Virtual Function in Java
In the Operated Oriented Programming language, a virtual function or virtual method is a collection of functions that overrides the functionality of a function in an inheriting class with the same syntax to create polymorphism.
The location of a virtual function in a Programming language is a problem for developers switching over from C++ to Java. The virtual function is specified in C++ using the virtual keyword. However, Java implements it differently. In C++, view Virtual function.
Object-oriented programming Java supports OOPs concepts like polymorphism, inheritance, encapsulation, etc. Objects, classes, and member functions are the foundation for all these ideas. Except for final, static, and private functions, which can be used to enable polymorphism, most example methods in Java are regarded as related to creating by default.
How the virtual function can be used in Java
Java does not use virtual keywords to define virtual methods; rather, the virtual functions and methods are implemented by using different methodologies:
- We may replace the virtual function with the inherited class method to use the same name. Typically, the parental class defines the virtual function, and the inheriting class overrides it.
- A class name is where the virtual function is expected to be implemented. Using the connection or pointer from the class name, we can access it by pointing to the item of the subclass.
- The title and arguments of a virtual function must be identical in both the base class and any derived classes.
- An IS-A association used to specify the class structure in inherited is required again for virtual function.
- Since private functions cannot be modified, the virtual function can sometimes be private.
- Since final methods could become overridden, a virtual function or a method could not be finalised.
- A virtual method shouldn't be static because static functions can't be overridden.
- Each non-static method within Java is defined as a virtual function.
- Implementing oops principles like real-time polymorphism by using virtual functions is possible.
Consider a small program for better understanding:
import java.util.*;
//Parent class
class Animal {
void eating() //declaring the eating() function
System.out.println("In the Animal class");
public class Dog extends Animal // Inheriting the Parent Class
void eating() // The function eating() is overrided from the Parent(Animal) class
System.out.println("This is the Dog class");
public static void main(String args[]){
Animal obj1 = new Dog(); //By using Animal class the child class(Dog) is get referenced
In the above example program, the virtual function eating() is used for overriding the Dog class.
Every accessible, non-static, and non-final procedure in Java is a virtual function. Polymorphism can be obtained by using these techniques. The techniques for achieving polymorphism could never be virtual functions.
The virtual function should not be a fixed, final, or private method. The class or object names could be used to call a static method. Although if we attempt, it will not be capable of achieving the polymorphism.
Java Interface as a Virtual function
In Java, a class types template known as an interface contains static variables and abstraction methods. Since the following classes provide the method implementations, all Java connections are treated as virtual functions.
The below example is about the interface:
interface Vehicle{
void display();
public class Alto implements Vehicle{
public void display()
System.out.println("Alto car");
public static void main(String args[]){
Alto obj = new Alto();
The above example can execute the interface method by implementing the Alto class.
Pure Virtual Function
Derived class function refers to a virtual function we do not need to implement. For instance, Java's Abstraction method is indeed a wholly virtual function.
The below example will describe the Pure Virtual Function:
abstract class Teacher {
final void teaching() //method of abstract class
System.out.println("1 st teacher");
abstract void explain(); // it is the pure abstract method
class Principal extends Teacher //Parent class is the Principal
void explain(){
System.out.println("My teacher is explaining well");
public class Demo //main class
public static void main(String args[]){
Teacher obj = new Principal(); //an object obj is created for Demo class
The explain() method in the above program is the pure virtual function.
Runtime Polymorphism
A call to a function that has been overridden is processed through runtime polymorphism instead of compilation time. Rather than a reference variable when using dynamic polymorphism, a function will be called. Dynamic polymorphism could be accomplished using virtual functions.
class Programming{
public void display() // it is the virtual function in class Programming
System.out.println("welcome to this world");
public class Placements extends Programming{
public void display() // the method of child class(Placements)
System.out.println("The best method for cracking placements.");
public static void main(String args[]){
Programming obj = new Placements(); //an object obj is created
From the program above, we can use the Virtual function for dynamic Polymorphism.
Consider these factors when using Java's Virtual function:
- The Virtual Function is a typical Java method.
- To design the virtual function, we aren't supposed to declare any specific description.
- Java does not use virtualised keywords to specify the imaginary function.
- The virtual function must be created in the subclass using the same title in the parent class, and the parent class reference is employed to refer to an object of the derived classes.
- Except for final, static, and private functions, all Java prototype methodologies are considered virtual functions.