HTML Python vs R Python vs Java Python vs PHP While vs For Loop in Python Python Iterator vs Iterable Set Vs List Python

Python Kivy

Kivy Architecture Kivy Buttons Kivy Layouts Kivy Widgets What is Kivy in Python

Python Tkinter

Application to get live USD/INR rate Using Tkinter in Python Application to Search Installed Application using Tkinter in Python Compound Interest GUI Calculator using Tkinter in Python Create a Table Using Tkinter in Python Create First GUI Application using Tkinter in Python File Explorer using Tkinter in Python GUI Calendar using Tkinter in Python GUI to extract lyrics from a song Using Tkinter in Python GUI to Shut down, Restart and Logout from the PC using Tkinter in Python Loan calculator using Tkinter in Python Make Notepad using Tkinter in Python Rank Based Percentile GUI Calculator using Tkinter in Python Screen Rotation app Using Tkinter in Python Spell Corrector GUI using Tkinter in Python Standard GUI Unit Converter using Tkinter in Python Text detection using Tkinter in Python To Do GUI Application using Tkinter in Python Weight Conversion GUI using Tkinter in Python Age calculator using Tkinter Create a Digital Clock Using Tkinter Create a GUI Marksheet using Tkinter Simple GUI Calculator Using Tkinter Simple Registration form using Tkinter Weight Conversion GUI Using Tkinter Color Game Using Tkinter in Python File Explorer in Python using Tkinter Making of Notepad Using Tkinter Python Simple FLAMES Game Using Tkinter Python ToDo GUI Application Using Tkinter Python

Python PyQt5

Compound Interest GUI Calculator using PyQt5 in Python Create Table Using PyQt5 in Python Create the First GUI Application using PyQt5 in Python GUI Calendar using PyQt5 in Python Loan Calculator using PyQt5 in Python Rank Based Percentile GUI Calculator using PyQt5 in Python Simple GUI calculator using PyQt5 in Python Standard GUI Unit Converter using PyQt5 in Python


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Write Dictionary to CSV in Python Write a String in Python Binary Search Visualization using Pygame in Python Latest Project Ideas using Python 2022 Closest Pair of Points in Python ComboBox in Python Best resources to learn Numpy and Pandas in python Check Letter in a String Python Python Console Python Control Statements Convert Float to Int in Python using Pandas Importing Numpy in Pycharm Python Key Error Python NewLine Python tokens and character set Python Strong Number any() Keyword in python Best Database in Python Check whether dir is empty or not in python Comments in the Python Programming Language Convert int to Float in Python using Pandas Decision Tree Classification in Python End Parameter in python __GETITEM__ and __SETITEM__ in Python Python Namespace Python GUI Programming List Assignment Index out of Range in Python List Iteration in Python List Index out of Range Python for Loop List Subtract in Python Python Empty Tuple Python Escape Characters Sentence to python vector Slicing of a String in Python Executing Shell Commands in Python Genetic Algorithm in python Get index of element in array in python Looping through Data Frame in Python Syntax of Map function in Python Python AIOHTTP Alexa Python Artificial intelligence mini projects ideas in python Artificial intelligence mini projects with source code in Python Find whether the given stringnumber is palindrome or not First Unique Character in a String Python Python Network Programming Python Interface Python Multithreading Python Interpreter Data Distribution in python Flutter with tensor flow in python Front end in python Iterate a Dictionary in Python Iterate a Dictionary in Python – Part 2 Allocate a minimum number of pages in python Assertion Errors and Attribute Errors in Python Checking whether a String Contains a Set of Characters in python Python Control Flow Statements *Args and **Kwargs in Python Bar Plot in Python Conditional Expressions in Python Function annotations() in Python Image to Text in python import() Function in Python Import py file in Python Multiple Linear Regression using Python Nested Tuple in Python Python String Negative Indexing Reading a File Line by Line in Python Python Comment Block Base Case in Recursive function python ER diagram of the Bank Management System in python Image to NumPy Arrays in Python NOT IN operator in Python One Liner If-Else Statements in Python Sklearn in Python Cube Root in Python Python Variables, Constants and Literals Creating Web Application in python Notepad++ For Python PyPi TensorFlow Python | Read csv using pandas.read_csv() Run exec python from PHP Python coding platform Python Classification Python | a += b is not always a = a + b PyDev with Python IDE Character Set in Python Best Python AI Projects _dict_ in Python Python Ternary Operators Self in Python Python Modulo Python Packages Python Syntax Python Uses Python Bitwise Operators Python Identifiers Python Matrix Multiplication Python AND Operator Python Logical Operators Python Multiprocessing Python Unit Testing __init__ in Python Advantages of Python Python Boolean Python Call Function Python History Python Image Processing Python main() function Python Permutations and Combinations Conditional Statements in python Confusion Matrix Visualization Python Nested List in Python Python Algorithms Python Modules List Method Overloading in Python Python Arithmetic Operators Assignment Operators in Python Python Division Python exit commands Continue And Pass Statements In Python Colors In Python Convert String Into Int In Python Convert String To Binary In Python Convert Uppercase To Lowercase In Python Convert XML To JSON In Python Converting Set To List In Python Covariance In Python CSV Module In Python Decision Tree In Python Dynamic Typing In Python BOTTLE Python Web Framework Introducing modern python computing in simple packages Reason for Python So Popular Returning Multiple Values in Python Spotify API in Python Spyder (32-bit) - Free download Time. 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Python MongoDB Tutorial

