Hashing Algorithm in Java
The hashing algorithm is a method that maps data to the fixed-length hash. The Java hash-based algorithm employs a cryptographic mathematical operation. A hash technique or hash function is supposed to be yet another function. One approach implies that inverting is not feasible, i.e., obtaining the previous number from the hashed is impossible.
The Hashing Algorithm's Property
must include the following properties in a decent hashing algorithm:
- data should be hashed quickly using the hashing method.
- The method should prevent regenerating the message based on the hashing value obtained (one way).
- Within no point in time should the two signals utilize the same hash. To put it another way, the hashing method must prevent collisions.
- Because even when minor changes are made to the text, the hash function must change. The avalanche effect is what it's called.
The characteristics of Hashing Algorithm
A decent hashing algorithm should have the following properties:
Any data must be hashed quickly using the hashing method.
The algorithm should prevent regenerating a message based on its hash function (one way).
At no moment in time should the two signals have the same hash. To put it another way, the hashing method must prevent collisions.
Whenever the message changes even a little, the hash value must update. It's referred to as the avalanche effect.
Kinds of Hashing Algorithms
Some examples of hash functions are shown below.
The MD5 Algorithm
The Secure Hashing Method
The PBKDF2withHmacSHA1 Approach
The MD5 Algorithm
The Message-Digest Algorithms (MD5) is a popular hash functions algorithm that gives a hash value of 16 bytes (128 bits). It is really basic and straightforward. The fundamental idea is to translate data sets of varying lengths to large datasets of fixed length.
To do this, the received message is divided into 512-bit chunks. Extra space is attached to the end so it may split its length by 512. The blocks are already digested using the MD5 technique, which works in the 128-bit state, yielding a 128-bit hash value. The hash produced by the MD5 method is typically a 32-digit hexadecimal value.
// this program for MD5 algorithm implementation in java
//importing the packages required
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
// the class
public class MD5
public static String getMd5(String inputs)
//calling the MessageDigest class's static getInstance() method
//Notice the MD5Algoparameter.
MessageDigest msgDsts = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
//The digest() function is called to generate the digest
//from such an inputs digest() and produces an array of bytes.
byte[] msgArrs = msgDsts.digest(inputs.getBytes());
// the signum for the given array
BigInteger bit = new BigInteger(1, msgArrs);
// the number is then converted to hexadecimal form
String hshtxts = bit.toString(16);
while (hshtxts.length() < 32)
hshtxts = "0" + hshtxts;
return hshtxts;
// for the handling of the exception
catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException abcd)
throw new RuntimeException(abcd);
// main section of the program
public static void main(String s[]) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
String string = "Google";
String hashs = getMd5(string);
string = "'Google'";
System.out.println("The Formed HashCode for " + string + " is: " + hashs);
The Formed HashCode for 'Google' is: 8b36e9207c24c76e6719268e49201d94
MD5 Algorithm Inaccuracies
The MD5 algorithm is a common hashing method. It is because it generates a hash quickly and is simple to implement. The algorithm, unfortunately, contains security vulnerabilities. The hashes produced by this technique are quite weak. This approach is also prone to collisions. As a result, there is a good likelihood that two distinct passwords will yield identical hashes.
It is advised to add salt to make the MD5 algorithm more secure.
MD5 using Salt Algorithm
Salt strengthens and secures the MD5 algorithm. A salt is just some random text that is appended to a string before the MD5 algorithm analyzes it. Should note that salt is not exclusive to the MD5 algorithm. May also use it those other hashing methods. The example shows how to use salt with the MD5 algorithm.
// this program for MD5 algorithm implementation in java
//importing the packages required
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.security.NoSuchProviderException;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
public class MD5SaltEx.java
public static byte[] receiveSalt() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
SecureRandom secRands = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
// a salt
byte[] sa = new byte[15];
// the result of the random values of the salt
// returning the salt value
return sa;
// obtaining the credential hash function using the MD5 algorithm and the salt array
private static String getSecurePswd(String psdToHashs, byte[] saltArrs)
// string for storing up the value
String generatedPswds = null;
// an object is created for MessageDigest
MessageDigest msgDigests = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
// the password is then added
// the result of the hash function
byte[] b1 = msgDigests.digest(psdToHashs.getBytes());
// The b[] includes bytes in decimal number
// It is being converted to binary code.
StringBuilder sbObjs = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < b1.length ; i++)
sbObjs.append(Integer.toString((b1[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1));
// the password in the form of hexadecimal
generatedPswds = sbObjs.toString();
// the condition for the exception
catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException object)
return generatedPswds;
// main section of the program
public static void main(String argvs[]) throws NoSuchProviderException
String strs = "Google"; // the string input
byte[] saltArrs = receiveSalt();
String securePsd = getSecurePswd(strs, saltArrs);
System.out.println("The Converted Hashcode for " + strs + " is: " + securePsd);
String regeneratedPswdToVerify = getSecurePswd(strs, saltArrs);
System.out.println("The Converted Hashcode for " + strs + " is: " + securePsd);
The Converted Hashcode for Google is: 9d59edae8facc1ffb2e9d9cf9d12bcc7
The Converted Hashcode for Google is: 9d59edae8facc1ffb2e9d9cf9d12bcc7
Note: Always remember that the salt value must be kept for every single password scrambled. This is because whenever the user logs again into the system, they may use the initial salt to ensure that the hash produced matches the saved hash. If the customer does not utilize the appropriate salt, the resulting hash will not reflect the cached hash, which may result in a login failure.
