How to learn python Online
Need to Learn a Programming Language
1. To get a high Paying job
We know that Software Engineering is one of the top-paying professions in the world. The top criteria to be a Software Engineer and essential thing is to learn a Programming Language that can be C++, Java, or Python being the favourite choices among candidates and employers.
2. Work from Home
These days after the Pandemic hit the world badly, everybody is becoming more and more health-conscious, so during the lockdown across various countries in the Coronavirus outbreak Software Engineering Profession, unlike other laid-off employees, the top product-based companies paid their employees even more and encouraged them to work from home. Since then, the Work from-home culture has seen a rise in acceptance, and as a better alternative than going to the office on-road, Train and even migrating to other countries is now not necessary it is optional. It may even be ignored as a choice in the future; who knows!
3. Logical hinking and Analytical ability
Programming Languages help us build our Logical and Analytical abilities to us. It is because we are working with a machine, not a human, and machines are always calculative, always right and fast, so to interact with an entity which is super-efficient all the time, we even have to push our limits to be as good as or if possible, as near as the machines are in efficiency.
4. It develops problem-solving skills.
The world is filled with problems, and the world rewards the people who can solve them. Being Software-Engineers, it is our responsibility to Solve the Software problems that people are facing by interacting with purely logical machines; while working with a machine, one faces as many as hundreds of issues each day, and the best part is we always overcome them which enhances our problem-solving skills which are helpful not only in the professional life but also in our personal lives as well.
5. Start your Firm
It is the dream of many 21st century folks not to work under anyone or at least be independent at some point in life, so to start your company; it is essential to learn a programming language because the world today is operating with Technology, and every business has become a Tech business or a Tech-enabled Business.
Why Python?
Python code is simple. It is almost like typing English but is an actual code that the machine understands. It is one of the type choices among students these days when it comes to learning programming. It is the widely used dynamic scripting programming language developed by Guide Van Russo in 1991. It has one very unique feature like being Open source code, Simple and very easy to grasp and learn Scalable language.
Essential topics to Learn in Python
Whether you are a beginner learning a programming language or an experienced developer planning to switch to another language as a requirement, the topics listed below will help you.
Data types
- List, string, tuple, dictionary, sets
- Defining, accessing, modifying.
- Different operations like append, delete, insert, and reverse.
- List and dictionary comprehension
Conditions and loops
- if, elif and else condition
- loops: for and while
- break and continue statements
- Range and enumerate
- Boolean, arithmetic and comparison operators
- Defining a function
- Function with and without parameters
- Returning and printing a value from a function
- Creating a class
- init and other methods in class
- Global and local variables
- Oops concepts.
- Object creation
Other additional advanced topics
- Exception handing
- Regular expression
- lambda, map, reduce and filter
- pandas
- threading
Best Resources to Learn Python
a. Python official Website
Python foundation has its website in which the whole documentation of the Python programming language along with simple to understand examples are given; you can always refer to it.
b. JavaTpoint
JavaTpoint is one of the most trusted websites for learning to Code or learning about other technology-related content; the blogs written here are easy to grasp and understand in a short time.
c. YouTube
There are thousands of YouTube channels available these days to teach you Python for free, and it has become so widespread that they have even become available in your local languages. Free code camp and Code with harry are the top choices, to name a few.