An Introduction to MongoDB

MongoDB is a document-oriented database application. It is an Open-source and platform-independent program. MongoDB is similar to few NoSQL databases that store the data in the documents with the help of JSON structure. This ability enhances the data flexibility and requires no schema.

Some significant features of MongoDB are shown below:

  • MongoDB has extensive support from multiple standard types of query, such as comparison (<, >), matching (==) or even regular expression.
  • MongoDB allows the users to store any type of data virtually. The data can be structured, partially structured or even polymorphic.
  • MongoDB also allows the users to scale up and handling queries by adding more machines.
  • MongoDB provides higher flexibility and agility that enables users to develop the applications rapidly.
  • MongoDB is a document-based database that indicates that the users can store all the data related to the model in a single document.

MongoDB allows the users to change their database schema easily.

MongoDB also provides many relational database functionalities, such as indexing.

Apart from the above-stated features of MongoDB, there are some more tools and qualities relating to the operational side of MongoDB that we cannot find in any other database systems. These tools and qualities are shown below:

  • Whether we need complete clusters of independent servers or a standalone server, MongoDB is as scalable as per our requirements.
  • MongoDB also delivers the load balancing support by shifting the data automatically across many shards.
  • MongoDB also provides automatic failover support. For example, if the primary server shuts down, a new primary server will start working automatically.
  • The MongoDB Management Service, also known as MMS, is a pretty good web tool that offers the users the ability of machine tracking.
  • MongoDB also offers the memory-mapped files that will save unnecessary usage of RAM, unlike Relational databases.

By taking advantage of the indexing features, we can store much of the data in memory for quick retrieval. Moreover, Mongo caches some bit of data even without indexing on particular document keys with the help of the Least Recently Used (LRU) method.

While at first, Mongo may look like a perfect solution to many database problems; however, there are some disadvantages. One of the common disadvantages of Mongo is that it lacks ACID transaction support, which implies that Mongo has limited support for ACID transactions, but not in all situations. ACID transactions are supported at the single-document level, which is mostly all transactions take place. But, because of distributed nature of Mongo, transactions related to multiple documents are not supported.

Mongo also lacks the native joins support, which we must do manually and thus, the whole process becomes slow. Documents are considered all-encompassing, which implies that they should not require to reference other documents. In reality, this does not often work as most of the data is relational by nature. Hence, it becomes a topic of argument that Mongo should be utilized as a Complementary database to a SQL DB; however, as we start using MongoDB, we will discover that it is not essentially accurate.

Understanding PyMongo

Since we have discussed a lot about MongoDB, now let’s understand how we can utilize the same with Python. In order to fire Python up with MongoDB, the developers of Mongo published the official driver called PyMongo.

Let’s start the tutorial with the installation procedure of PyMongo in the virtual environment. We will be using the pip to make things a bit easier.

In order to install PyMongo, we have to type the following syntax on a terminal or command shell.