Algorithm for SHA
The Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) is a cryptographic algorithm. The method is comparable to MD5. On the other hand, the SHA method generates significantly stronger hashes than the MD5 method. The hashes created by the SHA algorithm are not unique, meaning they may collide. Therefore, the collision rate in SHA is substantially lower than in MD5. The SHA algorithm has four Java interpretations.
SHA-1 is the most basic SHA. It generates 20 bytes (160 bits).
SHA-256 is a far more secure algorithm than SHA-1. It generates a hash using 256 bits.
SHA-384 - SHA-384 becomes much more advanced than SHA-256 and produces a 384-bit hash.
SHA-512 is the most powerful of the SHA algorithms. It creates a 512-bit hash.
As a result, the greater the hash, the harder the hash. It signifies that breaking a hash of a bigger magnitude is difficult.
The construction of SHA - 256 is shown in the given description.
// this program for SHA-256 algorithm implementation in java
//importing the packages required
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
public class SHAExamples
public static byte[] obtainSHA(String s) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
// The static getInstance() function is called using the hashing algorithm SHA-256
MessageDigest msgDgsts = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
//and the digest() method is called to estimate the message digest of the inputs
//and it outputs an array of bytes.
return msgDgsts.digest(s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
public static String toHexStr(byte[] hashs)
// the conversion of the byte array
BigInteger nos = new BigInteger(1, hash);
// the value is converted to hexadecimal
StringBuilder hexStrs = new StringBuilder(nos.toString(16));
// the left padding of the number
while (hexStrs.length() < 32)
hexStrs.insert(0, '0');
return hexStrs.toString();
// main section of the java program
public static void main(String argvs[])
System.out.println("For characters, the HashCode generated by the SHA-256 algorithm is: ");
String strs= "Google";
String hashs = toHexStr(obtainSHA(strs));
System.out.println("\n" + str + " : " + hashs);
strs = "Programming Languages.";
hashs= toHexStr(obtainSHA(strs));
System.out.println("\n" + strs + " : " + hashs);
catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException object)
System.out.println("Error found for the algorithm: " + object);
For characters, the HashCode generated by the SHA-256 algorithm is:
Google : ce770667e5f9b0d8f55367bb79419689d90c48451bb33f079f3a9a72ae132de8
Programming Languages. : 2a37d18dfa442debe9c374cd80f77bc7128d4e8fbf55af19d3f6f49f13443949
Algorithm for PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1
We've learned how to 's protective hashes and sometimes even make them extra secure by using salt. Technology is far faster than any password that can be hacked quickly, even using brute force assault.
A popular solution for this issue is to make the brute-force attack assault slower to minimize harm. The PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 algorithm is based on the same idea. The goal is to develop a hash algorithm that is slow enough even to postpone the threats. On the other hand time, it must be quick enough to avoid any substantial delay in creating hashes for the user. The algorithm's parameter is an including (also known as a labor factor) or repetition count. The work count value impacts how fast the hashing is. The more valuable this publicly verifiable work factor, the more economical the device.
// this program for SHA-256 algorithm implementation in java
//importing the packages required
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.security.*;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
import java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException;
public class PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1Ex
// main section of the program
public static void main(String argvs[]) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException
// password to be hashed
String orgPasswords = "@Google";
String createdSecuredPasswordHashs = createStrongPasswordHash(orgPasswords);
private static String createStrongPasswordHash(String password) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException
// the variable is used for initialing the number of iterations
int i = 50;
char[] charArray = password.toCharArray();
byte[] saltArray = obtainSalt();
PBEKeySpec pbeSpec = new PBEKeySpec(charArray, saltArray, i, 64 * 8);
// the hashing method
SecretKeyFactory secKeyFacts = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1");
byte[] hashArray = secKeyFacts.generateSecret(pbeSpec).getEncoded();
return i + ": " + intoHex(saltArray) + ":" + intoHex(hashArray);
// the salt of the program
private static byte[] obtainSalt() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
SecureRandom secRands = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
byte[] saltArray = new byte[16];
return saltArray;
// the method for converting to the hexadecimal form
private static String intoHex(byte[] array) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
BigInteger bInte = new BigInteger(1, array);
String hexString = bInte.toString(16);
int paddingLens = (array.length * 2) - hexString.length();
if(paddingLens > 0)
return String.format("%0" + paddingLens + "d", 0) + hexString;
return hex string;
50: 5a4c513aca61915d6a8b0dc25eb2fdbe
Uses of Hashing
Detecting Duplicates: The basic concept of scrambling is that the same source yields the same password. As a result, if two passwords are the same, it implies that the inputs are similar.
Message Digest: Communication digests are used to keep data safe. For example, if we save our information in the cloud, we must also verify that they are not tampered with by others. To do so, locate and preserve the hash of files saved in the cloud that used a hashing method. Calculate the hash of the file again when it is retrieved from the cloud. If the produced hash equals the previously created hash, the files are not tempered.
Compilation Operation: Keywords (such as while, for, int, if, else, switch, and so on) are dealt with separately from the other variables. The computer distinguishes other variables and keywords by putting them in a collection. A hash table is used to construct the set.
Structures of Data: In database systems, hash tables are widely utilized. Hash tables are used in almost all database systems that enable key-value pairs.