While vs For Loop in Python
Popular high-level, all-purpose programming language Python. The new version of the Python programming language, Python 3, is used for all software applications, including web development. Python is the best programming language for newcomers and seasoned C++ and Java programmers. Python is a well-known high-level, general-purpose language used for various tasks, including web development, scraping, and GUI creation. Although many Python tutorials are many Python tutorials that go into great detail, it might not be enough for you to understand this language fully.
Features of Python Programming Language:
The most popular high-level, multipurpose programming language is Python. Python is a more extensible language. Python supports procedural paradigms. Python supports object-oriented programming paradigms. Python allows for the creation of smaller programs than languages. Like java, programmers only have to type a small amount of text, and the language’s indentation rule ensures that their code is always readable. Nearly every major tech company uses Python, including Google and YouTube.
While Loop in Python:
While a statement is Fulfilled, a little while loop will execute some code. Until a requirement is satisfied, a set of commands known as a loop is executed repeatedly. Till that situation is no longer True, it will continue to execute the specified set of code statements. A little while loop always will check the circumstance before beginning to execute. All contemporary programming languages include loops because they are helpful and frequently used. Using a loop is the best solution if you wish to automate a particular repetitive task or stop yourself from composing commonly used to represent your programs.
Let us run a code for a while loop that satisfies the condition for the given input:
num = 0
while num < 10:
print(f"Number is {num}")
num = num + 1
This code runs 10 times, using only a single statement with a condition.
Number is 0
Number is 1
Number is 2
Number is 3
Number is 4
Number is 5
Number is 6
Number is 7
Number is 8
Number is 9
Similar code with User input:
num = 0
I=int(input("Enter Input value:"))
while num < I+1:
print(f"Number is {num}")
num = num + 1
Number is 0
Number is 1
Number is 2
Number is 3
Number is 4
Number is 5
Number is 6
Number is 7
As you can see from the example above, loops frequently include a parameter whose value changes over the course of the loop. Additionally, it ultimately decides when the loop will close. You need to add this line to avoid ending with an endless loop. No updates and increments will be made to num. Since it will constantly be set to 0 and remain that way, the statement "num 10" will always be true. This indicates that the loop would then keep repeating indefinitely.
num= 0
while num < 10:
print(f"Number is {num}")
Number is 0
Number is 0
Number is 0
Number is 0
Number is 0
Number is 0
Number is 0
Number is 0
There is no do-while loop construct in Python. Meanwhile, every time a do-while loop is used, the code block is run at least once, whether or not the loop statement is fulfilled. This behavior depends on the loop condition's evaluation depends on the evaluation of the loop condition at the end of every iteration. Thus, the initial iteration always occurs.
To create a do-while loop in Python, the while loop must be slightly modified to behave similarly to a do-while loop in other programming languages. Remember that a do-while loop will execute at least once. It will start running once the requirement is satisfied. Contrarily, the while loop doesn't execute at least at first when and might never do so. Let’s take an instance where we require a line of code to execute at least once whenever the condition is satisfied and only when it runs.
For loop:
A for loop is used when iterating over a sequence that is either a list, tuple, dictionary, set, or string. This functions more like an iterator method found in other object-oriented computer languages and is less such as the for a keyword used in other programming languages. We can run a set of statements for each item in a list, tuple, set, etc., using the for a loop once.
A sample code using for loop using the list.
list = ["apple", "mango", "grapes"]
for index in range(len(list)):
print("Inside Else Block")
Inside Else Block
It is not necessary to initialize it again in the particular instance of a loop because it is initialized once at the beginning. But in a while loop, we must manually initialize the loop by selecting a variable and then altering it (incrementing, decrementing, multiplying, etc.) as necessary.