$ pip install pymongo

Once the installation is completed, we can try running the following command on a Python console.

import pymongo

If the above syntax works without raising an exception, then the installation has worked properly. However, we need to reinstall the package again carefully.

Now, we have to install the actual MongoDB database.

Installing MongoDB database

Note: The Installation procedure shown here is for Windows Operating System. In order to install the MongoDB database in Operating System other than Windows, one can check out the official site link:

Consider the following steps in order to install MongoDB in Windows Operating System:

STEP 1: Download the .msi setup file from the link provided above.

STEP 2: Once the downloading is completed, open the setup file to continue the installation.

STEP 3: Click on Next to continue. Read and Accept the terms of the End-User License and click on Next to continue.

STEP 4: Now, we have to specify the setup type, which means that we can install a complete setup or a custom one. We will be installing the complete setup.

STEP 5: Now, configure the service, choose the path of installation and click on Next to continue.

STEP 6: This is an optional step to install MongoDB compass. One can tick the checkbox shown in the bottom left corner and click on Next to continue.

STEP 7: Once the configuration is done, click on Install to continue the installation.

STEP 8: Once the installation is completed, click on Finish to exit the Setup Wizard.

The MongoDB database has been installed successfully.

Now, we are ready to work with the MongoDB database. Let’s begin with the fundamentals of PyMongo.

Creating a database in Python

In order to establish a connection and create a database in Python, we will be using the MongoClient object. The MongoClient object is imported from the PyMongo package in order to connect to MongoDB, and we can have direct access to the database that we want to create in attribute passion.

Let us consider the following example to create a database in MongoDB.


 from pymongo import MongoClient
 # Creating a pymongo client
 my_Client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
 # Getting the instance of database
 my_dBase = my_Client.database
 print("The Database has been created...")
 # Verification
 print("Databases list after creating a new one")


 The Database has been created...
 Databases list after creating a new one
 ['admin', 'config', 'database', 'local'] 

In the above example, we have imported the MongoClient object from the PyMongo package. We have then created a client of PyMongo and established a connection. Later, we have instantiated a database for the client and print a message to the user. At last, we have listed out the database names available in the client.

Note: If the database is empty, it does not get listed in MongoDB. So, if we are creating a database for the first time, it is necessary to create a collection and insert some content before verifying the existence of the database.

Creating a collection in Python

In order to create a collection in Python using the PyMongo package, we have to use the instance of the database, specifying the name for the collection we wanted to create.

Let us consider the following example demonstrating the method to create a collection.


 from pymongo import MongoClient
 # Creating a pymongo client
 my_Client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
 # Getting the instance of database
 my_dBase = my_Client.database
 # creating a collection
 my_Col = my_dBase["Employees"]
 print("The Database has been created...") 


The Database has been created...

In the above example, we have followed the same procedure as in the previous one. However, we have created a collection Employee for the instance my_dBase. This method will create the collection in MongoDB if it does not exist.

Note: We cannot create an empty collection in MongoDB.

Once the program is executed, MongoDB waits until data is inserted before creating a collection.

Thus, let us understand how to insert or add data to the database.

Inserting Data into Collection

In order to add data or records, also known as a document in MongoDB, into a collection, we have to use the insert_one() method. The insert_one() method is a dictionary holding each entry's name and value as the first parameter in the document we would like to add.

Let us consider the following example to insert an entry or record in the "Employees" collection.


 from pymongo import MongoClient
 # Creating a pymongo client
 my_Client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
 # Getting the instance of database
 my_dBase = my_Client.database
 # creating a collection
 my_Col = my_dBase["Employees"]
 # Defining a dictionary
 my_dict = {"First Name" : "Jake", "Last Name" : "Thompson"}
 # Inserting document into collection
 rec = my_Col.insert_one(my_dict)
 print("The Database has been created...") 


The Database has been created…

In the above example, we have defined a dictionary and used the insert_one() method to insert the dictionary's key-value pairs into a collection.

As an Output, the document has been added to the collection. The insert_one() method returns an InsertOneResult object, containing the inserted_id property holding the identification number for the document added.

