Important Difference between Python 2.x and Python 3.x with Example
The comparison between Python 2 and Python 3 is given in the article that follows. Python is a computer language that can perform more tasks than other languages and is simple to learn. Because of the data structures' exceptional efficiency, complicated operations can be expressed using short statements. Programming language beginners find it simple to use the language. Python version 1 was introduced in 1994, version 2 in 2000, and version 3 in 2008. Every revision includes updates, modifications, and a newer script for the language. Some versions have very small differences, while others have significant ones due to functional changes.
Python 2: What is it?
Python 2 simplified the process of writing code compared to earlier iterations. The Python Enhancement Proposal's technical details were implemented (PEP). Python 2.7, the final version in the 2. x series, will no longer be developed beyond 2020.
The Python 2 version does not support typing in statements because Python is not a typed language.
Python 3: What is it?
The Python programming language was updated with Python 3 in December 2008. This version was primarily provided to address Python 2 issues. Python 3 was incompatible with Python 2 due to the nature of these changes. It is inconsistent with the past.
To facilitate migration to Python 3, some Python 3 capabilities have been backported to Python 2. x versions. As a result, any business utilizing Python 2. x would need to make numerous changes to migrate their project to Python 3. x. These modifications affect all the libraries that make up the Python ecosystem and projects and apps.
Despite not having typing support in earlier versions, Python 3.5 introduced typing support, which is why some businesses prefer Python 3.
Primary Difference
- Python 2 syntax is somewhat challenging to learn; however, Python 3 syntax is simpler and easier to understand.
- Python 3 stores strings in Unicode by default, whereas Python 2 stores need you to define Unicode string values with the letter "u."
- Variable values in Python 3 never change, in contrast to Python 2, where they do when a global variable is used inside a for-loop.
- Parenthesis should be used to enclose Python 3 exceptions, while notations should be used for Python 2 exceptions.
- Python 3's ordering comparison principles are more straightforward than Python 2's, which are more complicated.
- Python 3 has the Range() method, but Python 2 uses range() to do iterations.
Why should we learn Python 2?
Despite being an outdated open-source version, Python 2 is still necessary for the following situations:
- To become a DevOps engineer, you must work with configuration management tools like puppet or ansible. You must use both of these variants in this situation.
- You will need to learn Python 2 if your company's programming is developed in that language.
- Python 2 is your only choice if your development team is working on a project that depends on particular third-party libraries or software that you cannot transfer to Python 3.
Why should we learn Python 3?
The following are the main justifications for utilizing Python 3. x:
- Modern methods like AI, machine learning, and data science are supported by Python 3.
- A sizable community of Python developers supports Python 3. Getting assistance is simple.
- Compared to prior versions, Python is simpler to learn.
- Offers Toolset and libraries that are strongly
- able to coexist with other languages
Python 3:
def main():
print("Welcome to JTP")
if __name__== "__main__":
Welcome to JTP
Python 2:
def main():
print "Welcome to JTP"
if __name__== "__main__":
Welcome to JTP
Utilize which version of Python?
Python 3 is the clear winner regarding differences between Python 2 and Python 3 nowadays. Python 2 won't be accessible after 2020, which is why. The future points toward the widespread use of Python 3.
Both versions receive their libraries. Python 2's libraries are outdated and incompatible with Python 3. Python 2 libraries are compatible with Python 3, although Python 3 libraries use their functions more inventively. It is possible to port a library from Python 2 to Python 3, although the process is difficult and time-consuming.
It is generally advised for a new developer to choose Python version 3 after taking into account the dwindling support for the Python 2 programming language and the extra benefits from upgrades to Python 3. However, the only compelling reason to adopt this version would be if a job required Python 2 capability.
- The print statement is the main distinction between the two versions. In Python 2, the print statement can be written with or without a bracket; if a bracket is used, an error will be thrown. Though we can write the print statement without the brackets in Python 3, doing so would result in a warning and problems with compilation. In Python 3, the print statement must be contained in brackets. Although there is no functional difference, readers could have trouble moving between versions.
- Python 2 simplified the process of writing code compared to earlier iterations. The Python Enhancement Proposal's technical details were implemented (PEP). Python 2.7, the final version in the 2. x series, will no longer be developed beyond 2020.
- Working as a DevOps engineer and with configuration management tools is simple with Python 2. Knowing Python 2 is required to make the appropriate language changes because outdated tools are developed in this version of the programming language. It is also challenging if one knows Python 2 because many libraries cannot be converted to Python 3. If the novice is a developer and does not use any patches or outdated tools at all in the development environment, starting with Python 3 is a smart idea. In order to aid beginners in development, Python 3 produces new versions with their needs in mind.
- Python 3 has excellent community support because it is more recent and continues to become better with each new version release. With new upgrades, development conflicts are eliminated, and versions enhance the typing language. Despite having some community support, Python 2 is not as good as Python 3. The performance of Python 2 is not growing better with the new releases, nor is the speed of compilation getting faster.
- While performing a division program in the language, there is another difference. Python 3 will produce decimal points, unlike Python 2, which will not. For instance, in Python 2, 3/2 produces the result 1, whereas, in Python 3, the result is 1.5. In Python 2, the calculation comes close to producing the entire number, but Python 3 produces the precise value. Python 3 is superior to Python 2 in integer division.
- The Python programming language was updated with the release of Python 3 in December 2008. This version was primarily provided to address Python 2 issues. Python 3 was incompatible with Python 2 due to the nature of these changes. It is irreconcilable with the past.
- Comparison rules for orders have been made simpler in Python 2.
- Ordering comparison rules in Python 3 are extremely complicated.
- Today's Python 3 version is clearly superior to Python 2 in terms of differences.
- The most recent version of Python is Python 2.7.13 for Python 2 and Python 3.8.2 for Python 3. Python 2 and Python 3 were both first made available in 2000 and 2008. Some businesses continue to support Python 2 as legacy software, but many believe Python 3 to be the programming language of the future. Python 3 is a good place for beginners to start since the majority of them will feel the need to advance rather than study an outdated language.
- Although it is not difficult, porting from Python 2 to Python 3 is not entirely reliable. Before starting a language version, it's critical to understand the needs of the business and the project.