Let us look at the following example to understand the above statement.


 from pymongo import MongoClient
 # Creating a pymongo client
 my_Client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
 # Getting the instance of database
 my_dBase = my_Client.database
 # creating a collection
 my_Col = my_dBase["Employees"]
 # Defining a dictionary
 my_dict = {"First Name" : "Jake", "Last Name" : "Thompson"}
 # Inserting document into collection
 rec = my_Col.insert_one(my_dict)
 print("The Database has been created...")
 # printing the id of the document
 print("The Document ID is", rec.inserted_id) 


 The Database has been created...
 The Document ID is 60195edd97e82c70714ca6ac 

In the above example, we have used the inserted_id property to return a unique id for the document.

Note: We can also specify an _id field in MongoDB for the document. If no ID has been specified in the _id field, then MongoDB will insert one for the user and assign a unique id to each document.

Moreover, we can insert multiple documents into a collection in MongoDB by using the insert_many() method. The insert_many() method takes a list of dictionaries with the data as the first parameter we wanted to add.

Let us see an example based on the working of the method.


 from pymongo import MongoClient
 # Creating a pymongo client
 my_Client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
 # Getting the instance of database
 my_dBase = my_Client.database
 # creating a collection
 my_Col = my_dBase["Employees"]
 # Defining a list of dictionaries
 my_dict = [
     {"First Name" : "Jake", "Last Name" : "Thompson"},
     {"First Name" : "Olivia", "Last Name" : "Smith"},    
     {"First Name" : "James", "Last Name" : "Wilson"},
     {"First Name" : "Ella", "Last Name" : "Taylor"},
     {"First Name" : "Harper", "Last Name" : "Davis"},
     {"First Name" : "Hannah", "Last Name" : "Brown"},
     {"First Name" : "Ross", "Last Name" : "Murphy"},
     {"First Name" : "Chandler", "Last Name" : "Bing"},
     {"First Name" : "Monica", "Last Name" : "Walsh"},
     {"First Name" : "Lisa", "Last Name" : "Jones"},
 # Inserting documents into collection
 rec = my_Col.insert_many(my_dict)
 print("The Database has been created...")
 # printing the ids of the document


The Database has been created...

[ObjectId('601a697e6b62feb4656f61e0'), ObjectId('601a697e6b62feb4656f61e1'), ObjectId('601a697e6b62feb4656f61e2'), ObjectId('601a697e6b62feb4656f61e3'), ObjectId('601a697e6b62feb4656f61e4'), ObjectId('601a697e6b62feb4656f61e5'), ObjectId('601a697e6b62feb4656f61e6'), ObjectId('601a697e6b62feb4656f61e7'), ObjectId('601a697e6b62feb4656f61e8'), ObjectId('601a697e6b62feb4656f61e9')]

In the above example, we have used the insert_many() method instead of using the insert_one() method. And as a result, the program has returned an InsertManyResult object with inserted_ids holding the IDs for the documents added.

We can also specify the IDs to the document. This can be understood in the following example.


 from pymongo import MongoClient
 # Creating a pymongo client
 my_Client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
 # Getting the instance of database
 my_dBase = my_Client.database
 # creating a collection
 my_Col = my_dBase["Employees"]
 # Defining a list of dictionaries
 my_dict = [
     {"_id" : 1, "First Name" : "Jake", "Last Name" : "Thompson"},
     {"_id" : 2, "First Name" : "Olivia", "Last Name" : "Smith"},    
     {"_id" : 3, "First Name" : "James", "Last Name" : "Wilson"},
     {"_id" : 4, "First Name" : "Ella", "Last Name" : "Taylor"},
     {"_id" : 5, "First Name" : "Harper", "Last Name" : "Davis"},
     {"_id" : 6, "First Name" : "Hannah", "Last Name" : "Brown"},
     {"_id" : 7, "First Name" : "Ross", "Last Name" : "Murphy"},
     {"_id" : 8, "First Name" : "Chandler", "Last Name" : "Bing"},
 # Inserting documents into collection
 rec = my_Col.insert_many(my_dict)
 print("The Database has been created...")
 # printing the ids of the document


 The Database has been created...
 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] 

In the above example, as we can see, we have inserted another key-value pair to each dictionary in the list. This key-value pair contains the _id field and a unique assigned to each dictionary.

Note: The value of ID must be unique. Two documents in a database cannot have the same _id field while inserting them into a collection.

Retrieving Documents using Python

In order to retrieve documents in MongoDB, one has to use the find_one() method. The find_one() method helps in returning the first occurrence in the selection. Moreover, we can also use the find() method to select data from the collection. This method returns all occurrences in the selection.

The find() method takes a query object as the first parameter. If the query object is empty, it will select all documents in the collection.

Let us consider the following example demonstrating the same.


 from pymongo import MongoClient
 # Creating a pymongo client
 my_Client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
 # Getting the instance of database
 my_dBase = my_Client.database
 # creating a collection
 my_Col = my_dBase["Employees"]
 print("The Database has been created...")
 # Retrieving document(s) using the find_one() method
 print("\nDetails of an Employee:")
 employee_one = my_Col.find_one()
 # Retrieving document(s) using the find() method
 print("\nDetails of all Employees:")
 for emp in my_Col.find():


 The Database has been created...
 Details of an Employee:
 {'_id': ObjectId('6019568b0970eea2d85aaad7'), 'First Name': 'Jake', 'Last Name': 'Thompson'}
 Details of all Employees:
 {'_id': ObjectId('6019568b0970eea2d85aaad7'), 'First Name': 'Jake', 'Last Name': 'Thompson'}
 {'_id': ObjectId('601a6949f9c30ddf51bece7c'), 'First Name': 'Olivia', 'Last Name': 'Smith'}
 {'_id': ObjectId('601a6949f9c30ddf51bece7d'), 'First Name': 'James', 'Last Name': 'Wilson'}
 {'_id': ObjectId('601a6949f9c30ddf51bece7e'), 'First Name': 'Ella', 'Last Name': 'Taylor'}
 {'_id': ObjectId('601a6949f9c30ddf51bece7f'), 'First Name': 'Harper', 'Last Name': 'Davis'}
 {'_id': ObjectId('601a6949f9c30ddf51bece80'), 'First Name': 'Hannah', 'Last Name': 'Brown'}
 {'_id': ObjectId('601a6949f9c30ddf51bece81'), 'First Name': 'Ross', 'Last Name': 'Murphy'}
 {'_id': ObjectId('601a6949f9c30ddf51bece82'), 'First Name': 'Chandler', 'Last Name': 'Bing'}
 {'_id': ObjectId('601a6949f9c30ddf51bece83'), 'First Name': 'Monica', 'Last Name': 'Walsh'}
 {'_id': ObjectId('601a6949f9c30ddf51bece84'), 'First Name': 'Lisa', 'Last Name': 'Jones'} 

In the above example, we have used the find_one() and find() method to retrieve the document(s) from the collection.

Sorting the Output using Python

In order to sort the output in ascending order or descending order, we have to use the sort() method. The sort() method takes two parameters, one defines the fieldname, and the other defines the direction of order.

If the second parameter is not defined, the order is Ascending by default.

The syntax for the sort() method is shown below:

Ascending Order: sort(fieldname, 1)

Descending Order: sort(fieldname, -1)

Let us consider the following example demonstrating the sorting of the Output in Ascending and Descending order.


 from pymongo import MongoClient
 # Creating a pymongo client
 my_Client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
 # Getting the instance of database
 my_dBase = my_Client.database
 # Creating a collection
 my_Col = my_dBase["Employees"]
 # Sorting the output in Ascending Order by First Name
 print("Ascending Order:")
 my_rec = my_Col.find().sort("First Name")
 for i in my_rec:
 # Sorting the output in Descending Order by First Name
 print("\nDescending Order:")
 my_rec = my_Col.find().sort("First Name", -1)
 for i in my_rec:


 Ascending Order:
 {'_id': 8, 'First Name': 'Chandler', 'Last Name': 'Bing'}
 {'_id': 4, 'First Name': 'Ella', 'Last Name': 'Taylor'}
 {'_id': 6, 'First Name': 'Hannah', 'Last Name': 'Brown'}
 {'_id': 5, 'First Name': 'Harper', 'Last Name': 'Davis'}
 {'_id': 1, 'First Name': 'Jake', 'Last Name': 'Thompson'}
 {'_id': 3, 'First Name': 'James', 'Last Name': 'Wilson'}
 {'_id': 2, 'First Name': 'Olivia', 'Last Name': 'Smith'}
 {'_id': 7, 'First Name': 'Ross', 'Last Name': 'Murphy'}
 Descending Order:
 {'_id': 7, 'First Name': 'Ross', 'Last Name': 'Murphy'}
 {'_id': 2, 'First Name': 'Olivia', 'Last Name': 'Smith'}
 {'_id': 3, 'First Name': 'James', 'Last Name': 'Wilson'}
 {'_id': 1, 'First Name': 'Jake', 'Last Name': 'Thompson'}
 {'_id': 5, 'First Name': 'Harper', 'Last Name': 'Davis'}
 {'_id': 6, 'First Name': 'Hannah', 'Last Name': 'Brown'}
 {'_id': 4, 'First Name': 'Ella', 'Last Name': 'Taylor'}
 {'_id': 8, 'First Name': 'Chandler', 'Last Name': 'Bing'} 

In the above example, we have used the find() method to retrieve the documents from the collection and use the sort() method to arrange them in ascending and descending order. And as a result, we have sorted the data by the First name.

Deleting a Document using Python

To delete one document, we have to use the delete_one() method. The delete_one() method takes a query object as the first parameter that defines the document to be deleted.

Note: If in case the query finds multiple documents, only the first occurrence will be deleted.

Let us consider the following example to delete the document with the Last Name “Davis”.


 from pymongo import MongoClient
 # Creating a pymongo client
 my_Client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
 # Getting the instance of database
 my_dBase = my_Client.database
 # Creating a collection
 my_Col = my_dBase["Employees"]
 # Deleting a document with the Last Name "Davis"
 my_query = {"Last Name" : "Davis"}
 for emp in my_Col.find():


 {'_id': 1, 'First Name': 'Jake', 'Last Name': 'Thompson'}
 {'_id': 2, 'First Name': 'Olivia', 'Last Name': 'Smith'}
 {'_id': 3, 'First Name': 'James', 'Last Name': 'Wilson'}
 {'_id': 4, 'First Name': 'Ella', 'Last Name': 'Taylor'}
 {'_id': 6, 'First Name': 'Hannah', 'Last Name': 'Brown'}
 {'_id': 7, 'First Name': 'Ross', 'Last Name': 'Murphy'}
 {'_id': 8, 'First Name': 'Chandler', 'Last Name': 'Bing'} 

In the above example, we have defined a query object as my_query, indicating the Last Name equals to Davis. Then, we have used the delete_one() method and place that query object in it. And as a result, the program searches the asked document's collection and deletes its first occurrence.

We can also delete multiple documents and all the documents using the delete_many() method. The delete_many() method also takes a query object as its first parameter that defines the documents to be deleted.

However, if we do not enter any method parameter, it will delete all the documents from the collection.

Let us consider one more example demonstrating the above statement.


 from pymongo import MongoClient
 # Creating a pymongo client
 my_Client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
 # Getting the instance of database
 my_dBase = my_Client.database
 # Creating a collection
 my_Col = my_dBase["Employees"]
 # Deleting multiple documents with J as the first letter of their First Name
 my_query = {"First Name" : {"$regex" : "^J"}}
 emp = my_Col.delete_many(my_query)
 print(emp.deleted_count, "documents are deleted.") 


2 documents are deleted.

In the above example, we have again defined another query object as my_query, indicating the First Name must start with J. We have then used the delete_many() method to remove all the asked query object's occurrence. And at the end, we have printed the total count of deleted documents.

Deleting a Collection using Python

In order to delete a table or collection as known in MongoDB, we have to use the drop() method.

Let us consider the following example demonstrating the same.


 from pymongo import MongoClient
 # Creating a pymongo client
 my_Client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
 # Getting the instance of database
 my_dBase = my_Client.database
 # Creating a collection
 my_Col = my_dBase["Employees"]
 # Deleting a Collection

In the above example, we have used the drop() method to delete the collection my_Col. Thus, as a result, it will return true if the collection has been dropped successfully, else false if the collection does not exist.